But here's the other thing: if you don't know about the thing the party wants to know about yet, because you haven't decided, then a great way to put off the decision for a session or two is to build an adventure around the sage.
Here are some tables for making sages, plus a few made using those tables down at the end.
Why Is Seeing the Sage Difficult? (d100)
1-10 Hermit in the jungle seething with beasts
11-20 Hermit on a mountain crawling with critters
21-30 Hermit in the forest carbuncled with creatures
31-34 Hermit on an isle where the sea teems with terrors
35-37 Prisoner of a powerful potentate
38-40 Prisoner of traveling troublemakers
41-43 Prisoner in a deep dungeon beneath the earth
44-46 Prisoner of a rival power
47-48 Is a rival power
49-52 No-one knows who the sage is but they’re somewhere in this…
(52)…ship’s crew
53-57 They’re in the city but it’s a whole Raymond Chandler novel trying to find them
58-68 They’re right there but they won’t give up the information for money, they want you to go on some fetch quest.
69-73 They’re just a dick and will fight you or test you in some gatekeepy way like Pai Mei in Kill Bill
74-76 They’re a fucked-up high-level wizard with all that implies
77-78 They speak in literal riddles so getting your answer requires figuring out some puzzle
79 They are stuck in another dimension
80 Super greedy so the price of your information is high enough the PCs need to go do some other adventure first
81-85 They are paranoid and too distracted to answer their door so they live in a wacky trap house
86 They are paranoid or just really dotty so you have to get past some dangerous jackass who doesn’t like anyone to get to talk to them
87 They think the knowledge is dangerous and want to test whether you are safe/moral/noble/smart enough to wield it properly
88 They’ve been replaced by an evil twin/clone/duplicate/master of disguise or just a liar because its the middle ages and photos haven’t been invented
89 They’re a thief or murderer or something and mistakenly think you’re here to take them in
90 They don't speak any language the party knows or can know
91-00 Roll twice, rerolling results you can’t make work together
In the LotFP style--where Languages Skill is a # out of 6--Sages have d8 minus 2 languages skill, with 0 and negative results being treated as 1.
In any system where languages are instead enumerated individually assume the sage speaks d12 minus 2 languages, with negative results being treated as 1.
Intellectual Specialties (d20)
Sages also have a number of specialties equal to their intelligence bonus—when it comes to rolling to see if they know things about their specialty, treat this as a skill with a 6/6 rating (They know it unless they roll 2d6 and get double sixes).
1 Magic/Arcana
2 The Ocean
3 Religions
4 Plants (Bushcraft 6/6)
5 Animals
6 History and literature
7 Statecraft and war
8 Food and drink
9 Architecture (Assume the skill is 6/6)
10 Disease and healing (can heal 1hp on the first day and d4 every day thereafter)
11 Supernatural monsters
12 Politics and Rulers in the area
13 Sage is actually a mystic oracle with cleric level 2+d4
14 Sage is actually a mystic oracle with cleric level 2d6
15 Sage is actually a mystic oracle with cleric level 2d10
16 Anthropology of a foreign human culture
17 Demianthropology of a nonhuman culture
18 Engineering, tools and materials (Tinkering 6/6)
19 Fashion and garments
20 The mind and madness
Personal Protection (d20)
1 Roll twice
2 Short sword
3 Poison ring
4 Small blowgun
5 Knows martial arts (unarmed strike for d4)
6-7 Sling
8-9 Light crossbow
10-15 Staff
16-18 Knife
19-20 None

Gender (d20)
1-4 Bald male
5-7 Long-haired male
8 Male with bad hair
9 Male with awesome hair
10-14 Female with bad hair
15-17 Female with great hair
18 Bald female
19 Nobody knows
20 Local nonbinary variant
Basic Appearance (d20)
1-2 Skinny old weirdo
6-10 Fat old weirdo
11-14 Mesomorphic old weirdo
15 Super-hot for some reason?
16-17 Just some girl/guy/they but glasses
20 Creepy child savant
Vibes (d20)
1-4 Bookish and pedantic
5-7 Warm, generous and long-winded
8-9 Alert and excitable, says “fascinating” a lot
10-11 Enigmatic and portentous
12 Pretty chill
13-15 Cranky and irascible
16-18 Drunk and friendly
19 Drunk and mean
20 High and spacey
What Else Is Up With The Sage? (d20—roll twice)
1 Some kind of physical abnormality like a missing eye or big scar
2 They’re actually a kung fu master so fighting them is a huge pain
3 They are solid on the main thing they know but will volunteer little bits of fake information for fun like tell you horse sweat is great for your skin
4 They hate everyone
5 They talk reallllllly slow especially when about to say something important
6 Roll until you have three total results from this table
7-8 Elf
9 Dwarf
10 Halfling
11 Half-orc or other nonhuman
12 They want to hang out with you from now on
13 They’re sweet on a PC
14 They’re conjoined twins
15 Pervert
16 They want the PCs to know the thing in order to enact their own secret villain plan
17 Has a pet and they want you to love it
18 Will actually teach you stuff so if the party lets them hang around they all get a bonus in something next time they level up
19 They want the PC’s help escaping from some tyrannical jerk who is forcing them to do something boring or evil
20 They have some kooky utopian enterprise they want to inveigle the PCs into helping them with which will require some fetch quests
Veltys of the Broken Teeth
Int 16
Wis 15
Language skill 2/6
Restorer of the Eminent Cathedral, credited with planning the near-victory over the goblin princes at the Fret Crossin and alleged poisoner of Oolthid the Cleverer, Veltys of the Broken Teeth has served as advisor to heads of the great houses of Vornheim since before they were young.
As such, she is a difficult woman to see, or even locate. But she lives in the city, and what she knows, she knows very well.
People like Veltys exist only on the end of a long chain of guys who know a guy. Finding Veltys for the first time will require consulting at least four denizens of Vornheim in four separate locations, at least 3 of whom will be sketchy and at least two of whom will be hostile.
Her expertise is in statecraft, war, architecture, and useful plants, she carries a knife.
Despite her forbidding appearance and the layers of intrigue that suround her, she is in truth fascinated by intellectual puzzles of all kinds, and will be eager to join adventurers if they present her with an exciting problem or a chance to see something new.
Rabbi Oplich
Int 15
Wis 16
Language skill 5/6
The Common Man's Scholar, He of the Heavy Hat, Rabbi Oplich has been doling out shrewd and well-weighed advice on the wonders of the world since the days of the False Incursion. Anyone seeking assistance with a curse, enchantment, or puzzling magic item may come to his comfortable but modest home on the shores of Lake Pyrolisk ("It's just a name" he shrugs) and ask questions of the learned rabbi.
However, before he plunges into the papery depths of his chaotic library, the great man will ask for some service--generally the retrieval of some rare artifact which he believes might benefit the community. Or go well with brisket. Once it is secured, he will answer questions.
As devotees of the Hebraic faith are not universally appreciated, he carries a short sword.
He is impatient with careless thinkers and forever quoting authorities from the unknowable past--often ones with conflicting opinions--however, if an adventuring party is useful and interesting, he will not only accompany them on adventures, but will teach useful skills, if only to avoid being annoyed by the party's ignorance: all PCs accompanied by the Rabbi when they level up will gain a one time, permanent +1 to checks involving arcana and wizards and clerics can gain a one-time bonus of 1000xp if the Rabbi is accompanying them when they level up.
Int 18
Wis 18
Language skill 5/6
Perilous it is to consult the purple-robed eminence known as Orn Undyyn. Though possessed of the powers of a 17th-level cleric and 19th-level wizard, Undyyn is devoted almost exclusively to the magics of awareness and augury. It is said that Undyyn knows all there is to know of animals, the future, foreign nations, and the arts of garment-making.
Although affecting the sneering contempt one might expect from one of such vast powers, many are drawn to the chambers of oracle, and are susceptible to Undyyn's charms. Undyyn toys with visitors, and the crepuscular marble of Undyyn palace is rich with traps, creatures and puzzles. Anyone who successfully navigates this place will be granted an audience with the oracle, though the consultation they receive will always be calculated to serve Undyyn's own purposes.
The Plum-Eating ScholarInt 17
Wis 16
Language skill 3/6
HD 6 HP 24 Speed 120' (incl. climbing or swimming) Armor 15 Morale 9 Attacks +6 to hit d4 knife
The Plum-Eating Scholar is a 6th-level cleric of Nyaa, of the Two Temperaments, and an expert on the ocean, and on the merfolk, mantamen, and other nations who dwell beneath it. He speaks in slow riddles and fends off all dangers with the deft flick of his whalebone blade.
Although eager to share the secrets of the sea, The Plum-Eating scholar is currently stranded in The Forest of Grasping Trees on the Plane of Shadow. He will be grateful if rescued, though no less enigmatic.
Niola Lood
Int 16
Wis 13
Language Skill 2/6
Part-halfling, part-elf, Niola Lood has spent her entire life studying the flora, creatures and cultures of the enchanted wood.
Although generally possessed of an easygoing manner, anyone seeking her counsel will have to past her puckish tests, devised not only to entertain her, but to test the querent's cleverness, and their respect for growing things. She generally watches from a nearby perch, while drinking firefly mead and shouting incorrect advice.
She carries a light crossbow in case of trouble.
Excellent. Goes really well with the God Generator.
Thanks Zak! This is really useful!
This is great. Got me thinking about my world. Time to start working on a few NPCs and a particularly entertaining sage.
I literally never used sages in my shit until I saved this generator lol. So damn easy to use and so effective! Excellent as always Zak!
Valamin Cherrymeadow
Int 16
Wis 18
5 Languages
Valamin is a long haired, halfling sorcerer, who wears glasses and travels around with a magical staff. He is paranoid from travelling so much and too distracted to answer their door when he is home, so he lives in a wacky trap halfling hole.
A favourite among the courts, Valamin's two main areas of knowledge are Fashion and garments and Politics and rulers in the area, many of whom he is on a first name basis. Warm, generous and long-winded, he will actually teach the PCs stuff so if the party lets him hang around they all get a bonus in something next time they level up.
Great generator! I will try to use it next session
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