This is a place where you can write in melee combat techniques for characters in Gigacrawler (the sci fi dungeoncrawl game we're writing) to use. Any move a character knows may be used once per day, unless noted otherwise.
Martial arts should, in most cases, not give constant bonuses to anything--that would go under skills.
A PC may use a maximum of 5 moves in any one day. If a technique requires a specific roll to be successfully initiated and that roll fails, it is wasted for the day (unless otherwise noted).
Keep in mind: When a PC learns a martial arts technique, the technique they learn is generated randomly, so feel free to include weaker or more powerful results. You may use this.
Keep in mind the average PC has 10-11 Physique points (hit points). You might want to reread the combat section in the original post for ideas. It's short and not terribly different, scalewise than The World's Most Familiar RPG System, but there's a kink or two.
One day this will all be collated into a numbered list. Until then, if you are creating a character using these results, you can count the results here and use this to randomize which martial arts moves your PC knows.
If you contributed any of the results to this earlier open call for Kung Fu moves for our Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game and would now like to submit them to Gigacrawler, feel free. However, I would ask that you please re-stat them (if necessary) and cut and paste them into the thread below yourself for the benefit of my sanity.
Keep in mind not all martial arts originate on Earth, so they may have special effects, or require exotic conditions to be effective--these should be conditions a PC could plausibly fulfill with enough effort.
Here are some to start....
1. Golden Monkey Hook Strike: Leap into the air, hook leg around target's neck, land on the ground and attempt to crush trachea. A successful hit automatically causes 4 physique damage (no need to roll vs target physique) + target makes physique roll vs. attacker's agility to avoid 4 choking damage, plus target is on the ground and grappled.
2. Lucky Number Dodge: PC chooses a number between 1 and 10. Each time s/he rolls that number while dodging (i.e. when rolling to defend against an incoming attack), s/he may automatically trip the attacker. (Always "on"--i.e. it can be used more than once per day, but "turning it on" costs a slot for the day.)
3.Thousand Drunken Tongues Technique: After a successful unarmed to-hit roll, the player begins to speak and the GM starts a stopwatch. The player must then continuously describe, in detail, a series of physical movements his or her character is using to attack his or her enemy, without stopping.
(Example: "I leap into the air, twist, land on top of the guy's head, reach down, shove my fingers into his eyesockets, pluck out one eye, throw it into the air, slice it in half with my dagger, catch the pieces in my mouth, spit them into his face, jump off his head, sweep his legs out from under him, catch him by the hair, throw him through the window, jump through after him, punch him in the neck four times before he hits the ground"...etc.)
If the player pauses for more than one second ("one Miss-iss-ipp-i") the recitation must stop and the GM stops the stopwatch. The longer the player speaks, the more dangerous the attack. The attack causes damage equal to one third the number of seconds the description goes on (rounded down).
The described attack does indeed occur--though it can only include actions which the PC (or, at least, a Jet Li-like version of the character) could physically perform--i.e. if the PC can't eat metal then the description cannot include the PC eating the target's sword. If the description suggests some result in addition to direct physical damage from the assault (i.e. if the strike involves the target being disarmed or thrown into a spike-filled pit), the target may be allowed an agility roll vs. the attackers agility or the like.
Although the described attack can include any number of actions involving weapons, they do no additional damage and the initial to-hit roll is made as if it were an unarmed strike. If more than one target is included in the description the PC can decide how exactly to allocate the damage generated.
An attack description can last up to 30 seconds.
4. Claw of Megathrox: Using a clever feint, the PC grabs two of an enemy's limbs, spins, hooks a third limb under his/her leg and twists the third limb back upon itself, rendering it useless. The complexity of the attack requires the target to have at least 3 arms or appendages placed roughly where arms would be. It is useless against two-armed creatures (or creatures with only 2 functioning arms). If the PC's agility is higher than the target's Physique, the twist is automatically successful. If it is equal or less than the target's physique, there is an opposed agility vs. physique roll. A successful attack also does d4 point of physique damage.
5. Reptile Emperor Ninefold Seeking Fist: The PC can attempt to redirect up to 9 attacks by creatures in a 15-foot radius toward any target of his/her choosing. The PC must announce his/her attention to use this technique at the beginning of a round but the GM should proceed as if the creatures under his/her control do not know this is about to happen. The attacks must be ones that could plausibly be redirected by physically manipulating the attacker (for example, a psionic attack would not be redirected). The PC makes an agility roll against the agility of each attacker, a success indicates the attack has been redirected and must be rolled against the new target instead of the intended one. If no attacks are made in that round, oh well, the technique is wasted for the day.
6. Familiar Ancient Ronin Dodge. If a PC is being attacked by two or more foes at once (melee or missile), this allows the PC to cause the enemies to hit each other (if the physical set up makes that plausible). The PC must successfully dodge (win the roll) against the first attack, thereafter the other attacks are presumed to have been dodged as well. The enemies all then skip to hit rolls and go straight to rolling weapon strength vs. physique at each other (though they may add any points of armor to this roll). If the PC's roll is unsuccessful, s/he may take a combat action to make another dodge (as usual) and the technique takes effect. If this is unsuccessful, it's wasted for the day.
The Magic Item Collection and Generator is now live for sale
So this is the thing that I made.
What's it good for?
The Collection contains 30 magic items that I wrote up, more or less
original. Some are weapons,...
7.Palm of Unfathomable Justice
Th PC may make 3 armed or unarmed melee attacks this round, using physique as the weapon strength (as usual) on the first strike, agility as the weapon strength on the second strike, and willpower as the weapon strength on the third.
8. Cataract of steel and blood
The PC makes an attack with a weapon he is holding. If it hits, he may drop the weapon, draw another one and make another attack. This goes on until the PC misses or runs out of weapons. He can use any kind of weapon during the cataract, from knives and clubs to firearms (althought he firearms must be loaded). Unarmed counts as one weapon unless he can make more than one unarmed attack per round.
9. Flight of deadly leaves
The PC may attack any enemy in sight with a melee weapon or unarmed attack. The PC ends up adjacent to the target. There must be a clear route from the PCs current position to the target, this move can't be used to attack an enemy within a plexiglass bubble or hovering over a deep chasm (unless the PC can fly).
Jasper, you do have a talent for this
addendum on the cataract--if the PC can succeed on an opposed agility roll against any target s/he has already hit during the cataract s/he can steal the target's weapon away so long as s/he uses it right after the successful attack and drops it immediately (the frenzy is upon them). If s/he kills a target during a cataract, s/he may steal the target's weapon and use it during the cataract but must do so immediately and then drop it before moving to the next weapon.
oh and--a failed weapon-stealing roll ends the cataract.
...and "kills" should say "knocks unconscious"
Feast of Savage Wisdom
PC may add +1 to hit and damage for each biological, technical, medical or magical skill s/he has that would be relevant to the target. i.e. medicine would count for one against anyone biological (medicine-pandas would count if the target was a panda), engineering skills would count against robots or cyborgs, demonology if the target's a demon. Bonuses stack.
11. Golden Qi Nerve Pinch
After making a successful unarmed attack against an opponent, an agility roll is made against the target's base physique (can be automatic if attacker's agility is higher than target's base physique). If successful, the target is completely immobilized and can take no action - not even moving - for 3 rounds. While the target is still immobilized, the attacker may spend a minor action (explicitly: does not take a combat action) to automatically immobilize the target for another 3 rounds. Hypothetically, this could go on forever - until one of them starved to death. The target must be biological and have a central nervous system (or something close to it).
Thanks. I just hope my players notice from time to time.
GQNP is cool, but i don't think it should be automatic if it can be kept going forever. Or maybe the defender could get a chance to snap out of it whenever he takes damage. I leave it up to you.
12. Keening vampire lunge
The PC must use a bladed or spiked weapon, claw or bite attack or anything else that could cause a bleeding wound. The attack is resolved as normal, but the defender gets a penality to weapon strength for melee attacks equal to damage taken for 1d4 rounds. The attacker gains the same amount as a bonus for the same number of rounds.
13. Amazing ram onslaught
During the PCs turn, he may move through any enemys position or square or hex or whatever movement system you use. Each time he does so, he gets to make an unarmed attack against that enemy. If the unarmed attack deals damage, the enemy is knocked down. He may keep moving even if the attack misses.
Thanks! I'll add this to GQNP:
Optional (if it seems too powerful):
Immobilization is not automatic. After the first successful attack, a to-hit roll is not needed, and it still counts as a minor action, but the attacker must still beat the target in agility vs. base physique every time. The very fist time that the target is able to win this challenge, GQNP has ended.
14.Castigate Impure Flesh: The disciple hits the target with a pressure point strike to the core causing one point of damage. Starting the following round the target takes 1d8 damage each round equal to the number of cybernetic or alien modifications they have. Blood explodes from the site of each implant in dramatic fashion. (This technique has no effect on robots and non carbon lifeforms. Robots with living human transplants/modifications may be affected, perhaps more severely.)
Hands of the Kaiju.
For the rest of this combat, your attacks ignore the hardness of mundane objects-- in effect, rending stone & steel like paper & tinfoil. This allows you to punch through walls, kick holes in floors, tear into buildings, & the like.
Using this technique to destroy a structure outright should be treated as though the user was four strong individuals armed with jackhammers.
Does it let the PC ignore armor? Seems logical, but you wrote nothing about it.
16. Jumping demon armor
The PC can activate this when he is the target of an attack but before the roll is made, after a turn where he moved at least 10'. Doing so means he has maneuvered himself in a way as to place an obstacle in between himself and each attacker, gaining +7 armor for the rest of the round.
Jasper-- good question. I'm going to say NO. I see it more like breaking bricks, writ large. Your logic makes sense, but I'd rather reserve those for two separate techniques.
From TMNT:
Fox in the Hen House:
You run stealthily along the ground, getting a free movement action to position yourself, & then let loose a dervishing swarm of blows-- pinch fingered hand strikes & sharp toe jabs. You attack every enemy within reach for 1d4 Physique, plus on the roll of a four, that target is blind for one round.
Flayed Dog Stigmata:
You use the pain of your wounds, steeling your resolve with bloody minded revenge. Using the parts of your body that have been traumatize, you strike out, leaving symbolic marks-- a bloody hand print or kiss, for instance-- that begin to burn. Your enemy takes one point of Physique damage for every point of Physique damages your character currently has.
You are a credit to your nation, Joesky.
Screaming Skull:
With vein-bursting intensity, you scream and charge an opponent head-first. Make a Will check against them - a success means they are too horrified to dodge. Otherwise roll to hit as normal. A success does normal unarmed-strike damage, drives them back a number of feet equal to the roll, and does another 1d4 if they hit anything because of it. However, you suffer double-vision for 1d4 rounds, giving a -2 to every action during that time.
Cruel winds revenge
You gain +2 to dodge against melee attacks for the next 1d4 rounds. Any attack that misses gives you a free melee attack back at the enemy.
Technologues dance of dominance
You must be a robot or cyborg, or have a tech level of 10 or more to lear this tecnique. You may make an agility roll against the targets tech level. If the target is a robot and you win, you can control the robot for one turn. If the attack is made against a cyborg and you win, you control the targets implants instead. If the target has any implanted weapons, or any other cybernetics that can take independent action, you can immediately take one action with one of those implants, using the opponents ability scores. The target can't use any of his implants on the following turn.
Is TDOD a target for a willpower roll with Ghost in The Machine Type 2 in any circumstances?
Maxmillian Mathmatical Martial Suite (3Ms v102.3)
The math-based martial art of the Maxmillians. Can be combined with any normal unarmed strike. Effect is wholly dependent on the result of a d20 rolled *before* the to-hit roll. Bonuses stack: For instance, 5 is odd and also divisible by itself, so it's +3 to hit.
-Odd numbers add +1 to-hit bonus.
-Even add +1 to damage.
-Divisible by 3 (3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18): +1 bonus against next attack on PC this round.
-Divisible by 5 (5, 10, 14, 20): +2 to-hit.
-Divisible by 10 (10, 20): Extra, normal attack even if this one misses.
-20: This blow hits automatically.
-1: PC may choose whether to disarm, knock down, push back a number of feet equal to the successful to-hit roll, or stun the target 1 round.
(er, that 14 should obviously be a 15)
I should think the martial artist would have to make a willpower roll to take an action the ghost disapproves of, just like its owner. For example, if the ghost used to be an elf, the PC using TDOD has to make a willpower roll to make the implant attack an elf.
I'll start with my suggestions from last time:
Ascending Mountain Fist: You run up the target's body, leap off their shoulders, flip, and bring both fists down on either side of their head. 2d5 damage, target is deafened for one round, and must make Phhysique test to avoid being stunned for a round in addition.
Rising Dragon Fist*: You unleash a mighty rising uppercut that lifts both yourself and your opponent off the ground. 1d10+1 damage and a 5% chance of setting the opponent on fire, but you land with your back to the opponent, giving them the initiative if they can make an Agility test to land on their feet.
*I know, I'm sorry.
Typhoon Storm Attack: Your hands become a blur as you strike your opponent again and again. Your first hit does 1 point of damage. Then roll a d10; if the number you roll is more than the damage you have done so far with Typhoon Storm Attack, you do another point of damage, then roll again. Continue until you roll equal to or less than the damage caused.
Walled City Laundry Day: You get in close, and use your clothing to tangle your opponent's limbs. Roll 1d10:
1-5: Your opponent is immobilised for one turn.
5-9: Your opponent is immobilised for 1d5 turns.
0: Your opponent is immobilised for 1d5 turns and takes 1d5 choking damage.
The Game of Death: You taste some of your own blood (if uninjured, roll again), and are driven into a berserker rage. You may fight on past 0 Physique, until all foes have fled or been defeated. If at below 0 Current Physique at the end of the fight, you collapse, and may die if first aid is not applied.
Wuchang's Inevitable Fist: Your attack disrupts the opponent's life force. You do 1d5 damage, and if the opponent survives the fight, they must make a Physique test every morning from then on. If they fail a roll, they drop dead.
Enlightening Strike: You strike your opponent twice, once to the forehead, once to the chest above their heart. No damage is done, but the opponent loses all desire to fight. Roll 1d10:
1-4: The opponent wanders away from the scene of the fight with a big pacific smile on their face.
5-8: The opponent sits down on the spot to contemplate the perfection of the cosmos.
9-0: The opponent joins you against their former colleagues.
I propose a general rule: Fear effects that paralyze or stun, which normally should only work on things that can *feel* fear, also work on robots and the like. With those beings, it's not fear but distraction and confusion causing them to hesitate. It's the time spent trying to process the logic behind why the threat is suddenly bellowing a loud noise, for instance.
Works for me.
I think "general rules" like this are a bad idea. It forces players and GMs to look up special "categories" (i.e. "see stunned, see fascinated, see On Fire" etc.) when they are trying to figure out the game.
The answers to a question caused by a widget should be in the basic rules (in the first post) which are things everyone will remember because the describe situations that come up every time they play, or in the widget description--which a PC would write down when receiving a widget.
The rest is up to GM rulings.
Different fear attacks can, and should, have different effects on robots.
Dragon Fist and Enlightening Strike should have some more mechanics involved and be weaker. I mean, you have to go Would this Work On Demogorgon? And remember, a PC who has these moves can use them once a day--you don't jsut want each move to become like "Oh, get out of jail free again".
I feel like the dance of dominance, while cute, needs to either involve or be a product of something beyond martial arts--a device, a cyborg implant enabling it, etc.
I'd suggest the poor cyborg gets a will vs. agility roll for each round after the first or else the damage never ends. I would also suggest that since the impure flesh is being castigated, the attacker has to take some kinda shit if s/he has implants.
I was thinking "so we don't have to say 'doesn't affect' or 'does affect' this or that" every time, but I see what you mean. Better to just say it there than imply "go look at where we said this somewhere else."
Pythagorean Leap
Set a d20 down. Now, stack dice on top of it. When the stack falls, count the number of dice. You may strike anyone within that number x5 feet, by leaping against a ceiling or wall and then straight at them. You can also simply jump that distance without attacking, or use a weapon in mid-leap (useful for dropping a bomb right on top someone, for instance).
Why is this: "Hooligan Youth Reviews: Capital's war against WikiLeaks - Opinion ..." a link to this post?
Hooligan Youth Review.
Oi! You going to let that greybeard over their ruffle up your feathers? NO SIR, TOO RIGHT! Your youthful indignation knows no bounds.
Charge any target that is subjectively older than you (whether it is an indescribably ancient robot, or a 4 year old creature with a 5 year life span). They are knocked to the floor & pinned under your body. You may headbutt them 1d4 times times-- each headbutt does 1 Int & 1 Will damage to you, but deals 3 Physique to the target.
Right, well maybe just 1d5+1 damage for Rising Dragon Fist then.
I'm not sure Enlightening Strike can work without getting into fiddly damage versus willpower style mechanics, so it may be best to drop that one.
@Zak: I'd comment on the table of contents, but it won't let me, so: Where do you put character races? I just made an Android character, and I'd like to add a description and such.
you have to build character races out of Alterations--though you may create a series of interacting options that add up to a "package".
Null Grav Disarm: Can only be learned if the character has been in Zero-g. Can be used anywhere. The character can disarm any attacker that successfully hits them with a melee weapon. They will take no damage from the attack.
The idea with TDOD is that it depends on skill rather than fancy devices, but I get that it should need some basis in tech other that 'this PC is really smart with robots'.
New requirement for Technologues Dance of Dominance:
The PC must have an AI disruption array or some other device or modification that allows controlling or confusing robotic opponents. If the PC rolls this move on character creation, he may retroactively get such a modification to keep it.
Ridiculous Anime Swipe: Requires and edged weapon; at referee's option can also work on imaginary objects likes doors or pipes. Skip the to-hit roll for this attack: your blade swings faster than the eye can follow and ends up past the target. Roll for damage (weapon strength +d10+bonuses vs current physique +d10+bonuses); if the result indicates damage greater than the targets current physique, the target is brutally sliced in half by the blow, c.p. reduced to 0, and will presumably die of nasty injuries without medical attention.
If the result indicates damage, or is a tie, then the blow was a miscalculation: nothing happens and the move is wasted for the day.
If the defender exceeds the attacker's roll, then the attack clearly isn't strong enough and his weapon shatters instead.
Chan's Challenge (or, The Peking Opera Props Department): You make use of a nearby object -- such as a chair, a long pole, or a ladder -- to hinder your opponent's attacks without attacking them directly. Once this technique is activated, the opponent suffers a -2 penalty to all attacks for the duration of the fight. Other martial arts techniques may be combined with this one.
Greetings. I forgot exactly how I got to this little web project, but here I am. Plus seeing a couple of examples character caused me to do the following:
Gigacrawler Character X-1
Native to Quadrant: 0000.122C.FGGE
Class: Scrapper
Race: Unknown
Gender: Unknown
AGLity: 09
CHArisma: 07
INTelligence: 11
WILlpower: 12
PHYsique: 12
TL=11 Cyberpunk Era Adult (cyber-reactive vehicle)
EXTRAS: (6 Martial Arts, 5 Other)
Skills: Lying, Not being seen, Fixing
Martial Arts: 6 Moves. Which I don't know how to roll for since I lost count after I hit twenty-three and then there was a burst of them. Has anyone put the initial list and separated the types and such of these mostly from what I am seeing awesome moves?
Spells: None at the moment.
Alterations: None known.
Equipment: SuperSlickSuit*, Weapon.
*SuperSlickSuit is a trade/servicemark of deadco. deadco, where to go when you want the tools to make someone dead. deadco. Located in Quadrant Spine76
@Craig: If it's less than 100, roll d00 and reroll any invalid result.
Become The Cup:
The character flows like water and adapts to her situation. On her next combat roll, then treat it as if the character's agility were the exact value required for the total roll to be 1 higher than opponent's. The character's agility score stays at this value for the remainder of the fight when against this opponent. If two characters use it against each other at the same time, the move is neutralized and the two cannot attack each other for the duration of the fight—water does not fight with itself.
Achilles Trick: Use for attacks of thrown weapons. If a throw misses, attacker can use this MA for another throw attack with the same weapon against the same enemy, for double damage. Does not work with weapons that explode/disappear after being thrown.
All in The Reflexes - This allows one to catch any one weapon thrown at them [per use,] then immediately send it back at the thrower with a +2 to attack.
Topological Denoising in Multidimensional Spacetime
A Maximillian uses the insane wizard geometry of his multidimensional neuronal manifolds to inflict bohemian jedi magick on the opponent.
The magick 'denoises' the opponent's body according to the topological connections between all of the little blood vessels, muscle tissues, and cell membranes.
For a split second, the opponent's body is completely stunned as it experiences True Multidimensional Existence as A Coherent Shape in the Gigastructure, something which the Maximillians have known how to feel since first being indoctrinated in the black arts of Black Hole Mechanics.
The opponent has a 1d6 chance of regaining awareness during that Nirvana-like moment as a bubble on the ocean of gravity foam.
During that time, the Maximillian gains +2 to attack but loses -2 to dexterity. The Maximillian then has roll 2d6 for the number of dimensions in which to reconfigure the topological structure of the opponent.
However, if the opponent regains coherence in 4d spacetime during that brief (some might say, 'spacelike') interval, the Maximillian takes 1d6 times the number of dimensions of damage. If not, the opponent takes it.
Make it so shrinking powers are not required.
Someday Soon Your Doom Is Coming.
Select an opponent you have struck in another combat-- not THIS fight, but any combat previous. ANY contested roll made against this character is at +1 for the duration of the combat. If they survive & you use this technique in ANOTHER combat, the bonus increases by one...& so on & so on, until at last you are victorious & kill them.
Fist of the Temporal Sum
Accumulative Judgement
Henry Harrison was surprised to find himself in an enclave of The Harbingers just as the Grand Revisionist discovered his location. Woe to the Revisionist's goons. After starting an Accumulative Judgement to rouse the Harbingers from the drone-daze emitted by the goons, Henry turned to a goon who was nearly on top of him, landing a series of quick, light attacks on the thug. The brute lost his grin of derision as the final blow knocked him back 5 meters through an upper wall of large glass windows.
The practitioner of Fist of the Temporal Sum makes 3 attack rolls against their opponent, plus one attack roll per level of the practitioner. For every successful attack roll, the final successful strike knocks the opponent back 1 meter and inflicts 2 points of damage. Thus, 3 successes would result in the final hit knocking an opponent back 3 meters and dealing 6 points of damage. The opponent may make a physique-based save to halve the total damage. FotTS must be the practitioners only attack for the round.
Accumulative Judgement is similar to Fist of the Temporal Sum. The practitioner touches a nearby individual, either PC or NPC, who is NOT antagonistic toward the practitioner, at the same time voicing a short exhortation of action. If a PC, the player may choose not to participate, but participation can be the character's only attack for the round. The touched individual then touches another (as yet untouched) individual, and so on, to a maximum of 1d6 individuals per level of the practitioner. All individuals touched in this way become immediately focused in mind and body, shaking off stupors, glamors, minor hallucinations, simple hypnotic states, and other dazes of mundane or magical nature. Additionally, the final individual so touched strikes an opponent of the practitioner. This strike inflicts normal unarmed damage, plus 1 point for every person in the chain of Accumulative Judgement, including the striker, but not including the originating practitioner.
Gecko Snare Roundhouse (martial arts)-
You must be near a floor or ceiling within your jump distance.
You strike your foe, launching them up in the air, then leap, hitting them mid flight into the nearest wall or possibly the ceiling. If you have any way to cling to the surface of the wall or ceiling you automatically pin the foe to that surface with your feet, if not, you must succeed at an agility to check to keep from falling. You can keep your foe pinned with your feet under the normal grapple rules, but you are free to use your hands for other action. If you used an agility check to stay pinned to the wall you must do so every turn.
Also, I'm thinking you can expend Gecko Snare Roundhouse to get some sort of wall climbing bonus, if you can already climb walls maybe you just do it faster or now you can walk on the ceiling just as easily. This is through your skillful agility and does not work as an added modification like actually having gecko feet.
Abundant Alms of the White-Knuckled Closed Fist
Announce that you have 'activated' this move; it takes up 1 slot a day and remains 'active' until used. Triggering this move has the effect of either 4 physical damage + agility mod + twice level, or, agility mod damage and the user is now holding a weapon the target was holding, or, no damage and the user is now holding any visible, non-attached object on the target's person. Once one of these effects is resolved, the move is spent for the day.
Cleaning the Quantum Carpet-
User drags her foot across a surface, shifts her weight, and stamps her other foot, clearing a space in a straight line in any direction of any soil, debris, garbage, or clutter that weighs less than 1 lb. Said detritus is shifted to either side of the pathway, which is about a foot across.
Thunder Stopped Short-
User thrusts her hands out to either side of the target and thrusts his forefingers sharply inwards. Target is deafened for 1d6+1 rounds.
Beta-Loon Hyperspace Shout-
User issues a horrifying scream that does 8 damage + Charisma mod to all within a zone, but no damage occurs during the turn this move is used. User (or DM?) rolls 2d4 to determine number of turns between use of move and its effect.
August Millennium Zero-G Clever Ape-
As long as the user is in hand-to-surface contact she can use her Physique + Agility as her speed, doing unarmed damage with her feet. She may stand upright to leap and to reach another surface but if she attacks using a handheld weapon or takes a step, the move effect ends.
Portal of Akenhopis-
This is a stance of whirling limbs which reduces any projectile damage by 4 for 1d4 rounds. The effect will also end when the user makes any hand-to-hand attack or attack with a handheld weapon.
Disciple's Wandering Eye-
You feint and force your opponent into a counter-stance. You gain knowledge of one random technique available to the target, if any. When the target uses this technique on the PC or another nearby character, the PC may roll twice to dodge with no penalty to his normal number of actions per round. A successful Dodge avoids the attack or causes it to miss your ally.
Gaunt Silica Slap-
Attack a mechanical/electronic structure/creature/device as normal, targeting surface material. The object switches on or off for thirty seconds. At the end of thirty seconds, roll 1d6: 1-2 the object shorts out and breaks or takes 1d6+4 damage; 3-4 it stays on/off for an additional 10 seconds and then reverts to normal; 5-6 the PC using this technique suffers 1d6+4 electric feedback damage.
Qi of a Thousand Worlds-
Choose one symbol held sacred to a Gigastructure subculture. This can be an extant symbol from the time-before or some odd mish-mash symbol. If you hold or make the sign of this symbol and speak a haiku aloud, heal Physique as if you had spent a day devoted to doing so. You may not announce you are using this technique until you have finished the haiku, nor make any sign. If the DM or another player interrupts you before you finish, you do not recover physique and cannot use this technique for the rest of the day. Otherwise, you may use this technique more than once per day IF you find a holy symbol or sign and recognize it as such using an Int roll.
Music From the Heart of Space-
Make a melee attack using your Charisma instead of Agility. You swirl your arm, touch the target and speak a proverb. Target falls asleep for 1d4 rounds.
Those are sooo excellent Daniel - very nice :)
ps. I used to listen to 'hearts of space' heh
Nebulous Pin of Hot Anguish-
Arms behind your back, you bump the target with your chest. If the target moves away or attempts to attack you, it takes damage equal to your Will+1 prior to the resolution of its own action.
Boiling Miracle Axe-
Make contact with a heat source equal to or in excess of 100c (pass your hand near a lantern, block a laser blast with your fist). Your fluid movement "catches" this heat, usually blocking or snuffing the source, and spirals it down until you strike the surface on which you stand. Any creature or electronic device within 15' of you suffers damage; you take no additional damage. The amount of heat you can transition is based on your WILL and, as shown on chart below with corresponding damage:
You may use this move in place of a Dodge when faced with a fire-based attack. You take damage as normal but may execute the manuever. Normally this counts as 1 move per day. However, the user can choose to hold the release of the heat until next round. If he elects to do so, it counts as 2 moves for the day and the user suffers additional damage as outlined above.
Qolra-Huun's Dismissal-
Resolve a normal unarmed attack. The target moves away from the PC a distance in feet equal to the PC's Will and only takes damage if they move toward them again before the end of the next round.
Qolra-Huun's Preservation-
A flat open hand takes the brunt of the damage. Reduce damage by the PC's Physique modifier, and only then apply any remaining damage.
Qolra-Huun's Reversal-
Use in defense. A master absorbs a casual blow, but if he judges a strike too powerful he can redirect it. Sacrifice 2 Physique to inflict a level of damage equal to the enemy's original damage onto the attacking target.
Qolra-Huun's Obstacle-
Low to the ground, arms and legs outstretched, you form a living wall, and are considered to occupy a 3x3x6 horizontal space. You may make a regular unarmed attack, and any target that passes adjacent to this zone is also automatically attacked. The zone ends at the end of the round. Any target who charges you in this form takes 2d6+2 damage.
Qolra-Huun's Ascent-
You may move in a normal-to-high gravity atmosphere as if in a 0-gravity atmosphere until the end of the next round.
"qi of a thousand" should read "if you find a DIFFERENT holy symbol"
Phosphorus Smile-
This technique comes into play after you’ve scored a hit on a target and damaged it. Should you become blinded, or be shrouded in total darkness, or should the target turn invisible or phase-shift into a wall, the PC will still be able to see the target and can inform allies to its exact location using a quick action. This effect lasts for 1d10 rounds or until the damage struck is healed, whichever comes first.
Quasar Lift-
You fully extend your arm and can carry a load equal to the maximum load for the PC in the outstretched hand as if it weighed no more than a feather. This does not give you advantage to crushing or breaking through material or foes, only a bonus to lifting things. You must release the load before 1d4 rounds elapse, or the load falls directly adjacent to you at the start of the following round.
Comet Tail-
Make a normal unarmed attack against any target as normal. Once this attack is resolved, you may instead apply the damage to any other target within arm’s reach in any direction, including right behind you. If you initially target an ally in this fashion, you are -2 Charisma in interactions with this individual for 1d4 days.
Godking Blessing Mysterious Shrapnel-
You strike the target with your elbow, the back of your wrist, and the tip of your forefinger. The target is wracked with pain as from a heart attack from the small, needle-sized pocket of air you force into their vital areas. They will lose 1 Physique per round, starting this round, until they reach 0 Physique. They do not die at 0 Physique but cannot recover consciousness without first aid. If they recover enough Physique to put them back at their Base Physique from any healing source, they stop losing Physique.
Posture of the Lich Cytoplasmoid-
You hurl yourself forwards, becoming a hungry rolling mass, your limbs locked like a crooked wheel. You move at normal speed +2, cannot be grabbed or held in this stance, and attacking an enemy does not end your movement. You make unarmed attacks at +1. The stance lasts for 1d4+1 rounds. At the end of this stance, you suffer 1 Physique damage for each enemy you struck in this fashion.
Youthful Valiant Leg-
A cranelike posture that ensures the next target who approaches/is approached by the practicioner takes 1d6+3 damage in addition to any attack the PC is capable of making this round. This stance lasts 1d4 rounds or until the attack is triggered.
Golden Orbital Whip-
Requirement: non-humanoid forelimbs. As a full-round action, you move your speed to a target and resolve an unarmed attack. The target does not take damage but instead moves a distance in feet equal to your Physique to collide with another target. Roll 1d6:
1- First target takes damage and Second target falls
2- Second target takes damage and First target falls
3- Both targets fall down
4- Both targets take damage
5- Both targets fall down
6- Resolve an unarmed attack against the second target, using the Physique of the first target.
Phosphorus Smile-
This technique comes into play after you’ve scored a hit on a target and damaged it. Should you become blinded, or be shrouded in total darkness, or should the target turn invisible or phase-shift into a wall, the PC will still be able to see the target and can inform allies to its exact location using a quick action. This effect lasts for 1d10 rounds or until the damage struck is healed, whichever comes first.
Quasar Lift-
You fully extend your arm and can carry a load equal to the maximum load for the PC in the outstretched hand as if it weighed no more than a feather. This does not give you advantage to crushing or breaking through material or foes, only a bonus to lifting things. You must release the load before 1d4 rounds elapse, or the load falls directly adjacent to you at the start of the following round.
Comet Tail-
Make a normal unarmed attack against any target as normal. Once this attack is resolved, you may instead apply the damage to any other target within arm’s reach in any direction, including right behind you. If you initially target an ally in this fashion, you are -2 Charisma in interactions with this individual for 1d4 days.
Godking Blessing Mysterious Shrapnel-
You strike the target with your elbow, the back of your wrist, and the tip of your forefinger. The target is wracked with pain as from a heart attack from the small, needle-sized pocket of air you force into their vital areas. They will lose 1 Physique per round, starting this round, until they reach 0 Physique. They do not die at 0 Physique but cannot recover consciousness without first aid. If they recover enough Physique to put them back at their Base Physique from any healing source, they stop losing Physique.
Posture of the Lich Cytoplasmoid-
You hurl yourself forwards, becoming a hungry rolling mass, your limbs locked like a crooked wheel. You move at normal speed +2, cannot be grabbed or held in this stance, and attacking an enemy does not end your movement. You make unarmed attacks at +1. The stance lasts for 1d4+1 rounds. At the end of this stance, you suffer 1 Physique damage for each enemy you struck in this fashion.
Youthful Valiant Leg-
A cranelike posture that ensures the next target who approaches/is approached by the practicioner takes 1d6+3 damage in addition to any attack the PC is capable of making this round. This stance lasts 1d4 rounds or until the attack is triggered.
Golden Orbital Whip-
Requirement: non-humanoid forelimbs. As a full-round action, you move your speed to a target and resolve an unarmed attack. The target does not take damage but instead moves a distance in feet equal to your Physique to collide with another target. Roll 1d6:
1- First target takes damage and Second target falls
2- Second target takes damage and First target falls
3- Both targets fall down
4- Both targets take damage
5- Both targets fall down
6- Resolve an unarmed attack against the second target, using the Physique of the first target.
...So are the last couple posts I made today coming through and getting clipped, or not coming through at all? Not indignant, just curious.
weird, I didn't do anything, but there are comments registering in my inbox that are not showing up here.
Try again, i guess. maybe they were just too long--cut 'em in half
Yeah I wouldn't imagine that you were (doesn't seem like you from the comments I've read) but I was thoroughly confused enough to ask, hope I didn't offend.
Phosphorus Smile-
This technique comes into play after you’ve scored a hit on a target and damaged it. Should you become blinded, or be shrouded in total darkness, or should the target turn invisible or phase-shift into a wall, the PC will still be able to see the target and can inform allies to its exact location using a quick action. This effect lasts for 1d10 rounds or until the damage struck is healed, whichever comes first.
Quasar Lift-
You fully extend your arm and can carry a load equal to the maximum load for the PC in the outstretched hand as if it weighed no more than a feather. This does not give you advantage to crushing or breaking through material or foes, only a bonus to lifting things. You must release the load before 1d4 rounds elapse, or the load falls directly adjacent to you at the start of the following round.
Comet Tail-
Make an unarmed attack against any target as normal. Once this attack is resolved, you may instead apply the damage to any other target within arm’s reach in any direction, including right behind you. If you initially target an ally in this fashion, you are -2 Charisma in interactions with this individual for 1d4 days.
Godking Blessing Mysterious Shrapnel-
You strike the target with your elbow, the back of your wrist, and the tip of your forefinger. The target is wracked with pain as from a heart attack from the small, needle-sized pocket of air you force into their vital areas. They will lose 1 Physique per round, starting this round, until they reach 0 Physique. They do not die at 0 Physique but cannot recover consciousness without first aid. If they recover enough Physique to put them back at their Base Physique from any healing source, they stop losing Physique.
Posture of the Lich Cytoplasmoid-
You hurl yourself forwards, becoming a hungry rolling mass, your limbs locked like a crooked wheel. You move at normal speed +2, cannot be grabbed or held in this stance, and attacking an enemy does not end your movement. You make unarmed attacks at +1. The stance lasts for 1d4+1 rounds. At the end of this stance, you suffer 1 Physique damage for each enemy you struck in this fashion.
Youthful Valiant Leg-
A cranelike posture that ensures the next target who approaches/is approached by the practicioner takes 1d6+3 damage in addition to any attack the PC is capable of making this round. This stance lasts 1d4 rounds or until the attack is triggered.
Golden Orbital Whip-
Requirement: non-humanoid forelimbs. As a full-round action, you move your speed to a target and resolve an unarmed attack. The target does not take damage but instead moves a distance in feet equal to your Physique to collide with another target. Roll 1d6:
1- First target takes damage and Second target falls
2- Second target takes damage and First target falls
3- Both targets fall down
4- Both targets take damage
5- Both targets fall down
6- Resolve an unarmed attack against the second target, using the Physique of the first target.
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