Yesterday's experiment in Gygaxian Democracy went very well.
Ok, I mean I always say some shit like that when I do these reader participation things, but seriously, that was some quality RPG material we got there. Eventually I'll write it up proper like a real table.
Anyway, for now, here's another...
The Many Heads of Lord Eisengeth
Immobile and decapitated he sits, eternally preserved in the Basilisk Throne...
Basically, the deal is, the PCs have to find his head (somewhere in your sandbox) and put it back on him. When they do, he'll come back to life and all will be well in the kingdom/they'll get a lot of loot. (Depending on which School your players attend.)
Problem is which head? Though the forces of evil could not destroy the head of good Lord Eisengeth, (neither the head nor body can be destroyed so long as the body sits on the Basilisk Throne--they both become invulnerable stone) they pulled an old leprechaun trick and manufactured several false heads, each containing an isolated, confused, dark, and disoriented portion of the good Lord's soul.
So the schtick is: every time the PCs find a head, they try it. (The first time they won't know there's more than one head). The Lord stands up, stops being stone, and if it's the right head, yay, game over. If it's the wrong head, however, the PCs have to deal with the consequences. Each wrong head:
-has some unusual power/ability/knowledge/tendency that makes it a fearsome opponent, and
-possesses some clue that narrows down where the real head is
Some will be obviously the wrong head--their eyes will open red and they'll belch forth flame or whatever, but others will seem to be the true Lord, until...
Anyway, if the PCs decapitate the evil-headed lord and return the body to the Throne, the body will become stone and sit patiently while the PCs find the next head.
Also you'll need to figure out some mechanics or plot contrivances so that the PCs can't just have a whole army standing there waiting each time they try a new head, but that's not too hard.
When the PCs try a head, roll D(HoweverManyResponsesWeGet--if it's more than 20, roll d10o giving equal chances to each result)
The heads are...
1. Red eyes, murderous wrath, voice deafens all who hear it. Knows whether the true head is above sea level or not.
2. Appears to be the true Lord, but will have the PCs banished from the kingdom/castle/part of the dungeon he rules as soon as it is convenient and then rule with a cruel and arrogant hand. Knows whether the true head is north, south, east, or west of the current location.
3...(your turn)
Check out this fashionable fellow.
I was looking at the *Tunnels & Trolls* stuff on the ebays and stumbled
across this guy. I love his visor, though I think it would be better if it
was p...
3. Paranoid, cowardly, and capable of casting Charm Person as a 13th-level sorcerer on any person wearing the Eisengeth coat of arms. (This, naturally, includes more or less everyone currently guarding the Basilisk Throne.) The head will try to send as many of Eisengeth's loyal servants after the PCs as it encounters, whilst trying to flee to safety. Knows what the real head is currently looking at.
(Derp, for sorcerer read "whichever magic-using class your version of D&D uses.")
4. Emits deafening rooster crow. Has petrifying gaze like a basilisk. Knows exactly how long it would take to reach the true head traveling on foot.
4. Is actually stone and renders the completed body as a stone golem. The head, if removed again, will answer 2 questions to the best of its limited knowledge. It doesn't know where the real head is, but it knows about where it (the fake, stone golem head) was created and some about who created it.
Some nice Fisher King stuff going on here.
5) The King becomes sullen, sitting around brooding on secret worries. The skies darken and it rains constantly. Knows whether the true head is indoors or outdoors.
6) The King is alive but unconscious. He whispers secrets and lies in his sleep. He responds cryptically to questions spoken into his ear. Can describe any key needed to access the true head, should it be locked away.
7) The King is alive but still made of living stone. This is not immediately obvious, but anyone touching him may notice and any wound to his majesty will make it plain. If this is pointed out to him or he discovers it for himself, he will filled with horror, self-disgust and panic, lashing out at everything around him. Knows the shape of the nearest structure to the true head.
December 16, 2010 9:54 AM
8) Eyes of deep violet, the King wants nothing more than to stand by the window and sing melancholy ballads. Meanwhile, the deep toxins of the the head slowly bleed from the neck downwards, showing up in large purplish streaks and threatening to kill the body unless a)the body is forced to remain on the throne, or b)the poisonous head is lopped off in time. Partial map of the real head's location is tattooed on the scalp, beneath long silver-white hair.
When the head is reattached a dragon tattoo appears on the king's forehead. Oops... wrong head. The king can take the form of a half dragon/half man hybrid, and can breath fire, fly, etc.
This head knows whether the One True Head is above ground or below ground.
Head and Body transform to (fully animated) clear gelatin when united. Lord Gelatin immune to criticals (which may make removing the head troublesome). His followers/servants/subjects transform into puddings/jellies/oozes, though they retain their minds. At least until the new form drives them bonkers (as per original Polymorph Self spell). Lord has combat powers anywhere from Grey Ooze to Black Pudding to Jubilex, depending on Player’s level.
Head knows the name of the nearest body of water to the real head.
A swarm of biting and stinging insects fly out of the orifices of the head, which then collapses like an old, worn-out hornet's nest. Use one of your favorite bad-ass biting and stinging insects spells for their effects. After 90% of the insects are killed or otherwise disposed of, the rest will take off in the direction of the true head. Good luck tracking them.
The head thinks it is the proper Lord Eisengeth and behaves appropriately. It has all the memories of the proper head.
The teeth of the head can bypass any hardness or damage reduction, allowing it to consume anything. Anything swallowed goes not into the stomach of the body, but into a large pocket dimension, meaning the body is never nourished and its hunger is never sated. The body will eventually starve but will not die of dehydration. Before that happens though, it starts to eat anything around it (other than the throne and its own body), including the castle itself.
When the head is removed, its final act is to say, "I smell _______" with the blank being the nearest cooked food to the real head, and then everything the head is eaten up to that point pours out of the neck, potentially crushing the PCs and anything around them.
The King arises pale as death and takes on an otherworldly quality, He spends as much time as possible in his "garden". People start going missing, eventually found dead in the garden, the garden is full of an assortment of Magically active carnivorous plants, the head is possessed by a fae spirit that's been driving the bit of the kings soul within mad for the better part of a hundred years. Even if the spirit can be driven out with silver (or what have you) the remaining part of the king is clearly mad.
The statue comes to life, but remains seated. It tells the adventurers -- in exhaustive detail -- all about how the head came to be where it was found, who stole it, and why. These are all lies.
The stories are also incredibly tedious, have the effect of a Sleep spell on all within earshot, and must be resisted each and every round the false Lord is allowed to drone on.
Should the Lord manage to send everyone to sleep, it rises from the chair and tries to make an escape, heading in the direction of the real head.
(I did forget the clue at first, but my revised entry does include one.)
The Lord appears to be the real thing, and can pass any test of his authenticity, but is an awful ruler. The false Lord unconsciously mismanages his lands and holdings, leading to bankruptcy and civil war within a year, all the time seemingly oblivious to the damage he is causing, even when it is brought to his attention.
At the same time, the false Lord takes up painting as a hobby. Each time he paints a landscape, it is of the same location, from a variety of viewpoints and at different times of the day, in different weather conditions, etc. The false Lord claims -- and believes -- that this location is from his imagination, but it is -- of course -- the location of the real head.
The lord appears normal in all aspects, except that the ridges of his ears form a nautilus pattern. Also his voice appears to be made of an amalgam of different voices. Any person speaking within hearing distance of the king will have every third word stolen from them. These stolen words may no longer be uttered by the victim.
This false head can relate the last ten words uttered in the presence of the true head, in the exact voice(s) of the speaker(s).
The reason the PCs don't have an army to command is because any group larger than (playing group) is turned to stone upon being in the Lord's presence. The cavern surrounding the Basilisk Throne is littered with 7 groups of 2d6+5 NPCs dressed in appropriate armor and weapons, all petrified.
A false head the PCs find, when put upon the Lord's body, will command this small army as if he were in command of golems that number. Decapitating the Lord to remove this head will end the army's ability to move, but turn the PC who removes the head into the type of stone closest to the true head. The type of stone is rare, but found in 1d6+2 places in the sandbox (so you don't run out of places to go). Placing a new head will remove the petrification of the PC, but leave the army as they were when the spell ended.
The false head makes it seem as if the Lord were reunited, but he becomes a foppish hedonistic twit who is easily led by more devious minds in his court. He has no sense of gravitas, and the most solemn events are almost guaranteed to be an embarrassment for his loyal followers somehow...
Those who know him intimately aren't sure, but his laugh seems higher and more strident than before, and you hear it often echoing thru the halls of the palace.
Unbeknownst to all, his laugh also functions as a Charm Person spell to those within earshot. Those plotters who may desire to bump him off and set someone more dependable up will find themselves unable to raise a hand against him without a strong act of willpower.
When he's in his cups, he gossips about conversations overheard in the vicinity of the real head, laughing frequently as if he were telling the most outrageous anecdotes.
This false head is actually the polymorphed skull of a Griffon. If re-attached it transforms the body into a 16th level arcane spellcaster (who sprouts wings), and reverts to its original form. He exudes fear (DC 30 Will save, if failed the subject goes into a panic flight, and must make all rolls as if under Otto's Irresistible Dance) in a ten foot radius, and can teleport up to 5 feet per round, provided that there are no physical or magical barriers in his way (people or creatures don't count unless they have protection from evil cast on them). When killed his head will roll until its beak is pointing in the direction of the real head.
This false head is visually indistinguishable from the real Lord's head but has a most boisterous and bombastic personality. He will begin ordering food, wine and ale and dancing girls/men. If the group includes one or more female adventurers he will hit on them with no shame. Alternatively he may hit on the males in a mostly female party (work it out yourselves).
The problem, aside from that last bit, is that the 'party' will never end. No one is allowed to leave and no 'party crashers' are allowed in. Those who defy this merriment will be turned to stone by the throne itself, which will seem to gain a form of sentience (though obedient to the false headed lord). To beat him you may use force or challenge him to some game or contest. The Party Head loves a good drinking contest, game or riddle.
This head knows if the true head is alone or with others (guards, other treasures, etc.).
Once reunited, the king will act normally. His eyes are sky blue and he behaves with incredible arrogance. Once he is outside, he will take an endlessly-deep breath. His head will inflate to ten times its proper size. The gas within is lighter than air and allows the king to float up to 100 feet high, although with poor maneuverability. It will simply seek to escape - if successful it will float about aimlessly, leading to frequent sightings by drunk yokels and the like.
The balloon-head will make for the nearest air current and float off, taking the body with it. Piercing damage of any kind has a 25% chance of bursting the head and sending the body tumbling back to Earth. Furthermore, the gas within is highly flammable - lighting and fire attacks will ignite the gas instantly and, again, drop the body. Either event will annihilate the head and injure the body.
Clue: If an accurate fact about the location of the true head is told to the false head, it will inflate slightly more and rise another 25 feet. After 4 correct guesses, the head will burst.
(Oh, the Balloon Head will answer correct guesses with responses like "Of course it is, jackass! I figured that out eons ago!" and "Wow, you deserve a prize! How about the 'Statement of Fact a Mushroom Growing on a Turd Would Know' award?" while mocking incorrect guesses. That way the players get if they got a clue or not.)
Lord appears normal however his head is an extra-dimensional beacon which draws hordes of Slaad to the kingdom. The Lord mounts a vigorous defense against these invaders but his tactics consist of meat-grinder assaults that bleed his kingdom dry and possibly adds undead problems to the kingdom's woes. The true Lord was considered to be a master strategist which helps the PCs realize they've been had.
When the wrong head is struck off, the decapitator will receive the name and image of the next-to-last possessor of the head.
Placing this head upon the body will instantly cause it to take the form of Zaan, the Liche Lord. A 78th level wizard, Zaan laughs at anyone trying to beat him conventionally. He will turn the surrounding region into a Bizarro nightmare world in his own image. Fortunately, he still retains his hyper-competitive streak, enjoying nothing more than a nice game of chess.
The party which decides to challenge him will be accepted, finding themselves transported to a life-sized chess board, representing first the King, then the Queen, and so on. The entire party roster will be represented on the board. The game will be resolved as the players of the party against the DM. Any piece represented by a PC which gets captured results in the absolute annihilation of the PC.
If the party wins without losing a piece, Zaan recites (ONCE ONLY) a sonnet/limerick/haiku/whatever from which a discerning party will ascertain the location of the true head. If they win without losing a PC, Zaan reveals the location of three false heads. If they win otherwise, he tells them where one false head is. If Zaan loses in any case, he becomes enraged, disappearing in a noxious BAMF! of green ichor and smoke, in so doing restoring the land to its normal state. If there is a stalemate, Zaan accepts the party as equals. He retains his new kingdom, but the party is free to come and go within it as they choose. If the party loses, time to roll up a new party.
Just finished a session of 1E JG Dark Tower, where the Wand of Wonder was used, and one of my players mentioned that I should tell 'my porn star buddy [sic]' that Wanda Wonder would be a great porn name.
Alas, I do have an actual contribution to be the vehicle for my above comment.
After the head is placed on the body, the figure will rise and pull a deck of cards from one hand, and in the other will have a collection of fancy jigsaw puzzle pieces. Each draw from the deck will earn the party a piece of the puzzle (8 pieces sounds about right.) They show a map to the real head.
Now that's a lot of draws on a 1E Deck of Many Things to get a good, complete map. A fun opportunity to cut up a map and hand the players real handouts, while watching some suffer imprisonment or level gain. Using a real deck makes it more fun.
The Lord remains in stone form, but his mouth opens wide, and a deep booming laugh emanates from some indeterminate location. Then the head begins spinning around, Exorcist-style, slowly at first, but increasing in speed as it goes.
At the same time, Magic Missiles spew from the open mouth. The Lord can spit seven of these a round, each doing 1d4+1 damage, with no attack roll required.
While all this is going on music plays, again from an unknown location. Roll 1d6:
1-2: Thumping techno.
3-4: Fast-paced heavy metal.
5-6: This.
Upon defeat, the false Lord's final words are "[xxx], I have failed thee!" where "xxx" is the name of a prominent NPC who may know the location of the real head.
Fake head is a Penanggalan. It proceeds to scoop out the lord's internal organs and fly around menacing the PCs in the standard fashion. PCs must catch it, dunk it in a vat of vinegar to shrink the organs, and stuff it back on the body, then lop the head part off. Knows the closest graveyard to the real head.
Face of Fear:
This reattached head creates an avatar of the good Lords fear. When presented with anything, the incarnation will stare suspiciously at it and ramble madly for D20 rounds, making all kinds of illogical leaps resulting in it associating the thing with his own demise or beheading. It will then react in a Fight/Flight manner, either casting repeated fear or murderous shadow magic spells (Fight vs smaller groups) or Mass Fear and some kind of shadow magic that helps him escape (Flight vs Large groups).
If captured and beheaded, the head will fearfully scream out everything the real head can see, whilst slowly dissolving into any nearby shadows. The head will meanwhile whisk the body back to its throne in a shadowy wind. This process lasts 2D6 rounds.
Head of Hope:
Creates an avatar of the good Lords Hope. Casts a Geas-like spell on whomever attached this head to find his real head. One of those spells that makes people waste away over time if they fail or are too slow.
He then sits down again and turns to stone until someone else enters his chamber. If they bear the head, he decapitates himself and takes it, if not, he Geas' them and sits down.
He knows the first name of whomever guards the head, and tells this to anyone he Geas'.
Mask of Malice:
Placing this head on the body causes the Lord to stand up, stretch and then begin an evil laughter as he unleashes a 'confusion' like spell on everyone within the chamber, causing them to attack one another etc. Under the influence of this spell, all involved are overcome with a desire to inflict pain, not just kill each other.
If confronted with just one person, the head will tell them the name of the man who has most recently died within 5km of the real head.
Skull of Scorn:
Creates avatar of scorn. Body immediately creates an aura of scorn, causing all within the chamber to permanently feel nothing but contempt for the person they love most in the world. Maybe a save vs spell.
If more than D6 people are in the room at one time, the Lord will vomit from sheer disgust at being surrounded by such despicable being and will tell everyone exactly how little he feels of them in between retching. The vomit lasts forever and turns anyone who touches it to stone. If less than the D6 roll, he will start punching people, each hit causing petrification on a failed save, all the while screaming for these disgusting creatures to leave.
If defeated, the head will contemptuously spit out the names of everyone involved in relocating the real head.
Mind of Mischief:
This avatar will immediately admit that it is not the real head, but knows exactly where the real head is. It will send anyone who asks on quests to retrieve certain items for it, like a treasure hunt. These items are always rare and the quests specifically designed to be far more dangerous than any reward is worth, hoping that they never return. The intent is to kill anyone who is looking for the real head, after all. Upon receiving each item, he will give another clue as to the heads location (complete lies).
If threatened with violence, the avatar will start offering the aggressors items from his lordly possessions to placate them. If violence occurs he will fight bravely, before submitting after 80% of his HP are lost, stating that he (truthfully) only knows where the head isnt. sort of. Given the specific name of a location (Frostpeak Abbey, The ruins of Fort Fosser) he will be able to tell you if the head is or is not there. If the correct location is suggested, he will know, but he is unable to to say off the top of his head. Once under these dire circumstance, he will appear to be as helpful as possible, trying to create an opportunity to escape, fleeing with his Lordly body as far away from everything as possible.
Face of Fear:
This reattached head creates an avatar of the good Lords fear. When presented with anything, the incarnation will stare suspiciously at it and ramble madly for D20 rounds, making all kinds of illogical leaps resulting in it associating the thing with his own demise or beheading. It will then react in a Fight/Flight manner, either casting repeated fear or murderous shadow magic spells (Fight vs smaller groups) or Mass Fear and some kind of shadow magic that helps him escape (Flight vs Large groups).
If captured and beheaded, the head will fearfully scream out everything the real head can see, whilst slowly dissolving into any nearby shadows. The head will meanwhile whisk the body back to its throne in a shadowy wind. This process lasts 2D6 rounds.
Head of Hope:
Creates an avatar of the good Lords Hope. Casts a Geas-like spell on whomever attached this head to find his real head. One of those spells that makes people waste away over time if they fail or are too slow.
He then sits down again and turns to stone until someone else enters his chamber. If they bear the head, he decapitates himself and takes it, if not, he Geas' them and sits down.
He knows the first name of whomever guards the head, and tells this to anyone he Geas'.
Mask of Malice:
Placing this head on the body causes the Lord to stand up, stretch and then begin an evil laughter as he unleashes a 'confusion' like spell on everyone within the chamber, causing them to attack one another etc. Under the influence of this spell, all involved are overcome with a desire to inflict pain, not just kill each other.
If confronted with just one person, the head will tell them the name of the man who has most recently died within 5km of the real head.
Skull of Scorn:
Creates avatar of scorn. Body immediately creates an aura of scorn, causing all within the chamber to permanently feel nothing but contempt for the person they love most in the world. Maybe a save vs spell.
If more than D6 people are in the room at one time, the Lord will vomit from sheer disgust at being surrounded by such despicable being and will tell everyone exactly how little he feels of them in between retching. The vomit lasts forever and turns anyone who touches it to stone. If less than the D6 roll, he will start punching people, each hit causing petrification on a failed save, all the while screaming for these disgusting creatures to leave.
If defeated, the head will contemptuously spit out the names of everyone involved in relocating the real head.
Mind of Mischief:
This avatar will immediately admit that it is not the real head, but knows exactly where the real head is. It will send anyone who asks on quests to retrieve certain items for it, like a treasure hunt. These items are always rare and the quests specifically designed to be far more dangerous than any reward is worth, hoping that they never return. The intent is to kill anyone who is looking for the real head, after all. Upon receiving each item, he will give another clue as to the heads location (complete lies).
If threatened with violence, the avatar will start offering the aggressors items from his lordly possessions to placate them. If violence occurs he will fight bravely, before submitting after 80% of his HP are lost, stating that he (truthfully) only knows where the head isnt. sort of. Given the specific name of a location (Frostpeak Abbey, The ruins of Fort Fosser) he will be able to tell you if the head is or is not there. If the correct location is suggested, he will know, but he is unable to to say off the top of his head. Once under these dire circumstance, he will appear to be as helpful as possible, trying to create an opportunity to escape, fleeing with his Lordly body as far away from everything as possible.
Fake head is identical to the real king but afflicted with crippling synesthesia, to the point where communication is nearly impossible. The king will valiantly try to helpfully communicate, but tragically fail-- & will then plead with the players to kill him so that the correct head can be found-- but the pleas will also be nearly indecipherable as well.
When killed, the head returns to stone-- if replaced, it is an entirely new head, roll on the table again.
When the lord awakens he appears under all circumstances to be a the true good lord. He will immediately start making acts of good will for his kingdom as a whole, donate gold to charity, and properly reward the party in whatever way you see fit. Little does the party or kingdom know at this point however, that this version of the lord is cursed for all his good deeds to end in horrible failure. So of course any material reward given to the players will explode 24 hours after being given and members of the kingdom will be dying left and right through some well intentioned action by the king. After the players realize something is up they have to remove the head like normal. But the lord will be confused saying he's been nothing but good he will even revive those who have died but due to his curse they will come back undead. He won't notice this fact however and simply use them as an army to defend himself from you.
clue: The Lord will tell the players of the closest organization based near the true head. If you don't have one in mind the organization will appear to be good but secretly evil.
The Lord will come back and appear and act normally. He will send the players off congratulating them on a job well done but not offer them anything in return. Overtime the Lord starts developing mutations from a random table of your choice, those around him also develop mutations and its starting to become an epidemic. The Lord will also be fascinated by his new mutations but never worried. "I appear to have grown fire breathing tentacles, how interesting." The longer it takes for the players to return the more the lord will have mutated. He will fight with all advantages and disadvantages of his mutations. After the head is removed the body will still be mutated and some way must be found to reverse the changes.
Clue: the mutant head will speak of some hazard required to reach the true head such as cliffs, deep water, etc.
God dammit... big post, didnt work, pain in the ass. I even copied it to clipboard, but then I accidentally copied a stupid URL while i was waiting. Such a rookie. I'll try to summarise again.
Face of Fear
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Fear. It will react to any stimulus with a suspicious stare, inane rambling (for D10 rounds) all leading to him making illogical leaps to the stimulus being connected to his demise or beheading.
He will then react with either Fight (vs Small groups. Attack, using fear spells and murderous shadow magic) or Flight (vs large groups. Cast Mass fear on all in chamber then use shadow magic to escape and flee, hiding in the deepest, darkest place he can find away from everyone.)
If captured and beheaded, the body will be whisked back to the throne in a shadowy wind, whilst the head begins to dissolve (over D6 rounds), fearfully screaming everything that the real head can see until it melts into the nearby shadows.
Head of Hope
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Hope. It will immediately cast a geas-like spell on anyone within or entering forthwith. This will compel the target to find the real head. The kind of geas that causes people to slowly waste away until they die or succeed.
The head knows the name of the current caretaker/guardian of the real head, and will tell everyone he geas' before sending them on their way.
Skull of Scorn
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Scorn. The avatar immediately creates an aura of scorn, causing anyone who enters the chamber to permanently feel nothing but contempt for the person they love the most. If more than D6 people are in the chamber, he will immediately begin vomiting out of sheer disgust, while loudly and specifically detailing what is so despicable about all of the creatures around him. The vomit is permanent, and anyone touching it is turned to stone. If less people than the D6 are encountered, he will start punching people, yelling about their failings and screaming at them to leave. Each strike causes petrification on a failed save.
If slain, he will disgustedly spit the names of everyone who was involved in transporting the real head from this chamber to its current location, until the head finally dies. D6 rounds.
More to follow...
Mask of Mischief
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Mischief. This avatar will immediately admit that it is not the real head, but it will promise that it knows exactly where the real one is. It will even tell you, if you will just fetch it these components to create itself a new magical body. The components must be rare, and the quest to obtain them must be exceedingly dangerous. The point is that the adventurers die and never return, or at least stop looking for the real head. Obviously it doesnt reveal this, maintaining a facade of benevolence and charity. It just wants a body so it can go off and live in the forest!
If threatened with violence, it will offer items from its lordly wealth to placate the aggressors. If violence occurs, he will fight bravely, but submit at 80% hp loss. He will then admit, given the chance, that he doesnt know where the real head is, but he knows exactly where it isnt. If offered the name of a specific location (The ruins of Fort Fosser, Castellan Abbey, etc) he will be able to tell you that the head isnt there. If the actual location is said, he will know, and immediately say so, though he does not know it until someone says it to him.
During this time, he will try to create a situation from which he can escape, taking his body as far from everything as possible and never returning.
Mind of Malice
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Malice. The avatar immediately creates an aura of Malice, causing anyone within the chamber to desire nothing but the pain and suffering of those around him/her. Similar to a confusion spell perhaps, but with more emphasis on pain and not just killing. Leaving the chamber ends the effect.
The avatar, when not being disturbed, will begin to create a crude map of the world using the bodies of those tortured and mangled beings left in its chamber. Ideally they are still alive, but steps must be taken to ensure they dont move around too much. This may require a lot of people and time. He will then place the eye of a living being on the map where the real head can be found. This may be difficult to locate amongst the gore. He will then spend his time trying to keep his map alive and in pain.
Something like that. Cursed internet.
Mask of Mischief
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Mischief. This avatar will immediately admit that it is not the real head, but it will promise that it knows exactly where the real one is. It will even tell you, if you will just fetch it these components to create itself a new magical body. The components must be rare, and the quest to obtain them must be exceedingly dangerous. The point is that the adventurers die and never return, or at least stop looking for the real head. Obviously it doesnt reveal this, maintaining a facade of benevolence and charity. It just wants a body so it can go off and live in the forest!
If threatened with violence, it will offer items from its lordly wealth to placate the aggressors. If violence occurs, he will fight bravely, but submit at 80% hp loss. He will then admit, given the chance, that he doesnt know where the real head is, but he knows exactly where it isnt. If offered the name of a specific location (The ruins of Fort Fosser, Castellan Abbey, etc) he will be able to tell you that the head isnt there. If the actual location is said, he will know, and immediately say so, though he does not know it until someone says it to him.
During this time, he will try to create a situation from which he can escape, taking his body as far from everything as possible and never returning.
Mind of Malice
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Malice. The avatar immediately creates an aura of Malice, causing anyone within the chamber to desire nothing but the pain and suffering of those around him/her. Similar to a confusion spell perhaps, but with more emphasis on pain and not just killing. Leaving the chamber ends the effect.
The avatar, when not being disturbed, will begin to create a crude map of the world using the bodies of those tortured and mangled beings left in its chamber. Ideally they are still alive, but steps must be taken to ensure they dont move around too much. This may require a lot of people and time. He will then place the eye of a living being on the map where the real head can be found. This may be difficult to locate amongst the gore. He will then spend his time trying to keep his map alive and in pain.
Something like that. Cursed internet.
Mask of Mischief
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Mischief. This avatar will immediately admit that it is not the real head, but it will promise that it knows exactly where the real one is. It will even tell you, if you will just fetch it these components to create itself a new magical body. The components must be rare, and the quest to obtain them must be exceedingly dangerous. The point is that the adventurers die and never return, or at least stop looking for the real head. Obviously it doesnt reveal this, maintaining a facade of benevolence and charity. It just wants a body so it can go off and live in the forest!
If threatened with violence, it will offer items from its lordly wealth to placate the aggressors. If violence occurs, he will fight bravely, but submit at 80% hp loss. He will then admit, given the chance, that he doesnt know where the real head is, but he knows exactly where it isnt. If offered the name of a specific location (The ruins of Fort Fosser, Castellan Abbey, etc) he will be able to tell you that the head isnt there. If the actual location is said, he will know, and immediately say so, though he does not know it until someone says it to him.
During this time, he will try to create a situation from which he can escape, taking his body as far from everything as possible and never returning.
Mind of Malice
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Malice. The avatar immediately creates an aura of Malice, causing anyone within the chamber to desire nothing but the pain and suffering of those around him/her. Similar to a confusion spell perhaps, but with more emphasis on pain and not just killing. Leaving the chamber ends the effect.
The avatar, when not being disturbed, will begin to create a crude map of the world using the bodies of those tortured and mangled beings left in its chamber. Ideally they are still alive, but steps must be taken to ensure they dont move around too much. This may require a lot of people and time. He will then place the eye of a living being on the map where the real head can be found. This may be difficult to locate amongst the gore. He will then spend his time trying to keep his map alive and in pain.
Something like that. Cursed internet.
Mask of Mischief
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Mischief. This avatar will immediately admit that it is not the real head, but it will promise that it knows exactly where the real one is. It will even tell you, if you will just fetch it these components to create itself a new magical body. The components must be rare, and the quest to obtain them must be exceedingly dangerous. The point is that the adventurers die and never return, or at least stop looking for the real head. Obviously it doesnt reveal this, maintaining a facade of benevolence and charity. It just wants a body so it can go off and live in the forest!
If threatened with violence, it will offer items from its lordly wealth to placate the aggressors. If violence occurs, he will fight bravely, but submit at 80% hp loss. He will then admit, given the chance, that he doesnt know where the real head is, but he knows exactly where it isnt. If offered the name of a specific location (The ruins of Fort Fosser, Castellan Abbey, etc) he will be able to tell you that the head isnt there. If the actual location is said, he will know, and immediately say so, though he does not know it until someone says it to him.
During this time, he will try to create a situation from which he can escape, taking his body as far from everything as possible and never returning.
Mind of Malice
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Malice. The avatar immediately creates an aura of Malice, causing anyone within the chamber to desire nothing but the pain and suffering of those around him/her. Similar to a confusion spell perhaps, but with more emphasis on pain and not just killing. Leaving the chamber ends the effect.
The avatar, when not being disturbed, will begin to create a crude map of the world using the bodies of those tortured and mangled beings left in its chamber. Ideally they are still alive, but steps must be taken to ensure they dont move around too much. This may require a lot of people and time. He will then place the eye of a living being on the map where the real head can be found. This may be difficult to locate amongst the gore. He will then spend his time trying to keep his map alive and in pain.
Something like that. Cursed internet.
Mask of Mischief
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Mischief. This avatar will immediately admit that it is not the real head, but it will promise that it knows exactly where the real one is. It will even tell you, if you will just fetch it these components to create itself a new magical body. The components must be rare, and the quest to obtain them must be exceedingly dangerous. The point is that the adventurers die and never return, or at least stop looking for the real head. Obviously it doesnt reveal this, maintaining a facade of benevolence and charity. It just wants a body so it can go off and live in the forest!
If threatened with violence, it will offer items from its lordly wealth to placate the aggressors. If violence occurs, he will fight bravely, but submit at 80% hp loss. He will then admit, given the chance, that he doesnt know where the real head is, but he knows exactly where it isnt. If offered the name of a specific location (The ruins of Fort Fosser, Castellan Abbey, etc) he will be able to tell you that the head isnt there. If the actual location is said, he will know, and immediately say so, though he does not know it until someone says it to him.
During this time, he will try to create a situation from which he can escape, taking his body as far from everything as possible and never returning.
Mind of Malice
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Malice. The avatar immediately creates an aura of Malice, causing anyone within the chamber to desire nothing but the pain and suffering of those around him/her. Similar to a confusion spell perhaps, but with more emphasis on pain and not just killing. Leaving the chamber ends the effect.
The avatar, when not being disturbed, will begin to create a crude map of the world using the bodies of those tortured and mangled beings left in its chamber. Ideally they are still alive, but steps must be taken to ensure they dont move around too much. This may require a lot of people and time. He will then place the eye of a living being on the map where the real head can be found. This may be difficult to locate amongst the gore. He will then spend his time trying to keep his map alive and in pain.
Something like that. Cursed internet.
Ok so Skynet is thwarting me right now... TrentB will be known as Chester until further notice. Fuck you, Internet.
Mask of Mischief
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Mischief. This avatar will immediately admit that it is not the real head, but it will promise that it knows exactly where the real one is. It will even tell you, if you will just fetch it these components to create itself a new magical body. The components must be rare, and the quest to obtain them must be exceedingly dangerous. The point is that the adventurers die and never return, or at least stop looking for the real head. Obviously it doesnt reveal this, maintaining a facade of benevolence and charity. It just wants a body so it can go off and live in the forest!
If threatened with violence, it will offer items from its lordly wealth to placate the aggressors. If violence occurs, he will fight bravely, but submit at 80% hp loss. He will then admit, given the chance, that he doesnt know where the real head is, but he knows exactly where it isnt. If offered the name of a specific location (The ruins of Fort Fosser, Castellan Abbey, etc) he will be able to tell you that the head isnt there. If the actual location is said, he will know, and immediately say so, though he does not know it until someone says it to him.
During this time, he will try to create a situation from which he can escape, taking his body as far from everything as possible and never returning.
Mind of Malice
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Malice. The avatar immediately creates an aura of Malice, causing anyone within the chamber to desire nothing but the pain and suffering of those around him/her. Similar to a confusion spell perhaps, but with more emphasis on pain and not just killing. Leaving the chamber ends the effect.
The avatar, when not being disturbed, will begin to create a crude map of the world using the bodies of those tortured and mangled beings left in its chamber. Ideally they are still alive, but steps must be taken to ensure they dont move around too much. This may require a lot of people and time. He will then place the eye of a living being on the map where the real head can be found. This may be difficult to locate amongst the gore. He will then spend his time trying to keep his map alive and in pain.
Something like that. Cursed internet.
Ok Skynet is thwarting me right now: TrentB shall be known as Chester until further notice. Curse you, Internet!!
Mask of Mischief
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Mischief. This avatar will immediately admit that it is not the real head, but it will promise that it knows exactly where the real one is. It will even tell you, if you will just fetch it these components to create itself a new magical body. The components must be rare, and the quest to obtain them must be exceedingly dangerous. The point is that the adventurers die and never return, or at least stop looking for the real head. Obviously it doesnt reveal this, maintaining a facade of benevolence and charity. It just wants a body so it can go off and live in the forest!
If threatened with violence, it will offer items from its lordly wealth to placate the aggressors. If violence occurs, he will fight bravely, but submit at 80% hp loss. He will then admit, given the chance, that he doesnt know where the real head is, but he knows exactly where it isnt. If offered the name of a specific location (The ruins of Fort Fosser, Castellan Abbey, etc) he will be able to tell you that the head isnt there. If the actual location is said, he will know, and immediately say so, though he does not know it until someone says it to him.
During this time, he will try to create a situation from which he can escape, taking his body as far from everything as possible and never returning.
Mind of Malice
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Malice. The avatar immediately creates an aura of Malice, causing anyone within the chamber to desire nothing but the pain and suffering of those around him/her. Similar to a confusion spell perhaps, but with more emphasis on pain and not just killing. Leaving the chamber ends the effect.
The avatar, when not being disturbed, will begin to create a crude map of the world using the bodies of those tortured and mangled beings left in its chamber. Ideally they are still alive, but steps must be taken to ensure they dont move around too much. This may require a lot of people and time. He will then place the eye of a living being on the map where the real head can be found. This may be difficult to locate amongst the gore. He will then spend his time trying to keep his map alive and in pain.
Something like that. Cursed internet.
Ok Skynet is thwarting me right now: TrentB shall be known as Chester until further notice. Curse you, Internet!!
Mask of Mischief
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Mischief. This avatar will immediately admit that it is not the real head, but it will promise that it knows exactly where the real one is. It will even tell you, if you will just fetch it these components to create itself a new magical body. The components must be rare, and the quest to obtain them must be exceedingly dangerous. The point is that the adventurers die and never return, or at least stop looking for the real head. Obviously it doesnt reveal this, maintaining a facade of benevolence and charity. It just wants a body so it can go off and live in the forest!
If threatened with violence, it will offer items from its lordly wealth to placate the aggressors. If violence occurs, he will fight bravely, but submit at 80% hp loss. He will then admit, given the chance, that he doesnt know where the real head is, but he knows exactly where it isnt. If offered the name of a specific location (The ruins of Fort Fosser, Castellan Abbey, etc) he will be able to tell you that the head isnt there. If the actual location is said, he will know, and immediately say so, though he does not know it until someone says it to him.
During this time, he will try to create a situation from which he can escape, taking his body as far from everything as possible and never returning.
Mind of Malice
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Malice. The avatar immediately creates an aura of Malice, causing anyone within the chamber to desire nothing but the pain and suffering of those around him/her. Similar to a confusion spell perhaps, but with more emphasis on pain and not just killing. Leaving the chamber ends the effect.
The avatar, when not being disturbed, will begin to create a crude map of the world using the bodies of those tortured and mangled beings left in its chamber. Ideally they are still alive, but steps must be taken to ensure they dont move around too much. This may require a lot of people and time. He will then place the eye of a living being on the map where the real head can be found. This may be difficult to locate amongst the gore. He will then spend his time trying to keep his map alive and in pain.
Something like that. Cursed internet.
Ok Skynet is thwarting me right now: TrentB shall be known as Chester until further notice. Curse you, Internet!!
Mask of Mischief
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Mischief. This avatar will immediately admit that it is not the real head, but it will promise that it knows exactly where the real one is. It will even tell you, if you will just fetch it these components to create itself a new magical body. The components must be rare, and the quest to obtain them must be exceedingly dangerous. The point is that the adventurers die and never return, or at least stop looking for the real head. Obviously it doesnt reveal this, maintaining a facade of benevolence and charity. It just wants a body so it can go off and live in the forest!
If threatened with violence, it will offer items from its lordly wealth to placate the aggressors. If violence occurs, he will fight bravely, but submit at 80% hp loss. He will then admit, given the chance, that he doesnt know where the real head is, but he knows exactly where it isnt. If offered the name of a specific location (The ruins of Fort Fosser, Castellan Abbey, etc) he will be able to tell you that the head isnt there. If the actual location is said, he will know, and immediately say so, though he does not know it until someone says it to him.
During this time, he will try to create a situation from which he can escape, taking his body as far from everything as possible and never returning.
Mind of Malice
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Malice. The avatar immediately creates an aura of Malice, causing anyone within the chamber to desire nothing but the pain and suffering of those around him/her. Similar to a confusion spell perhaps, but with more emphasis on pain and not just killing. Leaving the chamber ends the effect.
The avatar, when not being disturbed, will begin to create a crude map of the world using the bodies of those tortured and mangled beings left in its chamber. Ideally they are still alive, but steps must be taken to ensure they dont move around too much. This may require a lot of people and time. He will then place the eye of a living being on the map where the real head can be found. This may be difficult to locate amongst the gore. He will then spend his time trying to keep his map alive and in pain.
Something like that. Cursed internet.
Ok Skynet is thwarting me right now: TrentB shall be known as Chester until further notice. Curse you, Internet!!
Mask of Mischief
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Mischief. This avatar will immediately admit that it is not the real head, but it will promise that it knows exactly where the real one is. It will even tell you, if you will just fetch it these components to create itself a new magical body. The components must be rare, and the quest to obtain them must be exceedingly dangerous. The point is that the adventurers die and never return, or at least stop looking for the real head. Obviously it doesnt reveal this, maintaining a facade of benevolence and charity. It just wants a body so it can go off and live in the forest!
If threatened with violence, it will offer items from its lordly wealth to placate the aggressors. If violence occurs, he will fight bravely, but submit at 80% hp loss. He will then admit, given the chance, that he doesnt know where the real head is, but he knows exactly where it isnt. If offered the name of a specific location (The ruins of Fort Fosser, Castellan Abbey, etc) he will be able to tell you that the head isnt there. If the actual location is said, he will know, and immediately say so, though he does not know it until someone says it to him.
During this time, he will try to create a situation from which he can escape, taking his body as far from everything as possible and never returning.
Mind of Malice
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Malice. The avatar immediately creates an aura of Malice, causing anyone within the chamber to desire nothing but the pain and suffering of those around him/her. Similar to a confusion spell perhaps, but with more emphasis on pain and not just killing. Leaving the chamber ends the effect.
The avatar, when not being disturbed, will begin to create a crude map of the world using the bodies of those tortured and mangled beings left in its chamber. Ideally they are still alive, but steps must be taken to ensure they dont move around too much. This may require a lot of people and time. He will then place the eye of a living being on the map where the real head can be found. This may be difficult to locate amongst the gore. He will then spend his time trying to keep his map alive and in pain.
Something like that. Cursed internet.
So the internet is fucking with me right now. TrentB is being screwed by a bunch of different things, mostly to do with google being a bunch of cunts.
Mask of Mischief
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Mischief. This avatar will immediately admit that it is not the real head, but it will promise that it knows exactly where the real one is. It will even tell you, if you will just fetch it these components to create itself a new magical body. The components must be rare, and the quest to obtain them must be exceedingly dangerous. The point is that the adventurers die and never return, or at least stop looking for the real head. Obviously it doesnt reveal this, maintaining a facade of benevolence and charity. It just wants a body so it can go off and live in the forest!
If threatened with violence, it will offer items from its lordly wealth to placate the aggressors. If violence occurs, he will fight bravely, but submit at 80% hp loss. He will then admit, given the chance, that he doesnt know where the real head is, but he knows exactly where it isnt. If offered the name of a specific location (The ruins of Fort Fosser, Castellan Abbey, etc) he will be able to tell you that the head isnt there. If the actual location is said, he will know, and immediately say so, though he does not know it until someone says it to him.
During this time, he will try to create a situation from which he can escape, taking his body as far from everything as possible and never returning.
Mind of Malice
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Malice. The avatar immediately creates an aura of Malice, causing anyone within the chamber to desire nothing but the pain and suffering of those around him/her. Similar to a confusion spell perhaps, but with more emphasis on pain and not just killing. Leaving the chamber ends the effect.
The avatar, when not being disturbed, will begin to create a crude map of the world using the bodies of those tortured and mangled beings left in its chamber. Ideally they are still alive, but steps must be taken to ensure they dont move around too much. This may require a lot of people and time. He will then place the eye of a living being on the map where the real head can be found. This may be difficult to locate amongst the gore. He will then spend his time trying to keep his map alive and in pain.
Something like that. Cursed internet.
Ok so the internet is fucking with me. TrentB is indefinitely screwed on account of how google is a bunch of cunts. This is me now. I don't want to talk about it, it has been the most intolerable culmination to an unfun day.
Mask of Mischief
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Mischief. This avatar will immediately admit that it is not the real head, but it will promise that it knows exactly where the real one is. It will even tell you, if you will just fetch it these components to create itself a new magical body. The components must be rare, and the quest to obtain them must be exceedingly dangerous. The point is that the adventurers die and never return, or at least stop looking for the real head. Obviously it doesnt reveal this, maintaining a facade of benevolence and charity. It just wants a body so it can go off and live in the forest!
If threatened with violence, it will offer items from its lordly wealth to placate the aggressors. If violence occurs, he will fight bravely, but submit at 80% hp loss. He will then admit, given the chance, that he doesnt know where the real head is, but he knows exactly where it isnt. If offered the name of a specific location (The ruins of Fort Fosser, Castellan Abbey, etc) he will be able to tell you that the head isnt there. If the actual location is said, he will know, and immediately say so, though he does not know it until someone says it to him.
During this time, he will try to create a situation from which he can escape, taking his body as far from everything as possible and never returning.
Mind of Malice
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Malice. The avatar immediately creates an aura of Malice, causing anyone within the chamber to desire nothing but the pain and suffering of those around him/her. Similar to a confusion spell perhaps, but with more emphasis on pain and not just killing. Leaving the chamber ends the effect.
The avatar, when not being disturbed, will begin to create a crude map of the world using the bodies of those tortured and mangled beings left in its chamber. Ideally they are still alive, but steps must be taken to ensure they dont move around too much. This may require a lot of people and time. He will then place the eye of a living being on the map where the real head can be found. This may be difficult to locate amongst the gore. He will then spend his time trying to keep his map alive and in pain.
Something like that. Cursed internet.
Mask of Mischief
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Mischief. This avatar will immediately admit that it is not the real head, but it will promise that it knows exactly where the real one is. It will even tell you, if you will just fetch it these components to create itself a new magical body. The components must be rare, and the quest to obtain them must be exceedingly dangerous. The point is that the adventurers die and never return, or at least stop looking for the real head. Obviously it doesnt reveal this, maintaining a facade of benevolence and charity. It just wants a body so it can go off and live in the forest!
If threatened with violence, it will offer items from its lordly wealth to placate the aggressors. If violence occurs, he will fight bravely, but submit at 80% hp loss. He will then admit, given the chance, that he doesnt know where the real head is, but he knows exactly where it isnt. If offered the name of a specific location (The ruins of Fort Fosser, Castellan Abbey, etc) he will be able to tell you that the head isnt there. If the actual location is said, he will know, and immediately say so, though he does not know it until someone says it to him.
During this time, he will try to create a situation from which he can escape, taking his body as far from everything as possible and never returning.
Ahh ok, i figured it out. It's some kind of corroboration between post length and url length which is ruining everything. dont mind me. last one.
Mind of Malice
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Malice. The avatar immediately creates an aura of Malice, causing anyone within the chamber to desire nothing but the pain and suffering of those around him/her. Similar to a confusion spell perhaps, but with more emphasis on pain and not just killing. Leaving the chamber ends the effect.
The avatar, when not being disturbed, will begin to create a crude map of the world using the bodies of those tortured and mangled beings left in its chamber. Ideally they are still alive, but steps must be taken to ensure they dont move around too much. This may require a lot of people and time. He will then place the eye of a living being on the map where the real head can be found. This may be difficult to locate amongst the gore. He will then spend his time trying to keep his map alive and in pain.
Something like that. Cursed internet.
Mask of Mischief
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Mischief. This avatar will immediately admit that it is not the real head, but it will promise that it knows exactly where the real one is. It will even tell you, if you will just fetch it these components to create itself a new magical body. The components must be rare, and the quest to obtain them must be exceedingly dangerous. The point is that the adventurers die and never return, or at least stop looking for the real head. Obviously it doesnt reveal this, maintaining a facade of benevolence and charity. It just wants a body so it can go off and live in the forest!
If threatened with violence, it will offer items from its lordly wealth to placate the aggressors. If violence occurs, he will fight bravely, but submit at 80% hp loss. He will then admit, given the chance, that he doesnt know where the real head is, but he knows exactly where it isnt. If offered the name of a specific location (The ruins of Fort Fosser, Castellan Abbey, etc) he will be able to tell you that the head isnt there. If the actual location is said, he will know, and immediately say so, though he does not know it until someone says it to him.
During this time, he will try to create a situation from which he can escape, taking his body as far from everything as possible and never returning.
Mask of Mischief
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Mischief. This avatar will immediately admit that it is not the real head, but it will promise that it knows exactly where the real one is. It will even tell you, if you will just fetch it these components to create itself a new magical body. The components must be rare, and the quest to obtain them must be exceedingly dangerous. The point is that the adventurers die and never return, or at least stop looking for the real head. Obviously it doesnt reveal this, maintaining a facade of benevolence and charity. It just wants a body so it can go off and live in the forest!
If threatened with violence, it will offer items from its lordly wealth to placate the aggressors. If violence occurs, he will fight bravely, but submit at 80% hp loss. He will then admit, given the chance, that he doesnt know where the real head is, but he knows exactly where it isnt. If offered the name of a specific location (The ruins of Fort Fosser, Castellan Abbey, etc) he will be able to tell you that the head isnt there. If the actual location is said, he will know, and immediately say so, though he does not know it until someone says it to him.
During this time, he will try to create a situation from which he can escape, taking his body as far from everything as possible and never returning.
just gotta say i'm having one of those long nights where you have to stay up while everyone's near passed out and dash back and forth from room to room constantly making sure nobody anywhere in the place is choking on their own vomit and my sole source of entertainment is i keep seeing you pop up in my inbox frantically trying to give me head. i mean "a head". anyway, you're a trooper.
Hahahah.... Glad I can be of service. I love those nights. That probably means I don't have enough of them, I guess, but I feel kind of mighty, running around saving peoples lives and handling whatever im partaking of.
Anyway, you're still missing a head of mine. I MADE IT JUST FOR YOU.
"Mask of Mischief
This head creates an avatar of the good Lords Mischief. This avatar will immediately admit that it is not the real head, but it will promise that it knows exactly where the real one is. It will even tell you, if you will just fetch it these components to create itself a new magical body. The components must be rare, and the quest to obtain them must be exceedingly dangerous. The point is that the adventurers die and never return, or at least stop looking for the real head. Obviously it doesnt reveal this, maintaining a facade of benevolence and charity. It just wants a body so it can go off and live in the forest!
If threatened with violence, it will offer items from its lordly wealth to placate the aggressors. If violence occurs, he will fight bravely, but submit at 80% hp loss. He will then admit, given the chance, that he doesnt know where the real head is, but he knows exactly where it isnt. If offered the name of a specific location (The ruins of Fort Fosser, Castellan Abbey, etc) he will be able to tell you that the head isnt there. If the actual location is said, he will know, and immediately say so, though he does not know it until someone says it to him.
During this time, he will try to create a situation from which he can escape, taking his body as far from everything as possible and never returning."
This 'Internet' thing drives me crazy. 'Frantically' was appropriate as well.. I was losing it haha. Sort of embarrassing.
Anyway, take the head. Just the head. Or something. No homo. I hate that game anyway.
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