Here's a random dungeon generator built using mad libs. You fill in answers appropriate to your campaign world and I'll give you the answers in a few days:
1.type of building
2.intelligent race/group (plural)
3.natural disaster or cataclysmic event that might've just happened in your campaign.
4.direction (north, east, etc.)
5.major intelligent boss-type baddie
6.some object or commodity that baddie wants
7.minions appropriate to that baddie (plural) (i.e. dogmen)
8.some common substance
9.nonverbal form of communication
12.another intelligent group/race (plural) (i.e. clerics, ogres, etc.)
13.a different direction than the first one (northwest, south, etc.)
14.some object or commodity that 12 wants. (EDITED!)
16.superlative adjective (biggest, fastest, etc.) that outclasses the party by 2 or 3 levels
18.something 17 eats
19.plural noun. (i.e. bananas)
21.unintelligent animal or monster
22.some cool treasure
23.number between 2 and 5
24.ordinary kind of dungeon trap
25.something PCs always do when they go into a room
26.a number 1-3
27.something weird and dangerous
28.21 again
29.something that animal/monster can do that people can't.
30.number 2-5
31.preposition (in, on, under, etc.)
32.common dungeon object of the monsters/animals/groups already listed
34.unusual form of transportation (plural) (i.e. rockets, turtles, etc.) of the other monsters/animals/groups
36.hazard associated with that form of transportation +ing (falling, losing your grip, etc.).
37.valuable object or substance
39.common dungeon object
40.state of mind associated with mentally illness
41.plural noun (i.e. cheeses)
42.adjective of the monsters/races/groups
44.character class
45.the homeland of one of your PCs
46.something unusual on that PC's character sheet (i.e. gloves of snaring, 18/00 strength, etc.)
47.something commonly seen in dungeons.
48.something else commonly seen in dungeons architectural style
50.common architectural feature (plural) (i.e. columns, archways, etc.)
51.substance you'd see in an alchemist's lab
52.rare substance.
53.something totally fucking metal.
Another TCTC Con...
Last weekend I was at Terminal City convention, hosting some Lamentations
of the Flame Princess games.
Tried out Becami's adventure, The Black Chamber, ...
1. Bordello
2. Noble Council of Cormyr
3. Rising of the Voidstone Colossus
4. West
5. Hierophant of Maanzicorian
6. Original Manuscript detailing the creation of "Brain in a Jar"
7. Cultists of Maanzicorian
8. Water
9. Telepathy
10. Ubiquitous
11. Unassuming
12. The Shadovar
13. South
14. Sentient Narcissistic Corn-on-the-cob!
I'm almost certain that you mean some other number here, so lets actually say "Netherese Artifacts"
15. rusted
16. filthiest
17. 5-headed Shrieking terror
18. The flesh of sentient things
19. Alembics
20. Streamy
21. Hulking Corpse
22. The Great Elixer
23. 4
24. Pit trap w/ punji sticks
25. Spread out
26. 3
27. Voidstone
28. Hulking Corpse
29. Resist poison
30. 3
31. through
32. Crumbling Tapestry
33. The shadovar
34. Flying carpets
35. Cult of Maanzicorian
36. falling
37. Quicksilver
38. under
39. Door
40. Phobic
41. Beetles
42. Rotund
43. Hulking Corpses
44. Wizard
45. Waterdeep
46. Egg of the Dragon Scion
47. Dust
48. Mold
49. Netherese
50. Buttress (heh heh butt-ress)
51. Distilled Alcohol
52. Protean Alabaster
53. Large Brain-in-a-jar as the head of a huge skeletal giant
Zak, though I always read I rarely comment, I must say however that I have become convinced that you are a certifiable genius. Your work always gets my brain flowing, and the above list has already generated a dungeon that I am chomping to use.
And so, in accordance with Joesky's Rule: Variant Lycanthropy
In my up and coming world, lycanthropy will run a little differently. In an attempt to destabilize mammalian progress, the forces of reptilian evil have cursed many wolves with human form. These sorry creatures may only be themselves once a cycle, or when their fight or flight mode kicks in.
Interestingly, the chaotic nature of the curse makes it stabilize but a single generation after infection, given the nature of the host. Wolves and rats (and perhaps some others) become and remain lycathropes, but other animals so infected have given rise to many stable zoo-morphic races. Cattle become minotaurs, big cats become rakshasas, equines become centaurs.
Humanoids become chaos beasts (losers)
1. Cathdral - type of building
2. Gnolls - intelligent race/group (plural)
3. Uprising of the masses - natural disaster or cataclysmic event that might've just happened in your campaign.
4. South - direction (north, east, etc.)
5. Lich - major intelligent boss-type baddie
6. Throne of Stone - some object or commodity that baddie wants
7. Undead - minions appropriate to that baddie (plural) (i.e. dogmen)
8. Moss - some common substance
9. Gesture - nonverbal form of communication
10. Abrasive - adjective
11. Intrinsic - adjective
12. Mercenaries - another intelligent group/race (plural) (i.e. clerics, ogres, etc.)
13. North of East - a different direction than the first one (northwest, south, etc.)
14. Gold - some object or commodity that 14 wants.
15. Transient - adjective
16. Most Frozen - superlative adjective (biggest, fastest, etc.)
17. Troll - monster that outclasses the party by 2 or 3 levels
18. Human - something 17 eats
19. Concubines - plural noun. (i.e. bananas)
20. Lost - adjective
21. Owlbear - unintelligent animal or monster
22. Deck of Illsions - some cool treasure
23. 4 - number between 2 and 5
24. Covered pit - ordinary kind of dungeon trap
25. Look around - something PCs always do when they go into a room
26. 1 - a number 1-3
27. A revolutionary idea - something weird and dangerous
28. Dire wolf - 21 again
29. Track by smell - something that animal/monster can do that people can't.
30. 5 - number 2-5
31. around - preposition (in, on, under, etc.)
32. chest - common dungeon object
33. Troll - one of the monsters/animals/groups already listed
34. Elephant - unusual form of transportation (plural) (i.e. rockets, turtles, etc.)
35. Gnoll - one of the other monsters/animals/groups
36. Falling - hazard associated with that form of transportation +ing (falling, losing your grip, etc.).
27. Ivory - valuable object or substance
28. At - preposition
29. Book - common dungeon object
30. Hysteria - state of mind associated with mentally illness
31. Quills - plural noun (i.e. cheeses)
32. Putrid - adjective
33. Dire Wolf - one of the monsters/races/groups
34. Ranger - character class
35. Sovremney - the homeland of one of your PCs
36. Feather Token - something unusual on that PC's character sheet (i.e. gloves of snaring, 18/00 strength, etc.)
37. Stairs - something commonly seen in dungeons.
38. Doors - something else commonly seen in dungeons
39. Baroque - an architectural style
40. Lintel - common architectural feature (plural) (i.e. columns, archways, etc.)
41. Magnesium - substance you'd see in an alchemist's lab
42. Ether - rare substance.
43 Harmonic Clockwork Angel - something totally fucking metal
I am not running anything at the moment. In fact I haven't for years, so I had to root around in the old brain box a bit. Most of the games I ran were low level, so I have generally stayed in that ball park. The last entry was the hardest.
What the heck - I'll play.
2.Giant Spiders
3.The magic drained away from the world
5.Ogre Mage
14.Giant firefly eggs
22.Rubie-studded gorget
24.Chlorine gas
25.Tap the walls
27.Toadstool stew
29.See in dark
34.Roller skates
33.Giant Spiders
36.Lightning sword
37.Glowing fungus
43.Rusty chains
1. Tower
2. The Society of Bow and Tea
3. Maelstrom on land
4. West
5. The Horsemen
6. Ring of Postponement
7. Foalmen
8. Pimbleman's Teeth (wine, white)
9. Letter writing
10. Invisible
11. Exotic
12. Huggers/rashers
13. East
14. Souls
15. Massive
16. Blackest
17. Gull flower
18. Dirt
19. Women
20. Beautiful
21. Sinker
22. Old Nanna's yarn
23. 3
24. Poison bolts
25. Look around
26. 1
27. Curse of the Dowsing Rod
28. Spellbook parasites
29. Leech on raw magic in spellbooks and alter them
30. 5
31. Over
32. Stone floor
33. The Society of Bow and Tea
34. Slow exchange-markers (teleporting by stamps over seven days)
35. Gull flower
36. Stuck in the void
37. Horseshoe from the Horsemen
38. For
39. Chest
40. Paranoia
41. Sinkers
42. Hidden
43. Gull flower
44. Explorer
45. The "Country"
46. Belt of Figg
47. Adventurers
48. Monsters
49. Vernacular
50. Timbers
51. Bark of an Itchy Tree
52. Bark of an Itchy Tree!
53. Detuned battle axe
5.Anticulture Hegemon
6.Passionata Threnody
9.molocule transfer
32.Metal strut.
36.Being tickled off.
29.Rotten plank.
34.Guild Adjustor.
36.Broken Sword.
37.Rusty water spout.
43.The sun snuffed into blackness forever.
Looks like fun.
1. Tree hut - type of building
2. Fey - intelligent race/group (plural)
3. The massacre and reanimation of an entire towns population - natural disaster or cataclysmic event that might've just happened in your campaign.
4. East - direction (north, east, etc.)
5. Witch of the wilds - major intelligent boss-type baddie
6. The Serpents Egg (ancient artifact) - some object or commodity that baddie wants
7. Ogres - minions appropriate to that baddie (plural) (i.e. dogmen)
8. Wood - some common substance
9. Carrier pigeons - nonverbal form of communication
10. Smelly - adjective
11. Beautiful - adjective
12. Alienists - another intelligent group/race (plural) (i.e. clerics, ogres, etc.)
13. South - a different direction than the first one (northwest, south, etc.)
14. Proscribed knowledge - some object or commodity that 14 (I assume you mean 12) wants.
15. Arbitrary - adjective
16. Dumbest - superlative adjective (biggest, fastest, etc.)
17. Yuan-ti abomination - monster that outclasses the party by 2 or 3 levels
18. Eggs - something 17 eats
19. Legs - plural noun. (i.e. bananas)
20. Barbed - adjective
21. Dog - unintelligent animal or monster
22. Grig in a cage - some cool treasure
23. 3 - number between 2 and 5
24. Floor spikes - ordinary kind of dungeon trap
25. Resume defensive formation - something PCs always do when they go into a room
26.3 - a number 1-3
27. The far realms - something weird and dangerous
28. Shocker lizard - 21 again
29. Deliver electrical shock - something that animal/monster can do that people can't.
30. 5 - number 2-5
31. Above - preposition (in, on, under, etc.)
32. Torch - common dungeon object
33. Fey -one of the monsters/animals/groups already listed
34. Dire bats - unusual form of transportation (plural) (i.e. rockets, turtles, etc.)
35. Alienists - one of the other monsters/animals/groups
36. Falling - hazard associated with that form of transportation +ing (falling, losing your grip, etc.).
27. Diamonds - valuable object or substance
28. Under - preposition
29. Hatch - common dungeon object
30. Hallucination - state of mind associated with mentally illness
31. Cats - plural noun (i.e. cheeses)
32. Sleepy - adjective
33. Yuan-ti - one of the monsters/races/groups
34. Wizard - character class
35. Hullack forest - the homeland of one of your PCs
36. Character is blind - something unusual on that PC's character sheet (i.e. gloves of snaring, 18/00 strength, etc.)
37. Door -something commonly seen in dungeons.
38. Tripwire - something else commonly seen in dungeons
39. Gothic - an architectural style
40. Portal - common architectural feature (plural) (i.e. columns, archways, etc.)
41. Formaldehyde - substance you'd see in an alchemist's lab
42. Silk of an araneas web - rare substance.
43. Person riding a purple worm - something totally fucking metal.
Why not?..
1. cathedral
2. ratmen
3. Gotterdammerung
4. North-west
5. The Vivisector
6. The secret of creating intelligent life
7. Clockwork golems
8. Sand
9. Communicating via shining color patterns
10. Good
11. Bad
12. Druids
13. East
14. The Headdress of Omniscience
15. Ugly
16. Cruellest
17. Silver dragon
18. Stupid sheep
19. Trees
20. Noble
21. Giant hedgehog
22. Vorpal sword
23. 4
24. Sticky webs
25. Giggle
26. 2
27. An insane monk
28. Killer hornet
29. Sting
30. 3
31. Under
32. Stairway
33. Druids
34. Flying boats
35. Sorcerers
36. Getting airsick
27. Dragon's blood
28. at
29. Chest
30. Paranoia
31. Drums
32. Dangerous
33. Merfolk
34. Ranger
35. Lokeren
36. Elven boots
37. Goblins
38. Traps
39. Gothic
40. Columns
41. Liquid gold
42. Adamantium
43. Reign of the Storm Giants
1. Abattoir.
2. Gnolls.
3. A Lovecraftian godling frozen in a meteor slammed into the South Pole.
4. South.
5. Vrrgonath.
6. The Frozen God's Eye.
7. Feral rakshasa.
8. Lead.
9. Handsigns.
10. Fluid.
11. Brazen.
12. Scions of Pellucidar
13. East.
14. The map revealing the entrance to Pellucidar.
15. Sorrowful.
16. Preeminent.
17. Lycantharch.
18. Adventurers.
19. Hands.
20. Strange.
21. Dire Toad.
22. The Armor of Gygax.
23. 2 (if you meant inclusive, otherwise 3)
24. Acid pit.
25. Search for traps.
26. 3.
27. The Saffron-Masked Mistress of Leng.
28. Gelatinous Cube.
29. Squelch.
30. 4.
31. Beneath.
32. Sconce.
33. Scions (of Pellucidar).
34. Snowshoes.
35. Feral rakshasa.
36. Freezing to death.
27. Latinum.
28. On.
29. Broken chair.
30. Boarsark.
31. Hams.
32. Contorted.
33. Gnolls.
34. Shaman.
35. Tucson, Arizona.
36. Owl Claw Totem.
37. River of Lava.
38. Ogre skeleton.
39. Non-Euclidian.
40. Impossibly tall spires, reaching like grasping fingers for the heavens.
41. Philosopher's Mercury.
42. Virgin's Blood.
43. The lich of Ronnie James Dio.
OK, I'll bite:
1.type of building: warehouse
2.intelligent race/group (plural): robots
3.natural disaster or cataclysmic event that might've just happened in your campaign.: zombie outbreak
4.direction (north, east, etc.): south by southwest
5.major intelligent boss-type baddie: naga
6.some object or commodity that baddie wants: slaves
7.minions appropriate to that baddie (plural) (i.e. dogmen): snakeheads
8.some common substance: ice
9.nonverbal form of communication: rattles
10.adjective: crazy
11.adjective: plague-ridden
12.another intelligent group/race (plural) (i.e. clerics, ogres, etc.) rat-fiends
13.a different direction than the first one (northwest, south, etc.) north-east
14.some object or commodity that 12 wants. (EDITED!) laser guns
15.adjective: filthy
16.superlative adjective (biggest, fastest, etc.) wisest that outclasses the party by 2 or 3 levels: dragon
18.something 17 eats: human sacrifices
19.plural noun. (i.e. bananas): bracelets
20.adjective: explosive
21.unintelligent animal or monster: goat
22.some cool treasure: gatefinder
23.number between 2 and 5: 3
24.ordinary kind of dungeon trap: wall of spears
25.something PCs always do when they go into a room: listen at other doors
26.a number 1-3: 2
27.something weird and dangerous: mountain man
28.21 again: crow
29.something that animal/monster can do that people can't.: fly
30.number 2-5: 4
31.preposition (in, on, under, etc.):behind
32.common dungeon object:stairs of the monsters/animals/groups already listed: rat-fiend
34.unusual form of transportation (plural) (i.e. rockets, turtles, etc.): gate henge of the other monsters/animals/groups: robot
36.hazard associated with that form of transportation +ing (falling, losing your grip, etc.).: unpredictable destination
27.valuable object or substance: ruby
28.preposition: beneath
29.common dungeon object: midden
30.state of mind associated with mentally illness:delirium
31.plural noun (i.e. cheeses): sandals
32.adjective:moldy of the monsters/races/groups: naga
34.character class: monk
35.the homeland of one of your PCs: Cahokia
36.something unusual on that PC's character sheet (i.e. gloves of snaring, 18/00 strength, etc.): Talks to horses
37.something commonly seen in dungeons.: cobwebs
38.something else commonly seen in dungeons: puddles architectural style: industrial
40.common architectural feature (plural) (i.e. columns, archways, etc.): rafters
41.substance you'd see in an alchemist's lab: acid
42.rare substance.: Angel feathers
43.something totally fucking metal.: Nyarlathotep
1.Missile Silo
3.Chaos Rift
5.Annointed Priestess of Persephone
9.Scattered Notes
17.Spartan General
18.Irradiated Pork
22.Athenian Artifact
24.Bear Trap
27.Mutated Boar
29.Lay Eggs
32.Smashed Desk
34.Giant Birds
27.Clean Water
29.Old Books
33.Giant Birds
35.New Alexandria
36.Copy of The Odyssey
42.Non-irradiated potatoes
43.Armored Goat
1. Tree Fortress
2. Sprites
3.Players have unexpectantly rebuilt, organ by organ, Moloch.
7. pillbugs
13. west
22. ancient ironwood hauberk
23. 4
24. pit
25. spot check
26. 3
27. corrosive saliva
28. slug
29. leave a slime trail
30. 3
31. under
32. locked door
33. brownie
34. crickets
35. sprites
36. falling
27. amber
28. with
29. torch
30. confusion
31. mice
32. towering
33. brownies
34. druid
35. Aden
36. duct tape
37. torches
38. tunnels
39. baroque
40. buttresses
41. mercury
42. iron wood
43. A spritely lord, atop his steed, a savage stag beetle, goring The Free Insect Council, their sticky ichor congealing on its mighty horn.
1. asylum
2. neogi
3. planar rift
4. north
5. supreme inquisitor
6. black diamond
7. dragonborn
8. blood
9. runes
10. uncanny
11. chitinous
12. mercanes
13. east
14. crown of stars
15. untrustworthy
16. slimiest
17. marilith
18. maggots
19. tentacles
20. shadowy
21. golem
22. lightsabre
23. 4
24. pendulum scythe
25. search for secret passages
26. 1
27. necronomicon
28. elder black pudding
29. mitose
30. 2
31. from
32. flagstone
33. neogi
34. krakens
35. mercanes
36. drowning
27. warpstone
28. in
29. barrel
30. paranoid
31. intestines
32. unholy
33. golem
34. alienist
35. Borderlands
36. Qullan greatsword
37. mold
38. corpse
39. Merovingian
40. mosaics
41. mutagenic compound
42. orichalcum
43. deathknight
45. Vilska clan territory - the homeland of one of your PCs
46. Shapechange (Man) to (Wolf) - something unusual on that PC's character sheet (i.e. gloves of snaring, 18/00 strength, etc.)
47. Detritus - something commonly seen in dungeons.
48. Chains - something else commonly seen in dungeons
49. Mycenaean - an architectural style
50. Bas-reliefs - common architectural feature (plural) (i.e. columns, archways, etc.)
51. Lead - substance you'd see in an alchemist's lab
52. Hen's teeth - rare substance.
53. Serpent-men armed with laser rifles, accompanied by their cyber-zombie footsoldiers - something totally fucking metal.
1.Hut on chicken legs - type of building
2. Ducks - intelligent race/group (plural)
3. Collapse of the southern empire - natural disaster or cataclysmic event that might've just happened in your campaign.
4. North-east - direction (north, east, etc.)
5. Vampire Lord - major intelligent boss-type baddie
6. maidens - some object or commodity that baddie wants
7. Beastmen - minions appropriate to that baddie (plural) (i.e. dogmen)
8. Water - some common substance
9. Position of one's tail - nonverbal form of communication
10. Orgulous - adjective
11. Egregious - adjective
12. Trolls - another intelligent group/race (plural) (i.e. clerics, ogres, etc.)
13. South - a different direction than the first one (northwest, south, etc.)
14. man-flesh - some object or commodity that 12 wants. (EDITED!)
15. Meritorious - adjective
16. ugliest - superlative adjective (biggest, fastest, etc.)
17. King of the Dire Wolves - monster that outclasses the party by 2 or 3 levels
18. Humans - something 17 eats
19. Souls - plural noun. (i.e. bananas)
20. Desperate - adjective
21. Two-headed dragon-snails - unintelligent animal or monster
22. coin with profile of the opponent just slain - some cool treasure
23. 3 - number between 2 and 5
24. Dart trap - ordinary kind of dungeon trap
25. Look up, down, around and under - something PCs always do when they go into a room
26. 1 - a number 1-3
27. A pool of spirits clamouring to possess one of the party - something weird and dangerous
28. albino bats - 21 again
29. See with sound - something that animal/monster can do that people can't.
30. 4 - number 2-5
31. within - preposition (in, on, under, etc.)
32. Desk - common dungeon object
33. Trolls - one of the monsters/animals/groups already listed
34. Spirit trance - unusual form of transportation (plural) (i.e. rockets, turtles, etc.)
35. ducks - one of the other monsters/animals/groups
36. Your body is left behind until you get to the destination in spirit - hazard associated with that form of transportation +ing (falling, losing your grip, etc.).
27. Limestone - valuable object or substance
28. beneath - preposition
29. letter outlining evil scheme - common dungeon object
30. forgetfulness - state of mind associated with mentally illness
31. apples - plural noun (i.e. cheeses)
32. Proud - adjective
33. humans - one of the monsters/races/groups
44.Shaman - character class
There is going to be a couple of hours of interesting reading come out of this I think. Looking forward to seeing how it all ties together.
1. Lost temple of a forest god
2. Forest Spirits
3. Corruption of the Feywild
4. North
5. Gayla - Forest spirit that drives hunters insane by taunting them as an elusive black fox
6. Restoration of the Forest temples.
7. Corrupted Dryads
8. Berries
9. Wind in the tree branches.
10. Wild
11. Insane
12. Lumberjacks
13. South
14. Not get killed
15. Scared
16. Hottest
17. Thorn Wolf
18. People
19. streets
20. Yielding
21. Stag
22. StoneBark Shield
23. 2
24. Poisoned Wall Darts
25. Search for hidden doors
26. 3
27. Black berries from plants grown in sacrificed corpses
28. Bear
29. Meld with the trees.
30. 3
31. Under
32. pits
33. Dryads
34. Zeppelins
35. Stag
36. falling
37. Statue of a Forest God
38. Inside
39. Door
40. Madness
41. Grapes
42. Good
43. Forest Spirits
44. Shaman
45. Ashencour
46. Tuna Sandwich
47. Stairs
48. Torches
49. Baroque
50. Archways
51. Alcohol
52. Darkling Blood
53. Hollowed Trent with demonic fire inhabiting its husk
3.Lycanthropy Plague
13.North East
21.Gelatinous Cube
22.Jewel of Tel’Arin
25.Close the door behind them
28.Gelatinous Cube
29.Absorbe a body
32.Shattered Shield
34.Steampowered Wings
27.Silver coins
29.Used torch
36.Rabbits Foot
37.Kobold droppings
41. Dragon’s Blood
42.Hen’s Teeth
43. Pat Boone
This isn't anything I've run yet, but it's what I'm currently working on!
1. Tavern
2. Illithids
3. Volcanic eruption
4. West
5. Succubus
6. Mirror of disguise
7. Satyr sex slaves
8. oil
9. Telepathy
10. shiny
11. pungent
12. Church of the Darkest Moon
13. North
14. anti-Wolfsbane
15. whimsical
16. Direst
17. Salamander
18. obsidian
19. scythes
20. heavy
21. basilisk
22. bag of holding
23. 4
24. spiked pit
25. stealth
26. 1
27. gibbering mouther spit
28. giant centipede
29. burrow
30. 5
31. between
32. spiderweb
33. salamander
34. xorns
35. basilisks
36. merging
37. arcane crystals
38. of
39. altar
40. tuned-out
41. vials
42. amazing
43. church
44. cleric
45. skalant
46. eversmoking bottle
47. dead ends
48. statues
49. Lovecraftian
50. stairways
51. Rust inducer
52. Unobtanium
53. Goat eyes.
1. Motte & Bailey
2. Gnolls
3. Forest Fire
4. North
5. The Autumn Fey, also known as Lord of the Husks and Rinds, The Rotting King.
6. The Eitr Stones
7. Corrupted Elves
8. Wood
9. Lucid Dreams
10. brittle
11. grim
12. Wood elves
13. West
14. Blackthorn wood
15. crazed
16. meanest
17. Ogre
18. goblins
19. arrows
20. cunning
21. Bear
22. Treeshadow cloak – allows the wearer to teleport using the shadows of trees.
23. 4
24. Spring-loaded scythe blade
25. pause by the door and look around
26. 2
27. quickly-growing thickets of black brambles that try to catch and drain anything that comes close.
28. Wolf
29. Scent prey from miles away
30. 3
31. above
32. broken, rusted sword
33. gnolls
34. Bear-back.
35. Ogre
36. Eaten by ride.
27. beaver pelts
28. within
29. altar
30. distraught
31. rats
32. chittering
33. Elves
34. Fighter
35. Dinas Eifel
36. Shadowtouched (+2 bonus to stealth rolls when using shadows to hide)
37. stairs leading down.
38. pool of water
39. log building.
40. corbelled arches
41. mercury
42. Earthblood – a reddish, metallic liquid that is occasionally found oozing from ancient stones.
43. A berserker with an axe riding a bear.
1.type of building - Citadel
2.intelligent race/group (plural) - Beastmen
3.natural disaster or cataclysmic event that might've just happened in your campaign. - Fimbulwinter
4.direction (north, east, etc.) - (toward) the blowing of the Northern wind
5.major intelligent boss-type baddie - The Black Sun
6.some object or commodity that baddie wants - The Tome of Shambala
7.minions appropriate to that baddie (plural) (i.e. dogmen) - Beastmen
8.some common substance - ice
9.nonverbal form of communication - thumb slashing across the throat
10.adjective - Hyperborean
11.adjective - tentacular
12.another intelligent group/race (plural) (i.e. clerics, ogres, etc.) - valkyries
13.a different direction than the first one (northwest, south, etc.) - roughly south-east
14.some object or commodity that 12 wants. (EDITED!) - souls of the valiant
15.adjective - unrelenting
16.superlative adjective (biggest, fastest, etc.) - cruelest that outclasses the party by 2 or 3 levels - Baknar/ Yeti
18.something 17 eats - children
19.plural noun. (i.e. bananas) - sled dogs
20.adjective - frigid
21.unintelligent animal or monster - green slime
22.some cool treasure - Gauntlets of Yeti Ferocity
23.number between 2 and 5 - 5
24.ordinary kind of dungeon trap - Spear trap
25.something PCs always do when they go into a room - check under the rug
26.a number 1-3 - 1.21
27.something weird and dangerous - trepanning
28.21 again - Ice toad
29.something that animal/monster can do that people can't. - survive unprotected in the open winter
30.number 2-5 - 2
31.preposition (in, on, under, etc.) - betwixt
32.common dungeon object - door hinge of the monsters/animals/groups already listed - valkyries
34.unusual form of transportation (plural) (i.e. rockets, turtles, etc.) - saddled porpoises of the other monsters/animals/groups - Beastmen
36.hazard associated with that form of transportation +ing (falling, losing your grip, etc.). - plunging into the freezing ocean
27.valuable object or substance - The Dream Seer, Inuit idol of Chtulhoid origin
28.preposition - under
29.common dungeon object - portcullis
30.state of mind associated with mentally illness - berzerker rage
31.plural noun (i.e. cheeses) - sigils
32.adjective - sanity-crushing of the monsters/races/groups - Baknar/ Yeti
34.character class - Cleric/Shaman
35.the homeland of one of your PCs - Irem, City of Pillars
36.something unusual on that PC's character sheet (i.e. gloves of snaring, 18/00 strength, etc.) - natural 3 wisdom
37.something commonly seen in dungeons. - dead adventurers
38.something else commonly seen in dungeons - unlabelled potions architectural style - Cyclopean
40.common architectural feature (plural) (i.e. columns, archways, etc.) - Balconies
41.substance you'd see in an alchemist's lab - graphite
42.rare substance. - blue diamond
43.something totally fucking metal. - legged gargantuan whale bursting from an ancient glacier
Werewolf Women of the S.S.
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