Here are the answers to the Mad Libs Dungeon Generator....
The dungeon was originally a vast
1. type of building
constructed by
2. intelligent race/group (plural)
but has been forgotten by most civilized races for eons. It was recently rediscovered due to the
3. natural disaster or cataclysmic event.
Near the
4. direction (north, east, etc.)
entrance, a
5. major intelligent boss-type baddie
suspects it may contain
6. some object or commodity that baddie wants
and has dispatched his/her
7. minions of that baddie (plural)
into the complex. They are unusual in that
8. some common substance
obeys their whims. They communicate via
9. nonverbal form of communication
and have devices facilitating this all over the complex.
Meanwhile a group of
10. adjective
11. adjective
12. another intelligent group/race (plural)
who entered through a secret entrance to the
13. a different direction than the first one (northwest, south, etc.)
suspects it may contain
14. some object or commodity that group/race wants.
Their leader is said to be strangely
15. adjective
and is also the
16. superlative adjective (biggest, fastest, etc.)
of the group and has a pet
17. monster that outclasses the party by 2 or 3 levels
that appears to obey his/her every whim. It roams the halls looking for
18. something that monster eats
but is afraid of
19. plural noun.
It's also far more
20. adjective
than the typical member of its species.
In recent weeks, the two groups have begun to skirmish in the halls.
Unbeknownst to either side, a superevolved, hyperintelligent,
21. unintelligent animal or monster
lives deep within, inside a network of tunnels leading eventually to
22. some cool treasure
which it prizes beyond all things.
It has constructed traps around its lair,
23. number between 2 and 5
24. ordinary kind of dungeon trap
activated by
25. something PCs always do when they go into a room
but also
26. a number 1-3
stranger traps, informed by its bizarre alien intelligence, which cause
27. something weird and dangerous
to destroy intruders. The
28. (21 again)
can avoid the traps easily because it can
29. something that animal/monster can do that people can't.
The other factions have constructed about
30. number 2-5
traps each as well, but they are cruder, since they've been recently and hastily constructed.
In addition, there are the many hazards that are the legacy of the dungeons original inhabitants. No-one has yet discovered the secret passage
31. preposition (in, on, under, etc.)
32. common dungeon object
on on the 2nd level.
33. one of the monsters, animals, groups
secretly use(s)
34. unusual form of transportation (plural) (i.e. rockets, turtles, etc.)
to spy on the
35. one of the other monsters/animals/groups
and, if commandeered, these can be used to move from some parts of the dungeon to other parts, but only if treated properly--and there is always the danger of
36. hazard associated with that form of transportation.
The subtle influence of the cursed
37. valuable object or substance
38. preposition
the stone
39. common dungeon object
has caused nearly all of the inhabitants to become increasingly
40. state of mind associated with mentally illness
and to cause bizarre physical and mental deformities. Some have become obsessed with
41. plural noun
for reasons unknown.
Perhaps the most bizarre object in the dungeon is the so-called
42. "adjective
Chamber" which the
43. one of the monsters/races/groups you've already used
fear above all things. However, beyond it there is a
44. character class
who hails from
45. the homeland of one of your PCs
and may aid him/her, though s/he envies the PC's
46. something unusual on that PC's character sheet (i.e. gloves of snaring, 18/00 strength, etc.)
and is so repulsed by the sight of
47. something commonly seen in dungeons.
The dungeon has no
48. something else commonly seen in dungeons
and its architecture resembles
49. an architectural style
however the
50. common architectural feature (plural) (i.e. columns, archways, etc.)
are made of a mixture of
51. substance you'd see in an alchemist's lab
52. rare substance.
In addition to all that, it is said by some that, hidden deep within the complex, where no mortal has yet gone there is...
53. something totally fucking metal.
So: take that, get yourself a random dungeon generator, assign numbers to the things you just generated, and kill your friends.
The original post got 21 sets of responses, all of which seem juicy enough to make some fine and wholly formidable dungeons, but I am too lazy to do all the cutting, pasting, and typing necessary to piece them together right now.
If any of the people who responded feel like doing that now in the comments with your post or anyone else's, know now in advance that you are a scholar and a philanthropist and also rock...
Out of game. Kind of.
I don't care about Fun. I'm not competing in the Funlympics because it's a
participation trophy and if your table isn't having Fun
The dungeon was originally a vast asylum constructed by the neogi, but has been forgotten by most civilized races for eons. It was recently rediscovered due to the planar rift.
Near the north entrance, the supreme inquisitor suspects it may contain the Black Diamond of Ladinion, and has dispatched her dragonborn legionaries into the complex. They are unusual in that blood obeys their whims. They communicate via runes, and have devices facilitating this all over the complex.
Meanwhile, a group of uncanny, chitinous mercanes who entered through a secret entrance to the east suspects it may contain the Crown of Stars. Their leader is said to be strangely untrustworthy, and is also the slimiest of the group and has a pet marilith that appears to obey his every whim. She roams the halls looking for maggots, but is afraid of tentacles. She is also far more stealthy than the typical member of her species.
In recent weeks, the two groups have begun to skirmish in the halls.
Unbeknownst to either side, a superevolved, hyperintelligent black pudding lives deep within, inside a network of tunnels leading eventually to a lightsabre which it prizes above all things. It has constructed traps around its lair, 4 pendulum scythes activated by searching for secret passages, but also 1 stranger trap, informed by its bizarre alien intelligence, which causes the necronomicon to destroy intruders. The black pudding can avoid the traps easily because it can mitose.
The other factions have constructed about 2 traps each as well, but they are cruder, since they've been recently and hastily constructed.
In addition, there are the many hazards that are the legacy of the dungeon's original inhabitants. No-one has yet discovered the secret passage from the flagstones on the 2nd level.
The neogi secretly use krakens to spy on the mercanes and, if commandeered, these can be used to move from some parts of the dungeon to other parts, but only if treated properly--and there is always the danger of drowning.
The subtle influence of the cursed warpstone hidden in the stone barrel has caused nearly all of the inhabitants to become increasingly paranoid and to cause bizarre physical and mental deformities. Some have become obsessed with intestines for reasons unknown.
Perhaps the most bizarre object in the dungeon is the so-called "Unholy Chamber" which the elder black pudding fears above all things. However, beyond it there is an alienist who hails from the Borderlands and may aid Elsa, though he envies her qullan greatsword.
The dungeon has no mold and its architecture resembles the Merovingian style. However, the mosaics are made of a mixture of mutagenic compounds and orichalcum.
In addition to all that, it is said by some that, hidden deep within the complex, where no mortal has yet gone there is a deathknight.
I'm adjusting this slightly to make sense within the context of the results and my setting.
The dungeon was originally a vast Missile Silo, but has been lost to the wasteland since the war. It was recently rediscovered due to a particularly powerful Chaos Rift, which pulled it into the proximity of a stable settlement.
Near the Eastern entrance, an Anointed Priestess of Persephone suspects it may contain ammunition and has dispatched all Demons at her disposal to search the complex. They are unusual in that sand obeys their whims. They communicate via Scattered Notes and have left these messages all over the dungeon.
Meanwhile a group of silent, mutated wanderers who entered through a secret entrance to the south suspects it may contain food. Their leader is said to be unnaturally old and is also the tallest of the group. He has a Spartan General at his side that appears to obey his every whim. He roams the halls looking for Irradiated Pork (which he treats as a delicacy) but is afraid of knives.
("It's also far more dead than the typical member of its species." - Doesn't make sense, but had to leave this in!)
In recent weeks, the two groups have begun to skirmish in the halls.
Unbeknownst to either side, a super-evolved, hyper-intelligent, Elk lives deep within, inside a network of tunnels leading eventually to an Athenian Artifact which it prizes beyond all things.
It has constructed traps around its lair, 3 bear traps activated by searching the room,
but also 3 stranger traps, informed by its bizarre alien intelligence, which cause a mutated boar to destroy intruders. The Elk
can avoid the traps easily because it can
lay eggs, which it offers to the boar.
The other factions have constructed about
3 traps each as well, but they are cruder, since they've been recently and hastily constructed.
In addition, there are the many hazards that are the legacy of the dungeons original inhabitants. No-one has yet discovered the secret passage beneath the smashed desk on the 2nd level.
The wanderers secretly use giant birds
to spy on the Spartans in the settlement nearby, and, if commandeered, these can be used to move from some parts of the dungeon to other parts, but only if treated properly--and there is always the danger of falling off.
The subtle influence of the cursed
supply of clean water hidden in the stone
books kept in a small subsection of the silo
has caused nearly all of the inhabitants to become increasingly hyper-sexual and to cause bizarre physical and mental deformities. Some have become obsessed with guns for reasons unknown.
Perhaps the most bizarre object in the dungeon is the so-called "Sleek
Chamber" which the giant birds fear above all things. However, beyond it there is a Bacchus
who hails from New Alexandria and may aid any Athenians, though he envies the PC's
copy of the Odyssey and is repulsed by the sight of blood.
The dungeon has no rubble and its architecture resembles art deco however the chandeliers are made of a mixture of acid and non-irradiated potatoes.
In addition to all that, it is said by some that, hidden deep within the complex, where no mortal has yet gone there is...
the unusually dead general clearly indicates he is a zombie, mummy, or vampire of some kind.
The dungeon was originally a vast cathedral constructed by gnolls but has been forgotten by most civilized races for eons. It was recently rediscovered due to an uprising of the masses.
Near the South entrance, a Lich suspects it may contain a Throne of Stone and has dispatched its undead servants into the complex. They are unusual in that moss obeys their whims. They communicate via gesture and have devices facilitating this all over the complex.
Meanwhile a group of abrasive intrinsic mercenaries who entered through a secret entrance to the North East suspects it may contain gold. Their leader is said to be strangely transient and is also the most frozen of the group and has a pet troll that appears to obey his/her every whim. It roams the halls looking for humans but is afraid of concubines. It's also far more lost than the typical member of its species.
In recent weeks, the two groups have begun to skirmish in the halls.
Unbeknownst to either side, a super-evolved, hyper-intelligent, owl-bear lives deep within, inside a network of tunnels leading eventually to a Deck Of Illusions which it prizes beyond all things.
It has constructed traps around its lair, 4 covered pits activated by looking around but also 1 stranger traps, informed by its bizarre alien intelligence, which cause a weird idea to destroy intruders. The owl-bear can avoid the traps easily because it can track by smell.
The other factions have constructed about 5 traps each as well, but they are cruder, since they've been recently and hastily constructed.
In addition, there are the many hazards that are the legacy of the dungeons original inhabitants. No-one has yet discovered the secret passage around the chest on on the 2nd level.
The troll secretly use(s) elephants to spy on the gnolls and, if commandeered, these can be used to move from some parts of the dungeon to other parts, but only if treated properly--and there is always the danger of falling.
The subtle influence of the cursed ivory hidden
at the stone book has caused nearly all of the inhabitants to become increasingly hysterical and to cause bizarre physical and mental deformities. Some have become obsessed with quills for reasons unknown.
Perhaps the most bizarre object in the dungeon is the so-called "Putrid Chamber" which the mercenaries fear above all things. However, beyond it there is a ranger who hails from Sovrennemy and may aid him/her, though s/he envies the PC's Feather Token and is so repulsed by the sight of stairs.
The dungeon has no doors and its architecture resembles Baroque, however the lintels are made of a mixture of magnesium and ether.
In addition to all that, it is said by some that, hidden deep within the complex, where no mortal has yet gone there is a clockwork harmonic angel.
There's a create-your-own online mad libs tool that I decided to try out with this. Besides not being able to fix my typos after creation, it seems to work well.
The dungeon was originally a vast skyscraper constructed by the Charioteers but has been forgotten by most civilized races for eons. It was recently rediscovered due to the Starfall.
Near the west entrance, a Anticulture Hegemon suspects it may contain the Passionata Threnody and has dispatched her Killspheres into the complex. They are unusual in that chalk obeys their whims. They communicate via molocule transfer and have devices facilitating this all over the complex.
Meanwhile a group of standard Viridian Trismegistii who entered through a secret entrance to the North
suspects it may contain deathiron. Their leader is said to be strangely chiropteran and is also the
rarest of the group and has a pet Abaia that appears to obey his/her every whim. It roams the halls looking for Shipworlds but is afraid of zeppelins. It's also far more Shaggy than the typical member of its species.
In recent weeks, the two groups have begun to skirmish in the halls.
Unbeknownst to either side, a superevolved, hyperintelligent, slipshades lives deep within, inside a network of tunnels leading eventually to a LAZ-sword which it prizes beyond all things.
It has constructed traps around its lair, 3 deadfalls activated by bickering but also 3 stranger traps, informed by its bizarre alien intelligence, which cause The Janiform to destroy intruders. The slipshade can avoid the traps easily because it can phase.
The other factions have constructed about 3 traps each as well, but they are cruder, since they've been recently and hastily constructed.
In addition, there are the many hazards that are the legacy of the dungeons original inhabitants. No-one has yet discovered the secret passage under the metal strut on on the 2nd level.
The killsphere secretly uses a nightgaunt to spy on the Charioteers and, if commandeered, these can be used to move from some parts of the dungeon to other parts, but only if treated properly--and there is always the danger of being tickled off.
The subtle influence of the cursed wishalloy hidden in the stone & rotten planks has caused nearly all of the inhabitants to become increasingly euphoric and to cause bizarre physical and mental deformities. Some have become obsessed with glaciars for reasons unknown.
Perhaps the most bizarre object in the dungeon is the so-called "Needled Chamber" which the Charioteers
fear above all things. However, beyond it there is a Guild Adjuster who hails from Anise and may aid him/her, though s/he envies the PC's Broken Sword and is so repulsed by the sight of rusty water spouts.
The dungeon has no strawbales and its architecture resembles the Baroque, however the pillars
are made of a mixture of bezoar and orichalcum.
In addition to all that, it is said by some that, hidden deep within the complex, where no mortal has yet gone there is...the sun snuffed into blackness forever.
The dungeon was originally a vast skyscraper constructed by the Charioteers but has been forgotten by most civilized races for eons. It was recently rediscovered due to the Starfall.
Near the west entrance, a Anticulture Hegemon suspects it may contain the Passionata Threnody and has dispatched her Killspheres into the complex. They are unusual in that chalk obeys their whims. They communicate via molocule transfer and have devices facilitating this all over the complex. Meanwhile a group of standard Viridian Trismegistii who entered through a secret entrance to the North
suspects it may contain deathiron. Their leader is said to be strangely chiropteran and is also the rarest of the group and has a pet Abaia that appears to obey his/her every whim. It roams the halls looking for Shipworlds but is afraid of zeppelins. It's also far more Shaggy than the typical member of its species. In recent weeks, the two groups have begun to skirmish in the halls.
Unbeknownst to either side, a superevolved, hyperintelligent, slipshades lives deep within, inside a network of tunnels leading eventually to a LAZ-sword which it prizes beyond all things. It has constructed traps around its lair, 3 deadfalls activated by bickering but also 3 stranger traps, informed by its bizarre alien intelligence, which cause The Janiform to destroy intruders. The slipshade can avoid the traps easily because it can phase.
The other factions have constructed about 3 traps each as well, but they are cruder, since they've been recently and hastily constructed. In addition, there are the many hazards that are the legacy of the dungeons original inhabitants. No-one has yet discovered the secret passage under the metal strut on on the 2nd level.
The killsphere secretly uses a nightgaunt to spy on the Charioteers and, if commandeered, these can be used to move from some parts of the dungeon to other parts, but only if treated properly--and there is always the danger of being tickled off.
The subtle influence of the cursed wishalloy hidden in the stone & rotten planks has caused nearly all of the inhabitants to become increasingly euphoric and to cause bizarre physical and mental deformities. Some have become obsessed with glaciars for reasons unknown.
Perhaps the most bizarre object in the dungeon is the so-called "Needled Chamber" which the Charioteers feared above all things. However, beyond it there is a Guild Adjuster who hails from Anise and may aid him/her, though s/he envies the PC's Broken Sword and is so repulsed by the sight of rusty water spouts.
The dungeon has no strawbales and its architecture resembles the Baroque, however the pillars are made of a mixture of bezoar and orichalcum.
In addition to all that, it is said by some that, hidden deep within the complex, where no mortal has yet gone there is...the sun snuffed into blackness forever.
The dungeon was originally a vast Motte & Bailey constructed by Gnolls but has been forgotten by most civilized races for eons. It was recently rediscovered due to a forest fire.
Near the North entrance, the Autumn Fey King suspects it may contain an Eitr Stone and has dispatched his Corrupted Elves into the complex. They are unusual in that Wood obeys their whims. They communicate via Lucid Dreams and have devices facilitating this all over the complex.
Meanwhile a group of brittle, grim Wood elves who entered through a secret entrance to the West suspects it may contain Blackthorn wood. Their leader is said to be strangely crazed and is also the meanest of the group and has a pet Ogre that appears to obey his/her every whim. It roams the halls looking for goblins but is afraid of arrows It's also far more cunning than the typical member of its species.
In recent weeks, the two groups have begun to skirmish in the halls.
Unbeknownst to either side, a superevolved, hyperintelligent, Bear lives deep within, inside a network of tunnels leading eventually to a Treeshadow cloak which it prizes beyond all things.
It has constructed traps around its lair, 4 Spring-loaded scythe blades activated by pausing after entering doors but also 2 stranger traps, informed by its bizarre alien intelligence, which cause quickly-growing thickets of black brambles that try to catch and drain anything that comes close to destroy intruders. The Bear can avoid the traps easily because it can smell them from miles away.
The other factions have constructed about 3 traps each as well, but they are cruder, since they've been recently and hastily constructed.
In addition, there are the many hazards that are the legacy of the dungeons original inhabitants. No-one has yet discovered the secret passage above the broken, rusted sword on on the 2nd level.
The gnolls secretly use riding bears to spy on the Ogre and, if commandeered, these can be used to move from some parts of the dungeon to other parts, but only if treated properly--and there is always the danger of being Eaten by your ride.
The subtle influence of the cursed beaver pelts hidden within the stone altar has caused nearly all of the inhabitants to become increasingly distraught and to cause bizarre physical and mental deformities. Some have become obsessed with rats for reasons unknown.
Perhaps the most bizarre object in the dungeon is the so-called Chittering Chamber" which the Elves fear above all things. However, beyond it there is a Fighter who hails from Dinas Eifel and may aid him, though he envies Malganis’ Shadowtouched Nature and is so repulsed by the sight of stairs leading down.
The dungeon has no pool of water and its architecture resembles log buildings, however the arches are made of a mixture of mercury and Earthblood.
In addition to all that, it is said by some that, hidden deep within the complex, where no mortal has yet gone there is...
a berserker with an axe riding a bear.
The dungeon was originally a vast overgrown mausoleum constructed by elves but has been forgotten by most civilized races for eons. It was recently rediscovered due to the continental cleavage.
Near the downward entrance, a cult-master of Egnalosaf suspects it may contain refugees and has dispatched his carrionettes into the complex. They are unusual in that blood obeys their whims. They communicate via carved tattoos and have devices facilitating this all over the complex.
Meanwhile a group of plague-ridden undead human diaspora who entered through a secret entrance to the north suspects it may contain a fortifiable haven. Their leader is said to be strangely orange and is also the most swollen of the group and has a pet blood titan that appears to obey his/her every whim. It roams the halls looking for victims but is afraid of amputations. It's also far more water-logged than the typical member of its species.
In recent weeks, the two groups have begun to skirmish in the halls.
Unbeknownst to either side, a superevolved, hyperintelligent, crawling juggernaut lives deep within, inside a network of tunnels leading eventually to a speck of oblivion which it prizes beyond all things.
It has constructed traps around its lair, three and a half oubliettes activated by touching a wall but also three stranger traps, informed by its bizarre alien intelligence, which cause a self-contained room to destroy intruders. The crawling juggernaut can avoid the traps easily because it can break and reset its own bones to get through tight spaces.
The other factions have constructed about three traps each as well, but they are cruder, since they've been recently and hastily constructed.
In addition, there are the many hazards that are the legacy of the dungeons original inhabitants. No-one has yet discovered the secret passage upward from the main entrance on the 2nd level.
The refugees secretly use gondolas to spy on the carrionettes and, if commandeered, these can be used to move from some parts of the dungeon to other parts, but only if treated properly--and there is always the danger of detachment.
The subtle influence of the cursed blade of corruption hidden facing the stone fountain has caused nearly all of the inhabitants to become increasingly brainlocked and to cause bizarre physical and mental deformities. Some have become obsessed with stars for reasons unknown.
Perhaps the most bizarre object in the dungeon is the so-called "Curious Chamber" which the elves fear above all things. However, beyond it there is a shadow-flayer who hails from Copperstone and may aid Hurk, though he envies Hurk's skill with taxidermy and is repulsed by the sight of torches.
The dungeon has no pillars and its architecture resembles tumble-down stonework; however, the
stairs are made of a mixture of glass and dragon bile.
In addition to all that, it is said by some that, hidden deep within the complex, where no mortal has yet gone there... is a golem of burning coffins.
The dungeon was originally a vast citadel constructed by Chaos beastmen at the direction of unknown masters but has been forgotten by most civilized races for eons. It was recently rediscovered following the arrival of Fimbulwinter.
Near the blowing of the Northern wind from Cloudmaker Mountain, the Silent Magi of the Black Sun suspect it may contain the Tome of Shambala and have dispatched their own beastmen into the complex. They are unusual in that ice obeys their whims. They communicate via violent and intimidating gestures and have devices by which they can communicate with their masters all over the complex.
Meanwhile a group of Hyperborean, tentacular (?) valkyries who entered through a secret entrance to the south-east suspects it may contain souls of the valiant, that is, brave warriors. (The valkyries appear to possess a dual nature of sorts - they mainly appear as stereotypically powerful Nordic warrior women, though, when "bent out of shape," as it were, some take the form of nearly-amorphous, writhing, oozing, tentacled… things.) Their leader is said to be strangely unrelenting and is also the cruelest of the group and has a pet baknar (a large, carnivorous, Yeti-like polar creature) that appears to obey her every whim. It roams the halls looking for children but it is afraid of sled dogs. It's also far
more frigid than the typical member of its species; that is to say, its ability to withstand the harshest of polar climate is unmatched. However, it is particularly vulnerable to fire.
In recent weeks, the two groups have begun to skirmish in the halls. Unbeknownst to
either side, a super-evolved, hyperintelligent green slime lives deep within, inside a network
of tunnels leading eventually to, amongst other treasures of a lost age, a set of Gauntlets of Yeti Ferocity. Through means yet to be ascertained, possibly by psionics, it has constructed traps around its lair. Of those known, 2 spear traps activated by checking under the rug but also 1 or 2 stranger traps, informed by its bizarre alien intelligence, which cause sudden, high-impact trepanning to destroy intruders. The green slime can avoid the traps easily because it can survive unprotected in the open winter (not to mention its amoeboid form helps it in sundry manners).
The other factions have constructed 2 known traps as well, but they are cruder, since they've been recently and hastily constructed. In addition, there are many hazards that are the legacy of the dungeons original inhabitants. No one has yet discovered the secret passage accessed by a latch set betwixt a set of door hinges on the 2nd level. The valkyries secretly use saddled porpoises to spy on the beastmen and, if commandeered, these can be used to move from some parts of the dungeon to other parts, but only if treated properly -- and there is always the danger of plunging into the freezing ocean.
The subtle influence of the cursed Dream Seer, Inuit idol of Cthulhoid origin, hidden under a stone portcullis has caused nearly all of the inhabitants to become increasingly
prone to berzerker rage and to cause bizarre physical and mental deformities. Some
have become obsessed with sigils for reasons unknown.
Perhaps the most bizarre object in the dungeon is the so-called "Sanity-Crushing Chamber" which the baknar fears above all things. However, beyond it there is a shaman who hails from Irem, City of Pillars and may aid a PC though he envies the PC's natural 3 wisdom and is also repulsed by the sight of dead adventurers.
The dungeon has no unlabeled potions and its architecture best resembles Cyclopean blocks
of basalt; however, the balconies are made of a mixture of graphite and blue diamond.
In addition to all that, it is said by some that hidden deep within the complex, where no mortal has yet gone there is the headquarters of the Werewolf Women of the S.S. ...err, Ultima Thule. Oh yeah, there also may be a legged gargantuan whale about to burst forth from an ancient glacier.
Great stuff, man. Great stuff.
The dungeon was originally a vast Tree Fortress constructed by
Sprites but has been forgotten by most civilized races for eons. It was recently rediscovered due to the Rebirth of Moloch
Near the South entrance, a Brownie suspects it may contain Ironwood and has dispatched his/her pill bugs into the complex. They are unusual in that acorns obey their whims. They communicate via grimace and have devices facilitating this all over the complex.
Meanwhile a group of hoary, impish, druids who entered through a secret entrance to the west suspect it may contain the liver of the forest. Their leader is said to be strangely dusty and is also the grossest of the group and has a pet shrew that appears to obey his/her every whim. It roams the halls looking for worms but is afraid of spiders. It's also far more waxy than the typical member of its species.
In recent weeks, the two groups have begun to skirmish in the halls.
Unbeknownst to either side, a superevolved, hyperintelligent, Slug lives deep within, inside a network of tunnels leading eventually to Gnomish Ironwood Hauberk which it prizes beyond all things.
It has constructed traps around its lair, 4 pits activated by spot checks but also 3 stranger traps, informed by its bizarre alien intelligence, which cause corrosive saliva to destroy intruders. The slug can avoid the traps easily because it can leave slime trails.
The other factions have constructed about 3
traps each as well, but they are cruder, since they've been recently and hastily constructed.
In addition, there are the many hazards that are the legacy of the dungeons original inhabitants. No-one has yet discovered the secret passage under the locked door on the 2nd level.
The brownie secretly use(s) crickets to spy on the sprites and, if commandeered, these can be used to move from some parts of the dungeon to other parts, but only if treated properly--and there is always the danger of falling.
The subtle influence of the cursed amber hidden in the stone torch
has caused nearly all of the inhabitants to become increasingly confused and to cause bizarre physical and mental deformities. Some have become obsessed with mice for reasons unknown.
Perhaps the most bizarre object in the dungeon is the so-called “Towering Chamber" which the brownies fear above all things. However, beyond it there is a druid who hails from Aden and may aid him/her, though s/he envies the PC's duct tape and is so repulsed by the sight of tunnels.
The dungeon has no Tunnels and its architecture resembles baroque however the buttresses are made of a mixture of mercury and iron wood.
In addition to all that, it is said by some that, hidden deep within the complex, where no mortal has yet gone there is... A spritely lord, atop his steed, a savage stag beetle, goring The Free Insect Council, their sticky ichors congealing on its mighty horn
The dungeon was originally a giant tower built by the Cultists of the Dead God but has long been forgotten by most civilized races. It was recently rediscovered due to a great plate shift that caused the earth covering much of the tower to crumble away.
Near the now-exposed southern entrance, a powerful vampire lord suspects it may contain the Tome of Eternal Darkness, and has dispatched his spawn and mercenaries into the complex. They are unusual in that air obeys their whims. They communicate via interpretive dance and have devices facilitating this all over the complex.
Meanwhile, a group of hideous, inexplicable mindflayers who entered through a secret entrance still hidden underground suspect it may contain a slumbering shard of the Living Gate. Their leader is said to be strangely well-mannered, and is also the bluest of the group and has a pet Umber Hulk that appears to obey his every whim. It roams the halls looking for other creatures to eat, but is afraid of fire. It is far more docile than the typical member of its species.
In recent weeks, the two groups have begun to skirmish in the halls.
Unbeknown to either side, a superevolved, hyperintelligent eel lives deep within, inside a network of tunnels leading eventually to the regalia of a legendary warrior-king, which it prizes beyond all things.
It has constructed traps around its lair: 3 arrow traps activated by speech but also 2 stranger traps, informed by its bizarre alien intelligence, which cause those affected to perceive the room as slowly shrinking, threatening to crush them. The eel can avoid the traps easily because it does not use speech to communicate.
The other factions have constructed about 2 traps each as well, but they are cruder, since they've been recently and hastily constructed.
In addition, there are many hazards that are the legacy of the dungeon's original inhabitants. No one has yet discovered the secret passage underneath the altar on the second floor.
The mindflayers secretly use hand-mirror portals that allow quick passage through pocket dimensions to spy on the vampires and, if commandeered, these can be used to move from some parts of the dungeon to other parts, but only if treated properly-- and there is always the danger of becoming trapped in a pocket dimension or being tossed to somewhere unexpected.
The subtle influence of the Tome of Eternal Darkness hidden in a stone pillar has caused all the inhabitants to become increasingly fearful and erratic, and some have displayed bizarre physical and mental deformities. Some have become obsessed with stars for reasons unknown.
Perhaps the most bizarre object in the dungeon is the so-called "Quickening Chamber" which the mindflayers fear above all things. However, beyond it there is an automaton crafted by the Sage of the Wyrdspire who may aid the party, though it envies the PC's magic items and is so repulsed by the sight of pillars.
The dungeon has no stairs and its architecture resembles the Gothic style however the arches are made of a mixture of verdigris and orichalcum.
In addition to all that, it is said by some that hidden deep within the complex, where no mortal has yet gone there is the still-beating heart of the Dead God, bleeding its acidic blood into the depths of the earth.
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