Friday, September 30, 2011

Tekumelly Cards, Monsters, Dungeon, Secret Bible Facts

I thought these were pretty Tekumelly.

Soviet-made Mayan-themed playing cards. Check it.

Acquire some as the engine for your arty, mega-immersive, Petal-Throne game.

Which reminds me--here's an old picture I did, drawings of sculptures from the Met museum. (Then I contact-printed the drawings to make them look like that--if any of you have done any chemical darkroom photography then you might know what that means.) Parts of it might do double-duty as a travellers' notebook...

Here's a dungeon I'm making which will also be a painting...And, lastly, some fruits of my recent research...
LEFT: Noah from the book of Genesis, Right: Vlad the Impaler.


S. P. said...

And more recently, Frank Zappa:

Roger G-S said...

Holy shit now that's a dungeon map.

crowking said...

I can't imagine the girls playing in a Tekumel game..Well, maybe I mean KK.

Alerad said...

Король, дама, валет (King, Dame, Valet). Interesting, that's the first time I've seen face cards abbreviates differently than K, Q, J. Another fun fact, in some languages the king is Pope (Поп) - makes you wonder how the face cards names evolved historically.