Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The Temple of Naga Malicinda-Five Bucks


Temple of Naga Malicinda

My players are currently in a megadungeon, this is one of the levels.

It can pretty much fit into any big dungeon with levels or areas.

Now available in The Store. Five Bucks.


maasenstodt said...

That's a really nice piece of art.

Severed Fane said...

Will this be being available in the compendium? I am always loving Nagas, I would like to have more playing opportunities to use them.

Zak Sabbath said...

@severed Fane


Severed Fane said...

This is being great news! May I being assuming by this fact that the entire megadungeon will be with the compendium as well?

Zak Sabbath said...

@severed fane


Alister Fa said...

Cool naga art! I often wonder how to keep players interested in traversing a megadungeon. I always fear they will lose interest once they’re a few levels in.

Mike Lee said...

I really like the composition of this image. And the shield. And the colors, in general. It's all very satisfying.

ElifeLau said...

So beautiful ! I'm keeping my fingers crossed ( not for long, the race isn't over yet! ) that one day I'll be able to turn this page!