Thursday, October 15, 2009


I'm Zak and I live in Hollywood. I play Dungeons and Dragons. Most of the players in my new campaign are strippers or adult film stars or both. There's some of them up there--(clockwise from top left) Mandy Morbid, Caroline Pierce, and Satine Phoenix, . (Those links are Safe For Work.)

Ok, got the whole "explaining-the-name-of-the-blog" thing out of the way.


David Larkins said...

Yay! I'm glad to see you've finally got a blog of your own Zak!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I figured it would be kind of cheating to be gameblogging until you were gaming at least once a month.

Chris said...

"So he done rounded up some porn stars and got his self a game o' D&D."

Zak is living a Bill Brasky story. 8)

Matthew Slepin said...

I have a question with no snark intended: does the title of the blog mean that you're going to discuss some of the idiosyncratic nature of playing with porn stars OR is it just a way to get our attention (no bad thing).

Anonymous said...

Matt--good question. I mean to discuss gaming with porn girls specifically very soon, but those articles are a little complicated to write (they involve a little amateur sociology) so I'm starting of with stuff that hopefully your ordinary gameblogger can relate to while i think about how exactly to tackle the subject. Expect somethign very soon.

Matthew Slepin said...

Good. Quite apart from whatever titillation value the subject may have, I'm actually quite interested in other people's players, whether professionally naked or not.

Anonymous said...

OMG Staine Pheonix plays DnD? I didn't think it was possible but she just got even hotter, next thing I know I'm gonna hear that Claire Dames plays nWoD!

Unknown said...

What I like about this blog, is that it dispels myths about both D&D players and porn stars. Also, you're an awesome writer. You really should be working on a book.

-Ken McKinney ( Downtown Los Angeles )

Bongo Tau'Kat said...

The group I run has conservatives, liberals, realists, poli sci majors, ex Navy SAR swimmers, paramedics, crunchy hippies, massage therapists, etc, etc.

I may sound cliche, but whatever you do, you are a geek, a gamer, and a hell of a lot more fun than most. :)