That was my thought also. Traps... the rpg variety or the... other kind of trap? Considering the nature of some of the stuff on this blog it's a hard call to make.
So then, the ultimate cross-genre pop-culture meme-reference would a trap that's also a trap. You could even have Xzibit there, saying "Yo dawg, I heard you liek traps, so I put a trap in your trap, now you can..." ok, I'll stop.
I don't get the furrie hate thing. I mean, if I were going to spend a significant amount of time dressed up as an anthropomorphic animal, surrounded by others, doing the same, I'd try fucking that way, at least once.
And cosplay + sex used to be an accepted thing. 30 years ago, when it was all french-maids and pirates.
But do it with superheroes and oh, no! Those people are freaks!
"I don't get the furrie hate thing. I mean, if I were going to spend a significant amount of time dressed up as an anthropomorphic animal, surrounded by others, doing the same, I'd try fucking that way, at least once." - James
Uh, if you're spending a significant amount of your time dressed up as an anthropomorphic animal, then presumably you're already a furry. Or a sports mascot. I don't think the fucking "seals the deal".
I've been told that there's a fucking and non-fucking contingent, among the furries.
And that apparently the fucking furries are what's freaking people out. I could be wrong about much of all that, as I just don't know much about furries, or those who hate them.
Speaking for myself, I couldn't care less how people have sex, but I still find furries a source of irritation. Specifically, the obnoxious affectations that (some) furries drop into conversation. Since I'm not part of their demographic, the only times I come into contact with furries and know about it is when someone pauses in the middle of a message, forum post or - heavens forbid - real life conversation to coquettishly pretend to be an animal. It's nothing to do with the specifics of their subculture - I would feel the same way if one of my D&D friends suddenly started roleplaying an elf in the middle of a perfectly normal conversation - but for whatever reason, maybe just sampling bias, furries are the only people I've witnessed do this. Furry roleplayers have prejudiced me more against their group than a whole parade of animal-suited people could manage if they held an orgy on my doorstep.
One a more serious note, and speaking of those really, really into it, I think it's far too comprehensive a set of extraneous symbols, to incorporate into your sexuality. I sure as hell, wouldn't take a fetish that far!
Not sure I buy that people dressing up in costumes of a certain type somehow undermines other folks dressing up in costumes who have decided that they are more legit. World's big enough for all types. You don't have to like them, but you do have to deal with it.
I went to an RPG auction. My FLGS has one three or four times a year.
There was one game, with a module rubberbanded to the back, that looked kinda interesting. Called "Other Suns", early 80s by the look of it. Looked like a Traveller Heartbreaker. Had a cat-person on the front along with some humans in 70s-ish SF suits, but what the hell, Traveller has the Aslan, and it's OK. Niven and then Star Trek had the Kzinti, so, you know, maybe they felt like they needed to keep up with the Joneses.
So, what the hell, I bid on it. Right now I am sort of having a thing for early-80s SF RPGs. I got it for $6, either because no one else had ever heard of it either, or, as I now suspect, because everyone else knew what it was.
Got it home and unwrapped it. Well, turns out the module (blank cardboard in the plastic sleeve on the back, so I couldn't see it) has, uh, a girl furry on the front and some futuristic font. I begin to feel anxious. And then I see the back of the game box, which is totally Furry Central. And flipping through it, oh yeah, lots of fox-people making out and stuff.
As Cartman would say, SON OF A BITCH!
So, yeah, I just bought Traveller But With More Furries.
My only foray into furry culture is reading the Erma Felna EDF series; a military hard sci-fi comic series. If you're willing to get past the the fact that the characters are anthropomorphic animals, its actually pretty good.
Furries are the transqueer of geekdom, I guess. The group that the organizers of Gay Pride don't really want there. That alone makes me want to try it.
Out of game. Kind of.
I don't care about Fun. I'm not competing in the Funlympics because it's a
participation trophy and if your table isn't having Fun
The greatest horror game ever is here.
That's pretty much it, folks.
DEMON CITY can now be bought, both in printed format and as a PDF.
I've had the PDF for some time now, and I'm really hap...
Check out this fashionable fellow.
I was looking at the *Tunnels & Trolls* stuff on the ebays and stumbled
across this guy. I love his visor, though I think it would be better if it
was p...
"Ark Against Time" Submitted for DunDraCon #48
[image: A colorful thing seems to be made of several elongated pods]
(Ark of Time)
*GM: Matt MorrisonType: RPGSystem: D&D/Arduin GrimoireEdition: 5...
I'm Zak, I live in Los Angeles. Most of the people I know here are women I know from being a porn "actor"--so they're porn stars and strippers. So that's who I play Dungeons & Dragons with.
That was my thought also. Traps... the rpg variety or the... other kind of trap? Considering the nature of some of the stuff on this blog it's a hard call to make.
So then, the ultimate cross-genre pop-culture meme-reference would a trap that's also a trap. You could even have Xzibit there, saying "Yo dawg, I heard you liek traps, so I put a trap in your trap, now you can..." ok, I'll stop.
I don't get the furrie hate thing. I mean, if I were going to spend a significant amount of time dressed up as an anthropomorphic animal, surrounded by others, doing the same, I'd try fucking that way, at least once.
And cosplay + sex used to be an accepted thing. 30 years ago, when it was all french-maids and pirates.
But do it with superheroes and oh, no! Those people are freaks!
Gruad Greyface, is alive and well!
She can undermine my cosplay anytime she likes.
So one of my ex's BFF is now a meme, and I learn it from your blog. The Universe is getting smaller and smaller.
I don't trust anyone from Hydrabad. Everyone knows Hydras are good.
"I don't get the furrie hate thing. I mean, if I were going to spend a significant amount of time dressed up as an anthropomorphic animal, surrounded by others, doing the same, I'd try fucking that way, at least once." - James
Uh, if you're spending a significant amount of your time dressed up as an anthropomorphic animal, then presumably you're already a furry. Or a sports mascot. I don't think the fucking "seals the deal".
I've been told that there's a fucking and non-fucking contingent, among the furries.
And that apparently the fucking furries are what's freaking people out. I could be wrong about much of all that, as I just don't know much about furries, or those who hate them.
Speaking for myself, I couldn't care less how people have sex, but I still find furries a source of irritation.
Specifically, the obnoxious affectations that (some) furries drop into conversation. Since I'm not part of their demographic, the only times I come into contact with furries and know about it is when someone pauses in the middle of a message, forum post or - heavens forbid - real life conversation to coquettishly pretend to be an animal. It's nothing to do with the specifics of their subculture - I would feel the same way if one of my D&D friends suddenly started roleplaying an elf in the middle of a perfectly normal conversation - but for whatever reason, maybe just sampling bias, furries are the only people I've witnessed do this. Furry roleplayers have prejudiced me more against their group than a whole parade of animal-suited people could manage if they held an orgy on my doorstep.
I've met a few furries that if they asked me to dress up in ears and a tail I wouldn't be able to say no.
Anyways I'll agree that the furry folks are one group that catch, and deal out, a lot of hate.
One a more serious note, and speaking of those really, really into it, I think it's far too comprehensive a set of extraneous symbols, to incorporate into your sexuality. I sure as hell, wouldn't take a fetish that far!
I'm not gonna hate on em for doing so, though.
Not sure I buy that people dressing up in costumes of a certain type somehow undermines other folks dressing up in costumes who have decided that they are more legit. World's big enough for all types. You don't have to like them, but you do have to deal with it.
I got hit by SURPRIZE RPG FURRY today.
No, really.
I went to an RPG auction. My FLGS has one three or four times a year.
There was one game, with a module rubberbanded to the back, that looked kinda interesting. Called "Other Suns", early 80s by the look of it. Looked like a Traveller Heartbreaker. Had a cat-person on the front along with some humans in 70s-ish SF suits, but what the hell, Traveller has the Aslan, and it's OK. Niven and then Star Trek had the Kzinti, so, you know, maybe they felt like they needed to keep up with the Joneses.
So, what the hell, I bid on it. Right now I am sort of having a thing for early-80s SF RPGs. I got it for $6, either because no one else had ever heard of it either, or, as I now suspect, because everyone else knew what it was.
Got it home and unwrapped it. Well, turns out the module (blank cardboard in the plastic sleeve on the back, so I couldn't see it) has, uh, a girl furry on the front and some futuristic font. I begin to feel anxious. And then I see the back of the game box, which is totally Furry Central. And flipping through it, oh yeah, lots of fox-people making out and stuff.
As Cartman would say, SON OF A BITCH!
So, yeah, I just bought Traveller But With More Furries.
Does she purr when you rub her tummy?
My only foray into furry culture is reading the Erma Felna EDF series; a military hard sci-fi comic series. If you're willing to get past the the fact that the characters are anthropomorphic animals, its actually pretty good.
@adam: you got furryrolled?
Furries are the transqueer of geekdom, I guess. The group that the organizers of Gay Pride don't really want there. That alone makes me want to try it.
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