Thursday, March 28, 2024

Intelligence In The Land of Player Skill

Gamers often discuss the idea of "player skill" vs "character skill" in games. That is: my wizard can speak Elvish--that's character skill--but my wizard knowing that a slow, tough monster with no distance attacks is best attacked with distance attacks is player skill. I know that so my wizard knows it.

In most games I like, what my wizard does is the result of both.

Some people don't understand how the Intelligence stat works in games where player skill is an element (since an intelligent player can add so much to the character's vocabulary of ideas) and I thought of this the other day:

A high-intelligence PC functions like a modern person who has a phone with internet and remembers to use it.

Do I know who Jonathan Livingston Seagal is? I do not, really. I remember the name, that's all. In fact I got his name wrong. But if I had a higher Int I might not have. But I have the internet so I can look him up and then know. A high Int PC would have a better chance of already knowing.

A high Int PC has facts at their disposal. 

As we know: not everyone who has the internet and uses it is actually smart. For example, just because they can all google what a logical fallacy is doesn't mean that they'll avoid using them in their own thinking. The person "playing" these people isn't smart, even though they have the information.

A high-Int PC played by an average-Int player player is like most people on the internet: lots of access to facts, very little ability to use them to figure things out.

An average-Int character played by a high-Int player is like a clever person on an alien planet--they can figure stuff out, but only if they get help with what everything they're looking at is, does, or why they'd want to do it.

So there you go.


maasenstodt said...

Nice analogies.

Simon Tsevelev said...

What about player/character wisdom?

peggy said...

In our homebrew system, Intelligence represents knowledge of the game universe (so, it’s different from being smart) and wisdom was replaced by faith. Concerning charisma, if the player has a good roleplay in his speech, he succeeds automatically. If not, he can still roll the dice (high charisma means second chance)

coral wave said...

INT as in world knowledge is a good analogy, but it does require an active constant effort from players who roll low INT stats to seperate their knowledge from the PC's. That's where a new setting and/ or non standard monsters come in handy

Adrian the Bard said...

this doesn't "resolve" player vs char skill gap but can at least somewhat reconcile the two. i too, in fact prefet to treat int as simple "availability of facts" or even cognitive capability as in "you can do math really fast".

fbnaulin said...

Intelligence is such a problematic attribute for the reasons you describe. Your solution is interesting for a further reflections, I think. In LotFP (RAW), Intelligence is equal to knowledge at the start of play, but it never states what happen to the score if the character learn knew things across the campaign. Finally, I ignore the stat as a "roleplayable" trait, and just use it mechanically.

shirleyishmael said...

I always struggle with this. I know it, but does my character?

Alister Fa said...

Yeah I couldn’t agree more. Access to the internet doesn’t make you smart if you have no idea of how to utilize the information in a cohesive manner. Although, some information can be questionable.

My online gaming group are high intelligence players who love to play dumb characters….or so they tell me. 😅

D&D bard life said...

In the situation where a high-Int PC is played by an average-Int player and make sub-optimal decisions, is this a place where the DM should put their finger on the scale? E.g. You would know that this is a Ghoul and it can x?

Zak Sabbath said...

@D&D bard life

Knowing what a ghoul is (in D&D) isn't critical thinking, it's knowledge from a specific niche source (the monster manual).

So if the PC would know about ghouls (for some reason?) but the player does not I would tell them.

I would refuse to do critical thinking for them--but if its world info then the whole point of Int is that PCs know it.

Zak Sabbath said...

StoneDev said this, which I accidentally deleted:

"I think more people need to relax their concern about this. People worrying about it seem to always project some negative situation on how they have to pretend to be dumb or something silly."

Travis' Whimseys said...

That's an interesting solution to something that most people probably won't think about while playing their character. Might be worthwhile to explore this concept with the players when creating their characters.

krillinfan said...

Int, and to a lesser extent Wis/Cha, is the stat that might be the best served by being reduced just to a modifier. A player can use it for role playing, or for the mechanical bonus, but it's just far too difficult to "play" a character with vastly higher or lower int since it's so foreign to them.

Zak Sabbath said...


I don't think it is--

If someone is Charismatic in life but not in the game or vice versa then they simply say something that is or isn't charming and that modifies the die roll -along with- the modifier of the PC and it turns out how it turns out. People experience a similar effect in real life all the time when, for example, someone gets on the phone with someone at customer service who doesn't know what they look like.

As for Intelligence, there is so much world-specific knowledge in any game ("Where is the nearest body of water to this village?") that the PC could easily have access to more or less of it and be smarter or stupider than the player. A smart player can come up with a clever plan to sabotage the Duke's catapult, but if their PC can't identify the right part of the catapult that's easy to simulate in-game.

krillinfan said...

An uncharismatic person can fake being charismatic easier then an unintelligent player can fake being intelligent person for sure. Or at least with DM intent they'd be allowed to, removing that stat or limiting it to pure modifiers would be the start of removing/smoothing over some of the less tasteful tropes of high Cha players. As for int I just don't think the vast majority of players can do anything other than play the smart person's idea of a low Int character, and a low Int player is going to be too busy having fun to care either way. Then again we're all playing roles (heh) when sitting at the table, so a Smart person's idea of a low Int person is likely just fine.

Zak Sabbath said...


"Less tasteful tropes"? Like what?

As for a smart person's idea of a low Int character: I can be a genius but if my PC doesn't know how to read an inscription, can't remember their own home village's name and doesnt' know the difference in torchlight between a goblin and an ogre that's out of my hands as a player. The rules, modifiers and GM narration can create a hard ceiling on the PC's effective intelligence without me changing my characterization at all.

krillinfan said...

Usually the bard/sorcerer/rogue who decides that possessing a high Cha means they've the power to bed anything in the land. Or assuming it gives them the power to make an NPC do whatever with a die roll. With Int a GM's rules/narration can do anything of course and absolutely should, but I'm always looking for things to make my life easier during a campaign so I can focus on the fun parts :)

Zak Sabbath said...


That seems in no way "distasteful"--some tasks are easy and some are hard and there are numbers for that. Convincing the dragon to just fork over their gold isn't guaranteed by a high Charisma any more than killing it in one punch is guaranteed by a high Strength.

This doesn't seem "hard" at all, setting numbers for tasks is literally a normal part of the job and fun of GMing.

And if they do it? Ok, cool, they overcame a challenge by rolling preposterously high! Great story--it's not like I don't have more content ready to go.