First, to people who are e-mailing in apologies--
Since Mandy's still in the hospital we may not be able to answer every e-mail coming in immediately--but, in general, folks sending apologies for supporting, retweeting or otherwise signal-boosting Tom Hatfield's now-discredited smear job on us:
We appreciate that you are apologizing, that's big of you and provides an all-too-rare example of these dumb online things resulting in a little self-examination. However, we do ask that if you're making an apology you make it public.
We realize that most of this is down to people just wanting to reflexively back up their friends and that's not entirely a bad thing to do--but the mistake was public, so the attempt to fix it needs to be as well.
A situation where dozens or maybe hundreds of isolated trans- kids on Tumblr think their favorite game hates them just because of Tom Hatfield is not ok. And you can make that right--but not with a message that just sits in my or Mandy's inbox and doesn't go out in the world.
P.S. For those who asked: Mandy's doing alright, second feeding tube in, in less pain today but still under observation. We've been able to pay a few games via G+ and watch some movies so it's been alright. Thanks to everybody who ran those. Also: the new wheelchair did finally show up and is awesome.
And Now Back To Our Regularly Scheduled Program…
As much as possible I try to hand-draw dungeons for the home group--but for the online game I use alotta tricks.
Chris H (human monk) recently out together a list of all the dungeons and fortresses that've come up in that online game in the past couple years. Since it's a sandbox game and most I thought it might be fun to run through them and how I threw them together.
Jackalman Fortress in Cobalt Reach
*gnolls, actually
Construction: Exterior was from the random fortress generator--inside was like a circle with a handful of squares in it based on one of those sketchy "fortress with (number) (kind of dude) lead by a (number) level (alignment) (sorcerer/fighter) descriptions in Carcosa.
Result: Full on siege--successful
Fortress of the guy we turned in to a Lich*--(Baron Vorgus)
*demilich, actually
Construction: Ditto, exterior was from the random fortress generator- then made a tiny 3 level sketch map that connected to the Echo Palace (see below). Like 3 rooms had a special stuff, the rest was just whatever monsters were in the warband.
Result: Joined besieging army, then took over.
Library of the Snakemen
Construction: This was barely a place--just the idea of a vertical shaft library with Librarians/serpentmen/reptile women in it.
Result: Went down a few runs, then ran out.
Dungeon Under Baron Vorgus' Fortress
Construction: Actually just a portion of the Echo Palace (see below).
Result: Took it over.
Dungeon Where Mandy Helped Us Fight Lots Of Bad Guys
Result: Went about 1/4 of the way in, got some treasure, fought some dudes, left.
Echo Palace of Omnithroxia
Construction: Heavily modified Caverns of Thracia. I went through and modified it by hand for weeks before for use in my home game.
Result: They did about half to 3/4 of it then it got destroyed during the Slow War. They were there forever.
Bellet Osc (Hex King's Palace)
Construction: Mostly index cards--the laid over an image from the Book of Kells, which provided the layout.
Result: Halfway finished, then got driven off by run-ins with white orcs and cannibal mermaids
Giant's House
Construction: One giant upstairs room, one giant downstairs room
Result: Squishing
Salamander Cave
Construction: Random rooms from the DIY D&D community's megalist, re-themed to match salamanders
Result: 3 rooms in, then fled
Island of Warring Goblins Tower Defense & Dungeon Assault
Construction: Random rooms, re-themed
Result: Pretty well scraped
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Witch's Isle Dungeon
Construction: Random rooms, re-themed
Result: They never did find the beholder...
Battle of Nornrik
Construction: Basically Doctor Doom's castle from the Marvel Super Heroes FASERIP Dr Doom supplement with a few oddities thrown in and the eye of a god in the tower.
Result: A long battle but a total victory in the end.
Half-Orc Knight's Castle (where Sir Ward died)
Construction: Sarum Castle from the Great Pendragon Campaign
Result: Eventually saw all of it after getting Sir Ward killed in a hostage situation.
Naga's Dungeon
Construction: Random dungeon
Result: Success
Inside Vorn
Construction: An old dungeon from the I Hit It WIth My Axe era, literally inside the body of a god.
Result: Went a few rooms in, then fled.
The Glass Tower
Construction: From an old Al Qadim supplement
Result: Flew up, stole a thing, ran.
The Arcology of Cyanotica Bast
Construction: Heavily modified Seclusium
Result: Saw about 80% of it, largely on account of a demon refusing to let them leave.
Arcology of Nithrinn Poxx
Construction: Another Seclusium
Result: Saw about 25-40% during a siege, managed to replace the owner with a mind flayer
Abu Zin Zeer
Construction: Doctor Doom's palace again
Result: Searched until they found a horrible mechabeholder
The Castle of those Asshole Elves That Kidnapped Malice
Construction: The outside was the random fortress generator, the inside connected to the Echo Palace.
Result: Malice managed to escape his captors & hook up with the rest of the party in the Echo Palace.
Temple of the Winds
Construction: Top level--index cards, lower level: random dungeon
Result: Lost a cleric of Manpac but otherwise most of it got seen. Except the door with the thing screaming "daddy" behind it.
My well wishes.
I think I should recycle maps in that way and mix them up.
I know libel is harder to prove in the U.S., but in Australia some of what that guy said would be libel, unless he could prove it was true.
Our very best to you both from me and The Missus!
- chirine
I've been away from gaming for a bit but now I'm meandering my way back in... only to find this ridiculous bullshit taking place. It's a colossal disappointment to see the effort and time that you've put into what is obviously a labor of love being repaid with such petty jealousy and preadolescent tribalism.
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