There was another RPG scandal recently--either an author at (performatively woke publisher) Onyx Path author and moderator at (performatively woke forum) RPGnet is a rapist
or RPGnet let someone go wild with false rape accusations against a moderator and author on their site and just twiddled their thumbs in return, doing nothing to address it, then kicked the guy out.
(Oh and Edit: sexual improprieties happened at
Blue Rose publisher Green Ronin just now too.)
And before that there was the sexual harassment.
And the other rapist on RPGnet.
And before that there was the stealing money from freelancers and Kickstarter backers.
And the sexist ads.
And the libel.
It's customary at this point for people to write screeds about how
backward the community is and how nerds are insular and resist change and how We Need To Do Something but............that is all spitting straight into a firehose.
This will never end.
The RPG community--at least online--
will always have an abusive shitshow going on and if you want to make game stuff you gotta come to terms with that.
Because 90% of the vocal people in it are one of these kinds of people:
The RPG Dude Who Just Wants To Roll And Is So Sick Of This Drama!!
This guy likes playing! This guy sees the RPG community as a resource (which it, among other things, is) and dips in and gets online to find something useful to use--or to buy--or maybe even to think about--and then takes it back to a game table somewhere. "Why" this guy wonders "can't everyone do the same? Why does anyone ever have a problem ever?"
This guy will never change because despite all of this
he can't stop talking about how much he hates drama. He talks about it pretty much constantly and about how silly he finds it. He does not get that this is, in itself,
extending the drama (it makes more people ask about it and more people know about it and more people voice opinions about it--which
is The Drama in a nutshell).
But you couldn't possibly convince him of that because that would deny him the ability to come grouse about these highfalutin RPG folk and their drama and therefore deny him the ability to sell his salt-of-the-earth self-image of himself
to himself as somehow noble and not just willfully ignorant about like, maybe, genuine abuse his clicks and dollars pay for?
Paradoxically, suggesting he then shut up about the drama and just go ahead and access the parts of the community that he and his game table actually benefit from makes him feel angry like Holy Shit is someone
telling me what to do? And this creates drama.
Popcorn Guy
Popcorn guy thinks of himself a lot like salt-of-the-earth Just Wants To Roll guy, but is one notch more self-aware--he actually
enjoys watching people fight online and will admit it to himself and say so. Sometimes he even helps by trolling or tossing trollbait or writing anonymous messages to folks he knows will attribute them to the people they're fighting with. It's all in good fun. :D !
Popcorn Guy will
never change because he's got nothing else. He fundamentally decided long ago not to have a life. Popcorn guy's idea of entertainment is--let's look at this objectively--not even Dungeons and Dragons but
watching strangers argue about Dungeons and Dragons on his computer. This guy literally has such a low bar for an interesting life that
there is no greater social reward you could offer him that would be more important than the glee of watching innocent people fend off crazy accusations online. Ending this would leave them only with their basement and their copy of Fate Core.
Cool Game Guy
Unlike the precious Guys, Cool Game Guy has produced interesting things. Cool Game Guy probably has a degree in something and has some life experiences, Cool Game Guy's takes on the drama are often nuanced and well-informed and take into account wider conflicts outside RPGs and consider social meanings and contexts--Cool Game Guy will write something and it will strike fellow Cool Game Guys as sane and middle-of-the-road and honest.
Cool Game Guy knows the history of games and maybe writing and art and knows that the quality of the work and the quality of the human do not always go hand-in-hand. Cool Game Guy has perspective and thinks y'all should just
calm down.
However, Cool Game Guy will also never change anything because in the end Cool Game Guy tends to forget that they have (and benefit tremendously from having) an audience, which includes, you know, some people who are also smart and maybe even women and not-white people and queer people and people who do out-there stuff, due to people who stuck their necks out wayyyyyy farther than Cool Game Guy ever will. And if Cool Game Guy ever takes a risk,
they The Cool Guy themselves will be stuck at the center of a drama they'll be damned if they don't fight and damned if they do.
Cool Game Guy will never accept that there are some things worth being aggressive and confrontational about because to do so would relinquish the sort of distance and ivory towerness and "perspective" that allows Cool Game Guy to make pronouncements that sound icily profound and get shared by all the other guys who have little enough skin in the game that a very eloquent "do nothing" sounds like legit advice.
This remove will serve Cool Game Guy well when he eventually becomes Professional Game Guy who can feel however they want about the drama but needs to avoid talking about it or telling the truth at all costs because the market will only punish them for caring about anyone else but themself.
Concerned Sadface
The Sadface insists they are
not a member of any "outrage brigade"! The Sadface has
feelings and doesn't understand why they don't have the right to have
feelings! The Sadface insists they don't have an agenda! They just feel a certain way! And they want everyone to know that they feel that way about a specific person even if that sounds like a very specific accusation in a public place of what that person did that they can't prove and in fact isn't true just something they heard that makes them mad!
The Sadface believes in
friendship and will support their
friends and never
ever check to see if their friends are telling the truth or whether the friends that they support are the exact kind of toxic people that they make abstracts complaints about all the time.
The Sadface talks a lot about
empathy--but only for the people who play the same game as them or who talk about issues in the same language as them.
The Sadface will never change because The Sadface, above all,
does not have the emotional energy to deal with tedious details like who said what when or did what when or whether the people that they're
mad at (as opposed to the people they're
mad on behalf of) are actually human beings. Paying too much attention to
details about
people they've decided to attack freaks them out and makes them cry. The only way The Sadface could ever change is:
1--Get enough therapy to realize that they have made some mistakes which extend the very abusive practices they rail against, and
2--Take the desperate and frightening step of risking actually pushing some of their friends away because those friends have done shitty things.
Current developments at RPGnet and Onyx Path and Green Ronin probably make The Concerned Sadface feel like the whole RPG community is a toxic mess and nothing is good (!!!?!), because they can't actually acknowledge the much scarier truth: a lot of the RPG community is just fine, the Sadface just had terrible judgment and has been backing the wrong horses for years because these wrong horses made the right noises about justice and safeness and played right into Sadface's fear of looking too deep into anything.
Righteous Troll
The Righteous Troll knows that what they're doing is
technically dishonest but they've decided this is a war. They have a Nietzschean code--even though of course they never say that, because Nietzsche is for basic white boys and the righteous troll is Woke As Fuck. The answer to anyone disagreeing with them is a glib dismissal followed by trying to dunk on them in front of as wide an audience as possible. Who cares if you got the right guy? The point is you launched the drone strike and everybody felt good about it, not that it landed on the target or improved anything.
The righteous troll believes that they are a chaotic good vigilante in a war of all against all where the only possible way (or at least the only possible
easy way) to get more justice (or at least more attention) is to be constantly, achingly dishonest in order to mobilize those earnest Sadfaces against people you don't like.
This Righteous Troll will never change because there's literally nowhere else for them to go. Changing their schtick or leaving games for some other place would be impossible because the only things on their resume are obnoxious troll skills and social capital they developed in front of a vanishing audience who was like 13 at the time and thought griefing people about Mega Man X was cool.
Going "Oh fuck, I just made up random shit about people for liking games I don't know for 10 years sorry everyone" just isn't practical at that point. Pretending they
didn't just use accusations about rape, racism and sexuality as a political football against internet strangers for most of their adult life is probably the only thing keeping them from committing suicide.
The Professional
The Professional doesn't much contribute to the drama, it's true--except occasionally paying people who create it to stay in the business (which is probably the greatest most concrete contribution to the drama that you could make actually, if you think about it.)
The Professional doesn't want to take sides despite the fact that of course the Professional has created things and the space to do create these things was the result of people having stridently taken sides in times past.
On the one hand it's hard to blame The Professional for not playing a game that will only cost them money and which will only earn them hate and pain and lose them followers or fans--on the other hand the tragedy of it is The Professionals are the only ones who could genuinely solve these problems all by themselves without collective action. They are the only people with the reach and perceived moral authority to go "Hey! Quit beating on each other you little assholes!"
And this will never change because there just isn't enough money in the RPG business to get The Professionals to risk even a fraction of what they make taking a stand against someone who is causing trouble for all the little people.
So, yeah, this is your game community. Because you asked for it.
As with everything else: If you didn't vote, you can't complain.