Thursday, January 30, 2025

The Demon City Hardcover Is Now Available To Everyone

You can get your copy of Demon City, the world's best horror RPG here.

Also there are currently two adventures available for 20$ each on pdf--email zakzsmith AT hawtmayle dawt calm for those.

For more info on the game, check out this tag.


Simon Tsevelev said...

It looks amazing. Very functional, too.

trollsmyth said...

Still waiting for mine.

David Parkinson said...

It looks great!

Zak Sabbath said...


sorry, no anonymous comments alloed

krillinfan said...

Picked up my copy as soon as I saw this was available, can't wait for it to arrive!

unclefes said...

Ordering pdf as soon as my cc billing rotates!

Orison said...

the tarot page goes so hard

shirleyishmael said...

I am very interested into finding out how the Tarot mechanics work. Always cool when there is something different.

Sly said...

Oooh shiny... It's been a long time since we've backed this KS! Looking forward to getting my hardcopy.

MattfromTinder said...

Cannot wait to see this in the flesh after all of this time. I've been flipping through the PDF regularly, and it looks incredible and reads great, but I much prefer having a physical object in order to run a game. Hopefully, I can get my group onboard before the end of the year for a Demon City game.

Eater of Dreams said...

I've been reading the PDF lately and the amount of content and its functionality is insane. Didn't use it just yet (I'm waiting for the physical book for that), but I can't wait to see it in action... preemptively I see it replacing pretty much most current modern horror games I play.

Timothy Hall said...

Even with just a quick scroll through of the pdf I have to say that the open world as a dungeon approach caught my eye and made me STOP scrolling and read. It is really helpful for an approach to, well, non-dungeon based RPGs, and is something I wish I had two decades ago running WoD games.

Chris Baratz said...

I got my copy a couple days ago and it's beautiful. Worth the wait.

Travis' Whimseys said...

Congrats on releasing Demon City! It looks amazing!

Regina Hart said...

I can't wait to see my copy! I'm still waiting (im)patiently for an email to let me know that it's shipped. Hopefully Mike gets to me soon.

T5un4m1 said...

Zak, have you ever thought about drawing your own tarot deck for this game?

Zak Sabbath said...


T5un4m1 said...

I'm withdraw my question, thanks

mekhawretch said...

It's great to finally see this available - and sad it's probably not gonna get the opening fanfare it deserves.

coral wave said...

Sadly, the physical copy is too much with shipping, but got the PDF!

DVAR said...

thanks for the pics! I was very curious what it looked like inside.

Tomsonn2015 said...

This is fantastic!!! It was a long wait but finally the book is on its way ❤️

fbnaulin said...

I wonder if creating a thematic tarot was considered during this project.

Zak Sabbath said...


Blake said...

Got my physical copy a couple of days ago. This book was definitely worth the waiting. Aesthetically is astonishingly beautiful and packed with inspiring material to run a horror game.

ts21 said...

It’s a bit late for Christmas, but I could not limit myself to a mere PDF…
I will eat some cheap junk for the next few months while waiting for the book to get across the Pond!

Zak Sabbath said...


Excellent--tell people

Fatal_Theory said...

Congrats on Demon City! Looking forward to reading through this one!

JordanE said...

Do you recommend one tarot deck to use over others?

Zak Sabbath said...


Yes recommendations are in the book.

McPhisto said...

I cannot resist. I don't want to resist.

peggy said...

I don't own this (very beautifully illustrated) game and I'm a bit confused. Is it a kind of Chill, Delta green or Vampire rpg ? Of what I understand (but I may be wrong), it's a toolbox to play in every modern horror universe. Is it possible to play it with modules from other games or is the system too specific ?

Tibbs1891 said...

I cannot wait to get my copy. Looks gorgeous. Though, I expected nothing less!

Zak Sabbath said...


It is a general horror game and it should be easy to play with modules from other systems.