Slorm wakes up to find the party's bard is dead. "Good!" he says. He is replaced by a blind dwarf.
We are in a Library. James' henchman El Grec has identified a sigil! its the sigil of the king!I , theee goblinn has posted henchindividuals outside the library, theres .MAGnificent fresco of the king leading troops. Slorm, filled with a wholly fraudulent sense of the inherent spirituality of a blind dwarf, says we have to follow the blind dwarf's lead through the library.The blind dwarf has got a book off the shelf. As has Dr Merchandise thee henchman.
One d8 roll later @Jeff Rients "Does your character actually read dwarf braille is the question?". More rolls, no.The henchmen notice one of the walls outside are bleeding. Slorm the goblin casts cure light wounds" on it, it scabs over.
Blarnibus the Ogre licks the wall. The blood tastes significantly more acidic than expected.
Slorm then casts Cure Light on the ogre's tongue.
The dwarves roll architecture. Nothing happens. Goblin cleric insists we just let the wall bleed because its dungeon dressing mannn.
Slorm can see through the veil of maya ok?
We go on. El Grec has picked up some Old Haldrani and can see a book called Lords of Gold! It says where all the local gold mines are.
I am glad I am doing this write-up because I forgot that we found this.
Slorm can read a book called the Grimoire of Par Kaare which has some spells.
I also forgot that--Jeff what spells are in there?
but WHATEVER...down to level NEXT. We're in a huge corridor. With some...passages? idk James Edward Raggi IV is mapping so I trust him.
Did I mention my goblin looked through a telescope into the infinite, got incapacitated for 3 sessions and now talks like a cult leader on mushrooms? Ok anyway. So he gets the blind dwarf to listen and he hears Sinister Laughter! To the north. We go north.
120 feet and then. Ok this dungeon is REALLLY big like it was drawn in the 70s by someone who didn't do rational architecture but its a Jeff Rients game so that is probably what it is.
(Turns out it's from Judges' Guild Journal. 2 decades of game blogging for nothing, we are still running around in some eccentric notebook dungeon written by people who know people who give out the 3 Castles Award. )
We are in a martini-glass shaped room. Slorm the goblin casts Augury and does not have the spell Augury and so randomly decides to go right and not left. Both left and right doors lead to the same room.
Goblin casts Insect Plague and sends the insects go down the corridor, they eventually find a secret door. Graham opens it.
A TEMPLE! Scarabs on the walls. The floor is made of blue marble with white veins--all veins leading toward a laughing buddha/dwarf like statue. Blarnibus the ogre approaches it. The Statue is entirely blued silver and its eyes are gems. Slorm urges any party member but himself to approach the statue. Quoth Blarnibus "i'm gonna shake it like its a piggybank".
![]() |
The only image that comes up when you google "Ogre with piggybank" |
When he picks it up a hidden gong sounds! There's a delay on the guards showing up (Jeff just tells us the mechanic) Blarnibus rolls...4! A bunch of weirdoes in red and black start pouring out.
I highly suspect Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is a reference here.
Weirdoes? Shaved heads and forky beards! James takes the rearguard and the goblin sends an Insect Plague to protect them.
Slorm is insane but has the Rod of something for Clerics so that's why he's casting all this bullshit.
The lowest level cultists show up first, and the plague takes them!! We get away scott free! 2500gp statue!
So far, so dungeon. But here's that real sauce:
Then--OF COURSE!--we dress the two dwarves up like the statue of the god by paying 500gp to the best cosplayer in the village. Jeff rules that by coincidence our blind dwarf has EXACTLY the same build as the god. Because: Jeff.
But the god mostly wears a loin cloth."I'm gonna fast-forward to the stupid corridor with the 2 sets of double doors". Slorm rolls a 2. Slorm casts Continual Light on the dwarf god's loincloths.
So they'll glow, naturally.
So the nonblind god-cosplaying dwarf leads the blind one to the plinth. The plinth is really tall though. One dwarf tosses the other. "Does he get up there before he sets off the alarm or not?". 1-3 or 4-6? 6.
So fuck ok the dwarves are messing around on the floor as the alarm rings. Slorm casts Insect Plague! Scarabs to the front! Protect your gods! Guards in chainmail with spears roll up.
They are not intelligent. The statue of their scarab-friendly god that's been missing has no been replaced by two gods? And a bunch of live scarab beetles.
They immediately declare--ITS A MIRACLE. The guards bow "We're not worthy!" The blind dwarf says "No you are not".
They fetch the high priest. One of the guards is confused to see two gods. Slorm casts Command. The one word command? PHILOSOPHIZE! For a round (6 seconds) the guard rhapsodizes about how there are TWO where once there were ONE!!! A holy mystery!
4 junior clerics roll up. Jeff rolls to see if they are swept up by the religious hysteria. They fail their save and begin praying.
James Edward Raggi IV asks "Um no reason, just asking....whats the dwarf gestation period?" Jeff rules 12 months.
Blind dwarf goes "I don't feel safe".
James goes..."i'm just saying, that we have the ability, at the rate of one per year, new gods!" "WE ARE JACK KIRBY!"
Jeff: "You know i don't do this very often but I'm awarding everybody 50 extra xp for shenanigans!"
550xp each.
No fights.
Okay, 1) Slorm actually had visited this very dungeon after the telescope incident and was his usual goblin-y self and tricked a poor naive adventurer into opening the door from the other side by telling "Open up, it's us, evil monsters!", then when the adventurer tried to liberate the human slaves from their evil goblin overlord Slorm went "We're just kidding, man, we're not actually evil monsters, we're *adventurers* like you!"
Buuut it was all retconned, because guru Slorm is objectively cooler.
2) They were some magic-user spells in the book, and I believe Jeff did not specify which ones. Because we never asked. Because we were exploring the dungeon!
3) The first thing that Slorm asked the blind dwarf was "Are... are you a bard?"
Okay Jeff just posted what spells were in that book in his own blog. Now we know.
Cool stuff! Sounds like you guys are having fun! Thanks for sharing Zak!
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