Step 1
Cut the entire text below the map and paste it into a word processor--without reading it first!
Step 2
Use the Find-Replace function to replace each of the descriptive terms below in italics with one that fits your setting in the text throughout the entire document. So, like if you were running an Egyptian setting you could replace ~MainVillain with "MummyLich" or ~InterestingSubstance with "blood from the sun".
Step 3
Enlarge the map and read your new dungeon. Report any bugs here.
Step 4
Pick an entrance (north or south) and run it
Step 5
Repeat and alter method as needed.
![]() |
Map based on a free one from Paratime Designs |
The sound of the ~ThingThatMakesNoiseConstantlyAndAMonsterCanFitInIt is audible throughout if PCs enter through the north entrance. The ceilings are ~NumberBetween4And10 feet high.
Check for wandering monsters every 3 game minutes or whenever PCs make a lot of noise, roll d10:
1-2 d6 ~Vermin
3-4 d4 ~HumanoidType1 s (with keys to green locks)
5 1 Giant Collecting ~CrawlingInsect looking to kill PCs and steal their ~ThingsPeopleLoseInADungeon
6-10 Nothing
1 Stairs to surface/next level
2 ~BeautifulCreature-It is a foot tall & eerily beautiful. It is harmless. If unmolested, it will continue to roam the halls.
3 Fragments of a dazzling ~InterestingSubstance mosaic, very damaged, are here--a landscape with only a pair of white legs ending in hooves are visible so far.
Pieces of the mosaic can be found throughout the dungeon, and will fuse to the wall if placed on the mosaic.
The true form of the mosaic is of ~DeadAncientHero of the ~kindofancienthumanoidcivilization on a horse--and assembling it will create a work of art worth PC level x 1000gp, however it is possible to construct false forms by accident or design.
Existing mosaic+humanoid upper body = a demon. The ~PowerfulDemonicCreature in 76 will begin calling anyone present to it. Save vs spell.
Existing mosaic+missing front horse legs+human upper body = centaur. Each round, violent madness will be inflicted on whichever party member rolls the lowest on a d20 until they leave the room.
Missing pieces are in rooms 19, 87, 50
4 This ~GoblinTypeCreature is intelligent & can speak but does not show it because it fears ~ANounThatDescribesSomethingThatMightHappenIfYouTalkToAPerson It seeks the ~FunnyButValuableObject in room 21
5 Dead ~HumanoidType1
6 Monster in 7 can be heard from here
7 ~BigFuckingMagicMonster It is too large to leave the room. Drinks from well
8 Three ~HumanoidType1 s looking for ~ImportantPrisoner
9 Echoing corridor
10 Statue of ~CreepyGod --vandalized. d6 dead ~HumanoidType1 s with a ~SmallWarAnimal here dead in the center of the triangle, apparently dragged from 25. The triangle will slowly devour them over the course of an hour, at which point the statue will come to life and seek out the ~PowerfulDemonicCreature in room 75.
11 ~SkulkingMonster inside a ~ThingThatMakesNoiseConstantlyAndAMonsterCanFitInIt
12 Nonfunctional ~ThingThatMakesNoiseConstantlyAndAMonsterCanFitInIt
13 -Junk everywhere, vial of ~SomethingYouMightFindInAVial
14 As soon as the PCs enter this room the ~InconveniencingEffectThatThePCsWillWantToDeactivateButWhichWillNotMakeTheAdventureBoringWhenActivated will activate.
A wizard will recognize the effect as a product of a special curse that can be removed on the request of a specific livingmaster (the ~MasterMindMonster )
15 Kitchen. Pots, pans, the usual. There is a brick oven & a small pantry closet. A halfling could fit in it.
16 This room is full of ~ThingsTheMastermindMonsterWouldCollect that the
~MastermindMonster has collected.
The columns here look weak and can be destroyed with 30 pts of damage. The ceiling will cave in.
17 2 identical statues. One made of ~CommonSubstance one made of ~InterestingSubstance
18 There is a ~MusicalInstrument here worth 2500gp. Playing it for the first time will cause monster in room 7 to break out and crash through the rooms, collapsing the ceilings until it gets to the player.
19 Library. Full of ~MildlyExoticInformationStorageDevices
-humanoid upper body mosaic pieces from the mosaic in room 3
20 Hall. 11 small portrait paintings. One of each of ~AnyIntelligentCreatureInTheDungeon's sisters. They
are worth d20 x 100gp to collectors with unusual tastes
21 Paladin of ~CreepyGod fighting ~HumanoidType1 wizard in desperate battle
~FunnybutValuableObject. Worth 600gp.
22 Empty cells.
23 Old dining room. Three paintings here: each eight feet wide, worth 2000 gp each.
24 WC
25 Dying Priest of ~CreepyGod, just finished pulling foes to room 10
~MastermindMonster. It is disguised as ~SomethingSmallAndAliveAndHarmless and will observe the PCs.
26 ~RoamingIntelligentInhabitantMonster is here--it does not speak & obeys the ~MasterMindMonster. ~RoamingIntelligentInhabitantMonster has (as always) hidden a key to room 67 in ~ARoomFeatureYouCanHideAKeyIn
27 There is a cursed ~SomethingYouCanWear. Any creature inspecting it will be afflicted by a desire to ~ActionItWouldBeBadToTake for 1d4 rounds.
28 Channel of ~Liquid from south ends in a pool here
29 Channel down center of hallway filled with ~Liquid a ~SomethingSmallThatFloats is floating in it
30 Empty
31-Secret door activated by mechanism in room 85
32-Secret door activated by mechanism in room 85
33 Pool of ~Liquid
34 Dead ~HumanoidType2 carrying diary, contains biographical details of ~MainVillain including its birthday
35 ~Color crystal formation. Anything ~Color that touches it will begin to vibrate unnaturally--the object will then reflect magic for one hour and then explode.
36 Walking into this room lowers steel bars where the green O's are and releases monster in 37.
37 ~GiantBruteMonster in cage.
38 ~MainVillain's bedroom. If ~MainVillain is not in this room the (ordinary) doors will be locked. Secret door: behind a ~TypicalBedroomFurnishing--a thin crack will be visible. Room contains a make-up table (no mirror, of course), a canopy bed hung with velvet, (d12 x 100) gp worth of other
trinkets. The bed, painting, ~Mainvillain 's wardrobe, & the table are each worth (d12 x 100) gp. There is a ~KindOfContainer with a ~ContainerTrap trap under the bed containing 600 gp & locket with a small painting of ~Mainvillain
39 Switch raises and lowers bars in rms 36-38
40 ~Child's bedroom. Belongs to ~Mainvillain's daughter. Her remaining toys ( ~TheKindOfToysAJuvenileVersionOfTheMainVillainWouldPlayWith ) are here.
41 ~Trap1 activated by door
42 Stone walls carved into the shape of ~TerrifyingThing
43 ~SoldierMonsterTypes
44 ~TerribleIntelligentMonster in cage. Sibling of ~MainVillain Gone mad long ago. She may aid the PCs if they convince her they can help her escape the dungeon. She hates~MainVillain & will make any deal to be reunited with her, but again, will turn on anyone aware of her existence immediately afterward.
45 Anything made of ~CommonSubstance placed on the altar will be transformed into ~InterestingSubstance.
Any ~FormofEnergy1in the circle or crossing it will be transformed into ~FormOfEnergy2
46 Texts sacred to religion of ~CreepyGod
47 Puzzle room: ~profession1, ~Profession2 and ~Profession3 are sacred to this religion. A magic mask asks 3 questions only members of those professions, respectively, would know. Wrong answers = ~TypeOfPowerWordSpell and it emits a ~HorribleNoise
48 Statue of a creature of ~FormOfEnergy1 . An Archpriest of ~CreepyGod is here. (PC level x 1000 gp worth of gold flake on statue.)
49 Murals depicting ~DeadAncientHero and betrayal by ~HeroesFormerAlly
50 Tombs. d6 Priests of ~CreepyGod
Fragment of mosaic in room 3 showing horse head and humanoid lower body in a saddle.
51 Tombs. Vial: Substance repels ~CategoryOfAnimal
52 Tomb of ~DeadAncientHero
53 Mouldering skeleton of hero's traitorous ally ~ValuableMagicItem
54 d6 ~SoldierMonsterTypes guarding sacrifice chamber. They have keys to the cage in room 55.
55 ~Trap1
Apparently a ~SacrificialCreature in a cage. Is actually a ~CreatureCapableOfPolymorphingItself . It is looking for the ~GoblinTypeCreature because it betrayed her.
56 Prayer room, distinctive to ~CreepyGod
57 Prayer room, distinctive to ~CreepyGod
58 2 dead ~SoldierMonsterTypes
59 2 dead ~SoldierMonsterTypes --one muttering "The ~HumanoidType2 , the ~HumanoidType2 " shattered manacles on the floor.
60 2 ~SoldierMonsterTypes guarding the entrance to room 61
61 ~ThingThePCsHaveBeenLookingFor being examined by 3 ~SoldierMonsterTypes
Room is full of ~ObjectsThatCouldBeDangerousIfHandledImproperly
62 Giant Collecting ~CrawlingInsect. A pile of its eggs obscure the door to the north. Two ~MildlyExoticInformationStorageDevices containing ~FormOfInformationValuableToPCs are hidden under the pile.
63 Full of ~ThingsPeopleLoseInADungeon collected by a giant Collecting ~CrawlingInsect
64 Well, rusty water.
Dead adventurers. Burned spellbook. Partially accurate formula for ~InterestingSpell remains. Failed int check indicates ~BackfireVersionOfThatSpell
65 Door to north opens easily, door to east seems old and stuck.
66 ~ImmobileWasteDevouringMonster room. ~RoamingIntelligentInhabitantMonster throws organic waste into this room.. The~ImmobileWasteDevouringMonster covers the entire room, including the wall, obscuring the locked, unpickable secret door there.
67 -~IntelligentFriendlyCreature. It knows all about the ~MasterMindMonster, which is why the ~MasterMindMonster has had
~RoamingIntelligentInhabitantMonster wall it up in a secret chamber. ~MasterMindMonster keeps it alive ~ReasonAVillainWouldKeepAHeroAlive
68 Murals, int check to read, glyphs and pictograms seem to refer to ~InterestingSubstance and ~FormOfEnergy2
69- Empty or stairs to surface/next level
70 Quiet room.
71 Prison Contains d10+10 victims of ~Mainvillain. A variety of sentient species
are represented as well as a few celebrated & high-level missing persons.
72 Door is large, impressive and locked. Picking is at half chance.
73 Throne room of King/Queen of ~kindofancienthumanoidcivilization . Long dead ~kindofancienthumanoidcivilization
74 ~TreasureHoardedByThem guarded by ~TrapCharacteristicOfThem
75 ~PowerfulDemonicCreature It has been trapped here by a mystic seal on the secret door by the ~MasterMindMonster and seeks revenge.
76 Clearly a room once built by the ~kindofancienthumanoidcivilization culture.
77 Contains various instruments of ~InterestingFieldOfStudy
78 Disused ~InterestingFieldOfStudy room. ~MainVillain was having experiments conducted until capture of ~ImportantPrisoner made them unnecessary.
~HumanoidType2 assassin seeking ~ImportantPrisoner
79 Disused ~InterestingFieldOfStudy room d4 ~Vermin
80 Disused ~InterestingFieldOfStudy room Blood, remains of ~Vermin
81 d8 ~Vermin
82 Statue of ~CreepyGod
83 d10 ~SoldierMonsterTypes plus ~WeirdGuardMonster
84 ~Mainvillain d4 ~MainvillainLieutenants ~TrapInMainvillain'sRoom experimenting with FormOfEnergy2. Huge dead ~SacrificialCreature conceals secret door.
85 Cage containing mechanical model of universe, rotating planets into proper position for the day opens secret door in room 31, rotating them onto ~MainVillain 's birthday opens secret door in room 32
86 Pool of ~Liquid
87 ~ImportantPrisoner just escaped, hiding from the assassin in room 78.
-missing front horse legs from mosaic in room 3
88 Walls carved with scenes dedicated to ~CreepyGod depicting members of the following professions: ~Profession1 ~Profession2 ~Profession3--all kneeling
Careful inspection reveals that carving is not wholly original and the figures have been repurposed. There is a monster with a huge mouth where the secret door to 73-76 is.
Awesome, I'm going to use this for my IRL group.
My favourite phrase that I got was "it emits a shrieking children" which I guess is a mistake but I'm going to leave it as it is
This is a pretty interesting experiment!
Excellent. My statue and mosaic were made of things unsuitable for those purposes and there was some difficulty getting the spacing and formatting just right but these are easy fixed. Again with the ploughing ahead into new territory - I suspect that henceforth this is going to be a thing. Now someone just needs to abulafia-fy it.
"Channel down center of hallway filled with pus a duck is floating in it"
It looks a little bit like a crossword. So I thought crossword dungeon, cool.
Turns out there is an app for that. But not what I was thinking of.
Anyways, trying now to think of a way to turn crosswords into randomized dungeons.
It's Mad Libs. I love Mad Libs.
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