There's no real response needed. Another poster provided she's off the same ilk. Even worse, Clinton used chattel/blacks in her plantation house in Arkansas, fakes accents depending on with whom she is speaking, and told a group of black interviewers she always has hot sauce in her purse, in her best black face voice. She's a much more openly and bigger piece of shit than Trump.
Well, if the intention is that her policies would be opposite of his, then yes. He's crazy, but his decisions are bearing fruit for America, which is all that matters. He's accused of all sorts of nefarious things but no evidence beyond anecdotal and emotional appeals is ever provided for why Orange Man Bad.
Now that I've replied, can you answer the other question that is about RPGs. I don't care to argue politics online, it's useless. I defend democracy willingly in the military, I'm glad everyone enjoys practicing.
There's no mistake. Why don't YOU explain why Clinton, who didn't give two shits about gays and trans until it was advantageous to her career, had better policies? Stop being an obviating douche about this. Also, you're welcome since you didn't address anything, only demanded responses from others.
A) _I, SavageCheerleader, do not care to argue politics online and therefore accept that it was a mistake to leave these political comments online in a public place
B) _I, SavageCheerleader, do care to argue politics online and therefore accept that it was a mistake to claim I didn't, also please address my questions so that we can have that argument
Out of game. Kind of.
I don't care about Fun. I'm not competing in the Funlympics because it's a
participation trophy and if your table isn't having Fun
The greatest horror game ever is here.
That's pretty much it, folks.
DEMON CITY can now be bought, both in printed format and as a PDF.
I've had the PDF for some time now, and I'm really hap...
Check out this fashionable fellow.
I was looking at the *Tunnels & Trolls* stuff on the ebays and stumbled
across this guy. I love his visor, though I think it would be better if it
was p...
"Ark Against Time" Submitted for DunDraCon #48
[image: A colorful thing seems to be made of several elongated pods]
(Ark of Time)
*GM: Matt MorrisonType: RPGSystem: D&D/Arduin GrimoireEdition: 5...
I'm Zak, I live in Los Angeles. Most of the people I know here are women I know from being a porn "actor"--so they're porn stars and strippers. So that's who I play Dungeons & Dragons with.
Meh, Clinton said the same dumb shit and publicly spoke out against same sex marriage for decades.
She is a lackluster candidate, but if you're suggesting an equivalence you are insane.
At least Jack Chick is still dead. :/
Hope you guys are doing okay, Zak.
SOrry, instructions were unclear.
There's no real response needed. Another poster provided she's off the same ilk. Even worse, Clinton used chattel/blacks in her plantation house in Arkansas, fakes accents depending on with whom she is speaking, and told a group of black interviewers she always has hot sauce in her purse, in her best black face voice. She's a much more openly and bigger piece of shit than Trump.
None of that is relevant
Are you saying that you believe her _policies_ would be worse than Donald Trump's policies?
Well, if the intention is that her policies would be opposite of his, then yes. He's crazy, but his decisions are bearing fruit for America, which is all that matters. He's accused of all sorts of nefarious things but no evidence beyond anecdotal and emotional appeals is ever provided for why Orange Man Bad.
Now that I've replied, can you answer the other question that is about RPGs. I don't care to argue politics online, it's useless. I defend democracy willingly in the military, I'm glad everyone enjoys practicing.
1. " I don't care to argue politics online, it's useless."
Then you should not have stated a political opinion in your response to this post and should apologize for doing so.
2. "He's accused of all sorts of nefarious things but no evidence"
He put two conservatives on the supreme court. Address that.
I won't apologize for anything. You're dressing this on and on.
Who cares who goes into the supreme court.
You said you "don't care to argue politics online" AND you left a political opinion online.
You aren't owning up to your mistake. So: you're banned.
There's no mistake. Why don't YOU explain why Clinton, who didn't give two shits about gays and trans until it was advantageous to her career, had better policies? Stop being an obviating douche about this. Also, you're welcome since you didn't address anything, only demanded responses from others.
Pick one:
A) _I, SavageCheerleader, do not care to argue politics online and therefore accept that it was a mistake to leave these political comments online in a public place
B) _I, SavageCheerleader, do care to argue politics online and therefore accept that it was a mistake to claim I didn't, also please address my questions so that we can have that argument
C) _I, SavageCheerleader would like to be banned
Oh okay pumpkin spice, let's argue politics. Now, explain why Clinton is better for America
Are you apologizing for making the false statement that you "do not care to argue politics online" ?
Say "Yes, I am sorry"
or say "No, ban me"
Address the issue, coward
Addressing your questions is easy, but you've lost the right to ask them (throwing in a personal attack invalidates you even more).
If someone who is a better and more honest person than you would like to ask, or you would like to ask after making apologies, I'd be happy to oblige.
Otherwise: Goodbye forever.
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