Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The d100 Drugs Table

People often ask for drugs. So here are the drugs.

Every drug matches the “Standard Drug” except where otherwise noted.

Standard Drug:

Notes: A common amusement among criminals, the unlucky, and the decadent, derived from a tropical plant.

Form: Inhalable powder

Effect: Hallucinations and euphoria, effects as Confusion spell

Duration: Save each round until you succeed—unless you don’t want to, in which case it lasts an hour

Addiction: Roll a 1 on any save and you are addicted and will want more after d6 hours. Failure to get another dose results in -1 to everything per hour clean until a dose is used.

Withdrawal: 1 week clean required per dose used. During withdrawal, every task is at disadvantage (roll twice and pick the lowest).

Availability: Succeed on a Charisma roll (target 10) in a sketchy urban area to find a supplier, then 500gp per dose.


Notes: A species of phosphorescent mushroom, beloved by elves. They’re happy to share, however, and consider refusal quite rude.

Form: Standard

Effect: Euphoric disorientation (-1 to everything except initiative, which is +1), desire to create something (music, sculpture, poetry, etc), and belief it is much better than it is, obsession with intellectual property rights

Duration: Standard

Addiction: Standard

Withdrawal: Standard

Availability: Standard

6-10 BOLB

Notes: A thick, greenish fungal stimulant popular among orcs trying to stay awake on guard duty.

Form: Chewable wad

Effect: Stimulant—subject can go two additional hours without sleep. Mild euphoria. Increased aggression (save to not attack strangers on sight).

Duration: Standard

Addiction: Standard

Withdrawal: Standard

Availability: Standard


Notes: Made from ground bone and leopard secretions by witches and medicine men. Considered sacred by the pious and a subject of philosophical speculation by the pretentious.

Form: Standard

Effect: You see into another dimension, but it’s a random dimension, you can’t interact with anything in it, and you can’t see what’s going on in your own dimension—though you can hear and feel what’s going on in your own. To an outside observer you just seem to be hallucinating—and it would be hard for you to prove them wrong.

Duration: Standard

Addiction: Standard

Withdrawal: Standard

Availability: Standard


Notes: Extracted from an ultramarine mushroom. Associated with the lower classes but commonly used wherever its available.

Form: Standard

Effect: Reduced anxiety, mild euphoria, inferiority complex along with a desire to apologize to everyone around

Duration: Standard

Addiction: Standard

Withdrawal: Standard

Availability: Standard


Notes: Standard

Form: Standard

Effect: Euphoria, irresistible desire to copy the actions of the nearest creature

Duration: Standard

Addiction: Standard

Withdrawal: Standard

Availability: Standard

26-30 MAJESTIC RIDLEY (or RIDLEƉ in Broceliandaise)

Notes: A mushroom product that grows on moist hillsides. Often eaten in cheese and served at strange parties, especially in the lands of the Hunger Kings.

Form: Standard

Effect: Complete blindness combined with a desire to explore textures

Duration: Standard

Addiction: Standard

Withdrawal: Standard

Availability: Standard


Notes: A mushroom product, collected by both dwarfs and goblins under the earth. Popular among louts of all species.

Form: Standard

Effect: An amusing disorientation, mild hallucinations, and a desire to insult everyone you see.

Duration: Standard

Addiction: Standard

Withdrawal: Standard

Availability: Standard


Notes: Standard

Form: Standard

Effect: Pleasant spasms, plus inability to properly speak your own language. It will be someone else’s language, however—but you won’t know that, or know which. If someone who speaks other languages is present there is a 1% chance per language of it being one of those.

Duration: Standard

Addiction: Standard

Withdrawal: Standard

Availability: Standard


Notes: Standard

Form: Standard

Effect: Standard, plus chilling tactile hallucinations. 

Duration: Standard

Addiction: Standard

Withdrawal: Standard

Availability: Standard


Notes: Considered glamorous, a dubious status symbol in urban areas

Form: Standard

Effect: A stimulant, +1 to initiative rolls but you can’t shut up. Must save each round to not talk about something stupid.

Duration: One hour

Addiction: Save after each use. Three failures indicate addiction.

Withdrawal: Standard

Availability: Succeed on a Charisma roll (target 10) in a sketchy urban area to find a supplier, then 1000gp per dose.


Notes: A horrible resin, popular in extreme climes among those without hope.

Form: Injected oil, no effect without a syringe

Effect: A powerful euphoric daze, subject must save to do anything each round—including speak coherently.

Duration: One hour

Addiction: Save after each use. Failure 

Withdrawal: Save after effect wears off—any failed save equals addiction

Availability: Standard


Notes: An inferior strain of the sort of leaf halflings grow in the Pudding Coast. Stigmatized only among the exceptionally pious or industrious.

Form: Smokable herb

Effect: One hour of companionable, talkative indolence (-1 to anything) while smoking, followed by 6 hours of sleep that are as restful as 8 hours. A subject cut off in the middle of The Leaf Hour (as the halflings call it) will be at -1 to everything for the next 2 hours and will not gain the desirable sleep effects. 

Duration: Standard

Addiction: Standard

Withdrawal: Standard

Availability: Standard


Notes: A prized substance among the indolent and wizards desirous of slumber, grown by halflings in the south of Broceliande.

Form: Smokable herb

Effect: One hour of companionable, talkative indolence (-1 to anything) while smoking, followed by 4 hours of sleep that are as restful as 8 hours. A subject cut off in the middle of The Leaf Hour (as the halflings call it) will be at -1 to everything for the next 2 hours and will not gain the desirable sleep effects.

Duration: Standard

Addiction: Standard

Withdrawal: Standard

Availability: 800gp per dose, only available in the Pudding Coast (target 10 Charisma roll), by chance, or in large cities at 1000 per dose after a target 15 Charisma roll.


Notes: Standard

Form: Standard

Effect: See all strange things as unremarkable. It’s not that you don’t notice them, you just don’t see it as worth pointing out or acting on. Those afflicted don’t respond to, say, noticing an ambush appropriately without prompting from allies, however it also allows an extra save against mind-affecting magic.

Duration: Standard

Addiction: Standard

Withdrawal: Standard

Availability: Standard


Notes: Much-feared tool of assassins and a diversion of desperate souls.

Form: Standard

Effect: Sleep immediately, with horrible dreams that rattle you and leave you at disadvantage until the next time you have normal rest.

Duration: Save each round until you succeed to wake up—unless you don’t want to, then you sleep 8 hours.

Addiction: Standard

Withdrawal: Standard

Availability: Standard


Notes: This disgusting fish-flake-textured and scablike extract of a common Drownesian water-plant, it is passed off to the gullible as true Purple Lotus Powder.

Form: Standard

Effect: Hallucinate, effects as Confusion spell

Duration: Lasts 20 rounds no matter what

Addiction: Save after effect wears off—any failed save equals addiction

Withdrawal: Standard

Availability: Standard


Notes: Literal faerie’s blood, refined through an alchemical process. Elves and fae will fight you if they see you’ve got it or are using it. Many trolls are addicts.

Form: Injectable liquid, no effect without a syringe unless you’re a troll

Effect: Everything is dazzlingly beautiful. Subject can see the entire light spectrum. No effect on elves, fae, orcs, half-orcs, or goblins.

Duration: 30 seconds

Addiction: Save after each use. Any failure indicates addiction.

Withdrawal: Standard

Availability: 2000gp for a dose. Rarely available.


Notes: Made from large amounts of mermaid saliva refined through blasphemous alchemy. Popular with pirates, sensualists and coastal elites.

Form: Scented, carbonated liquid

Effect: Tactile hallucinations of being underwater, tactile hypersensitivity, ability to breathe water, pleasurable dreams. In a fight or any urgent situation, save any time you want to move or else you’ll try to “swim” toward your destination

Duration: Standard

Addiction: Standard

Withdrawal: Standard

Availability: Succeed on a Charisma roll (target 12) in a sketchy coastal area to find a supplier, then 1000gp per dose.

87-88 SEETHE

Notes: Made from quickling blood. Like Faeblood extract, elves and fae do not approve of its use. Sometimes taken by human berserkers.

Form: Liquid

Effect: Euphoric stimulant. Twice as many actions per round but the second action is always random—roll for the second action as a Confusion spell. 

Duration: Standard

Addiction: Standard

Withdrawal: Standard

Availability: 2000gp for a dose. Rarely available.


Notes: Enriched extract of gelatinous cube. Sought as a cure for muscle pain by miners and dancers, but many have become addicted.

Form: Gel

Effect: Random jolts of muscular excitement. Cures paralysis, Slow and the like but user is -1 to any physical task. Cures chronic pain for d4 weeks.

Duration: Standard

Addiction: Standard

Withdrawal: Standard

Availability: Succeed on a Charisma roll (target 15) in a sketchy urban area to find a supplier, then 1000gp per dose.


Notes: Made from changeling blood. A delicacy in bohemian circles.

Form: Liquid

Effect: Pleasant disorientation as body structures imperceptibly grow, shrink and shift. Delusion that you are whoever you’re looking at.

Duration: Standard

Addiction: Standard

Withdrawal: Standard

Availability: 2000gp for a dose. Rarely available.


Notes: A dilute solution made from the blood of the hydra. Deadly if improperly prepared, much sought-after by creatives of all kinds.

Form: Liquid

Effect: Grow new brain structures rapidly, ravenous desire to touch random things, save to not touch things

Duration: Standard

Addiction: Standard

Withdrawal: Standard

Availability: Succeed on a Charisma roll (target 15) in a sketchy urban area to find a supplier, then 1000gp per dose.

96-97 JYRA

Notes: An herbal mixture containing a weak solution of al’mi’raj blood

Form: Standard

Effect: Everything sounds distractingly amazing. -1 to do anything except play music or dance.

Duration: Standard

Addiction: Standard

Withdrawal: None

Availability: Succeed on a Charisma roll (target 15) in a sketchy urban area to find a supplier, then 1000gp per dose.


Notes: Dwarfs were first to find the purple lotus, no-one knows why, as it seems to be a tropical plant.

Form: Standard

Effect, Duration, Addiction, Witdrawal: See Death Frost Doom by LotFP

Availability: Near impossible to find anywhere, rumors that some was seen in the Northern Continent some years ago.


Notes: Exactly what it sounds like. Very hard to find—only good for 24 hours.

Form: Liquid

Effect: +1 to all stats, delusions of grandeur, euphoria

Duration: One hour

Addiction: Save at -10 or be addicted immediately

Withdrawal: Standard

Availability: Fresh dragon’s blood’s almost never available but when it is it can go for up to 10,000 per dose


Notes: Distilled from the juices of succubi. Exceedingly rare and expensive.

Form: Liquid

Effect: Unmatched euphoria, sensory delusions, aphrodisia. You're not fighting anyone today.

Duration: Standard

Addiction: Instantaneous no save

Withdrawal: 3 months clean required to recover per dose taken up to a maximum of one year. During withdrawal, every task is at disadvantage (roll twice and pick the lowest).

Availability: 100,000sp when available, which is almost never.



coral wave said...

That's perfect! Ill take the lotus ones as complimentary for the purple lotus in DFD

Zak Sabbath said...

@coral wave

It has to include the purple lotus from DFD because DFD is inside Cube World.

coral wave said...

idn't know that.
cube world sounds better and better

CandideIn said...

Is it less dangerous than in real life or I'm blind?

Fatal_Theory said...

3 months clean per dose of the DAEMONIA PRAECOX is pretty rough lol sounds like some crazy stuff

mekhawretch said...

It isn't just me whose players always want drugs? Thanks - it's going in.

Blake said...

Daemonia precox is my fav. As soon as will add this list to the known drugs, I know some of my players will become drug addicts