When "full" none can stand in their light and lie. When "crescent", none can stand in it and tell the truth.
Selenians can root an enemy's feet to the ground or teleport d4 creatures to random locations with a glance.
When crescent, Sublunary men have been known to remove their own heads and use them as edged weapons.

Images: the photo is Peter Lorre, the mini is by Pete Taylor and the painting is by John Blanche.
Uh, that Lorre is awesome?
I miss this era of Games Workshop stuff (and Peter Lorre).
Very sweet. Is this based on any folklore or are the miniatures?
That one dude in The Nightbreed had a moon face.
Great idea, as usual. I assume they are headless during the new moon?
John Blanche is awesome. I haven't seen anything new by him in quite a while, though. He and Ian Miller did some amazing stuff for GW.
"I miss this era of Games Workshop stuff."
Alllllrighty, I'm using this immediately.
Awesome concept. I'm totally stealing it for Don't Rest Your Head.
I am really disturbed by how sexual Peter Lorre looks in that picture!
This is an interesting concept.
Sometime last year I had a post about moonfolk, inspired by Japanese mythology.
Weird people who come down from the moon in odd cages to kidnap damsels to put them in distress. Fun usually ensues.
So they emit the light of truth three days out out of the month, the light of falsehood for nearly half the month (between half and new is crescent).
Now here's a question for ya: what are they like for the three days when they're in the New phase? Do they collapse into a coma, headless, and ideally protected by non-lunary guards? Or do they turn into undead beacons of darkness? Or maybe they gain a 'full' face, but it emits darklight (makes whites really stand out) that forces all in its light to be mute?
When I grow up, I wanna be Peter Lorre.
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