The hardcover, full-color, 8.5x11", 400-page Compendium is now available. Until Jan 1. Then it's gone. And it costs 0$.
Fifteen years in the making, it includes:
-All of the illustrated Cube World material--fully re-designed to be easier to read, cross-referenced, with notes, including adventures in Voivodja, The Southern Daimyos, The Peacock Isles, Drownesia, Nephilidia and more.
-Dozens of pages of unpublished new material.
-The entire aborted Violence In the Nympharium scenario--re-laid out, redrawn, and deluxified
-An entire illustrated megadungeon--with dozens of levels--which my players have been in and out of for the last 2 years. Designed to be the be-all-end-all dungeon of its kind, with every kind of cool dungeon monster and environment represented in its dozens of levels.
-New completely crawlable maps of the chivalrous continent of Broceliande. Likewise--my players have been in and out of here for the last 2 years.
-Tools and tables to use all of this stuff.
That is--it basically has all the material for my campaign that isn't in another published book, everything in all the Cube World pdfs, and more.
Email me if you want it: zakzsmith AT hawtmayle dawt calm.
Also: The Cube World pdfs are no longer available (aside from the unillustrated utility ones like Book of Jerks)--all that material is now only available in the illustrated Compendium.
None of this will be on sale after January 1st.
And all you pirates--this will not be available as a pdf. It's available in this hardcover only.
Cube World PDFs Gone Forever kind of fits the theme of this ass of a year.
But on the other hand, a hardcover Cube World book is really awesome.
That is awesome Zak. I would like a copy, and though there may be a variety of reasons why the Compendium is $0, that book you see here is priceless. Cube World installments are thoroughly hackable scenarios over a playable sandbox at a level of detail and instruction not seen for a long time. A long time.
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WHAAAT?! I need this!!
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So much work went into that book. It would be an honor to have one. Just think of all the people that will piss off :)
Amazing - I would love a copy of this - What can I do to help?
If you email me: zakzsmith AT hawtmayle dawt calm, all will be explained
I am so looking forward to this! It will be a bright spot in the new year, in a year that's not likely to have a ton of bright spots.
This looks amazing
I really liked your previous work, so this will be a welcome addition to my shelf
the only thing I could be more hyped for is a hardcopy of I am the Weapon
If you want "I Am The Weapon" then the task is similar: Fans need to help get these fucking online psychos out of my life.
This is such an amazing project!
Love this project!
I admire the hell out of this project!
If by joining the drone swarm we can help get things straight for you and get rid of the lunatics, this is the least we can do. Happy to join the effort.
I have a difficult time with reading PDFs, so to have this in print is really incredible. It will it along side all of Zaks other books that i have!
Ahh the Turtle-back island! Im already excited to run that. Will it submerge? Will it throw you off & swim away! Will it come back & swallow you whole you scurvy scum!? Yes cap'n, it will & more besides!
This Compendium looks materially stunning. I’m familiar with Cube World in passing, but certainly know much of his other work and its quality, of course.
Kind of wild that no one has ever made anything like this before and no one will ever make anything like it again and it's being given away for free
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I cannot be imagining having such a beautiful book. I am starting of a new campaign next year and am using already so much of Zak's material for inspiration. This will be amazing.
This book will be in the RPG legends of the future.
Sounds great, I'm in! I only have one CubeWorld, if all 60+ are in this book it's priceless!
This book looks great, I am a sucker for cool campaign books. Maybe someday I'll actually run a campaign 😅 In the meantime it would be great to go through.
Book is great for the art alone, add in the campaign ideas and its a no brainer.
I totally agree. Since i started checking out Cube Worlds PDF I was waiting it to be published - now it will be shrouded on the mystique of guerrilla marketing available only to the few patient and willing lol
luv slabs, 'ate nite goats. simple as
Love the artwork. This may well be the center piece to my entire collection!
An incredible thing of great beauty.
Amazing work Zak. Keep it up!
well this looks like a win-win situation. engage in OSR-related talk and read, touch, *sniff*, that book? it's beautiful Zak, the whole thing mind you, not the book alone.
it's a beautiful thing. not just the book, it's great, gorgeous even, but the gorgolith1 email, that's a different kind of good. it really is Christmas time i guess
great book. greater email.
What % of zero goes to the victims?
@Barack Obama
100% of any profit I make goes to the victims of domestic abuse--namely me and my friends, who were abused and lied about by my partner, Mandy Morbid--but you knew that already, Mr President.
Sorry about my brother. He can go fuck himself.
I don't understand why you're asking us to email you instead of just stating exactly what you want done.
@Barak Obama
Because I like to know and be able to contact people who like my stuff.
it is harrowing how virulent people have been on online spaces about all this. i discovered it all post facto (started binging OSR blogs relatively recently), and just dismissed it as drama, but the Weisman article was eye opening.
didn't know it existed but now I WANT IT
the scarcity angle is cool but it seems so useful and creative
I can't wait to play the megadungeon (it's Zak's strong point in my opinion)
If the binding is correctly made, this book could be the RPG product of the decade !
This is great! My printouts on regular printer paper will pale in comparison!
There was a time I asked for a Cube World box set or something like that. A dream come true, hehe.
This book looks great. Everything else of Zak's I have is great, and I dont expect this to be any different.
I'm very excited for this.
Looks beautiful in print.
Seems almost a shame to let it be so limited. But I understand the reasons.
Another amazing book, Zak. Bravo.
Really excited for this!
This looks amazing, I want in.
So much work and talent !
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Sorry, comment erased. It's illegal to publish defamatory misinformation online.
If you feel you've received this message in error, email zakzsmith AT hawtmayle dawt calm.
The following statements you made were defamatory and illegal:
-"no-one cares about you"
Clearly at a minimum, the dozens of women who helped out with harassment from your and your pals and testified for me in court do, as do all the friends that paid my legal bills.
-"They only tune in because they someone think they might have a chance of screwing a porn star."
This also is defamatory as you "tuned in" to harass me and smear the women involved in the case.
Your new comment contains additional defamatory material:
-"you can't accept criticisn" [sic]
I have accepted many criticisms, including the criticism that i was too nice to bad actors in the RPG scene (like yourself) and should have sued them sooner.
-" you are trying to build some human bot army"
#1 humans can't be bots #2 encouraging people to not be afraid of harassers like yourself and interact online in exchange for a book isn't "building a bot army".
-"No wonder so many porn stars you play with talk trash about you in other circles."
That's also not true. If you believe they do--Name them. So far as I know it's only one ex-porn star who does that, and that's not "so many" by any stretch.
You are deeply insane. Please seek therapy.
That's not actually true and may be one reason you have made so many false claims.
"asshole" is an opinion--asshole means "an irritating person" and that is subjective.
"You take x action" is not an opinion. Nor is "people do x" or "you believe x". It is claim EVEN IF YOU LATER STATE IT IN A DIFFERENT WAY THAT MAKES IT AN OPINION. I know: I have probably successfully sued for defamation more times and in more places than anyone you know.
In none of your claims did you say "It is my uneducated guess that...." --which would be legal.
I hope you email me the list of social media to contact. Your style is so unique and wicked cool. I believe it was Veins of the Earth that snagged me first and I kept hearing rumors of The Blue Medusa. At first I was baffled then.... it started seeping in. My dreams started changing and I was like "whoa." Yeah! I hope you keep working on publishing content. Cheers.
A book like this doesn't come by every day!
The Compendium looks amazing. Can't wait to hold it.
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What a great piece of art.
Amazing art!
Glorious! The artist returns!
Fantastic news! The perfect item to start the new year, but also hopefully bringing a better year for you as well, Zak.
Cool! Magnum opus in the "flesh"
Hey I’ve decided to do my best to join all these socials despite having faded from it long ago. If I manage it the book will join the classic red blue and black tomes on my shelf.
How has this got so few comments?! Come on people, give it a go!
Maybe people are cursed by the God of shyness?
Coming in late to the finish line! 😅 glorious!
The art alone makes this priceless!
I feel this. The real world is brutal and any happiness we achieve should be held priceless
Zak has some very nice accomplished works that are my go to for gaming.
I'm just discovering Cubeworld and man I'm excited. Way better that anything Hasbro has put out in a good long while
The art has me speechless
Sooo keen for this, love your art so much!
Do you have a favorite drawing?
I will devour this with my eyes and my brain.
I hear you. I had logins for nearly every site - some from well over a decade ago. If I engage, it's almost always to read, rarely to write. This will be a challenge, but a worthwhile endeavor.
Very interesting!
Cant wait to get my hands on this thing. Just look at the art, even if I never play with it will be beautiful on my table.
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for what its worth, the art looks incredible. btw I'm definitely not a bot although I've been asked if I am one several times a day for the past 10+ years.
for what its worth the art looks amazing. I'm not a bot by the way, although I am asked if I am one several times a day.
It's priceless because it's Zak's work, not because the price is zero :-)
Looking forward to getting to know Cube World! I got all your other game books.
Bah! Curse my wifi cell phone service. Alas, I could not do the challenge. I think I will try just for fun when I get a new phone service. And, at least I have some of your other works. Someone post if they succeeded. You deserve a huge cheer for the commitment.
Really looking forward to the further adventures in Voivodja!
I'm really looking forward to this!
This will be my first foray into the insanity that appears to be Cube World. Wish me luck!
good luck!
I hope to touch this and read and play. Thanks for this marvelous and beautiful book.
For unfathomable web-browsery reasons, this is the first time I could get a view of this post without being “anonymous”… cannot wait to see the paper version!
I hope this comment can get to this page, second try…
Are there any bards in it?
I might be late to the party, but what a great looking book!
Looks fantastic!
It's absolutely phenomenal. I've never seen anything like it in my life. A tome of interweaving, fascinating, tattoos , a GM's grimoire! A total work of art. I'm blown away.
I, as always, am impressed by your work Zak. I look forward to seeing this, and the physical Demon City, in the flesh.
here we are! I hope to hold this beautiful object, this tourist guide, in my hands!
I cannot wait for this tome to be in my presence... Oh my precious....
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