hi Zak, there's some talk that your players are getting paid to play D&D, is this true? there was a post on one of the girls' twitter accounts that seemed to indicate this, at least according to one redditor...
Out of game. Kind of.
I don't care about Fun. I'm not competing in the Funlympics because it's a
participation trophy and if your table isn't having Fun
The greatest horror game ever is here.
That's pretty much it, folks.
DEMON CITY can now be bought, both in printed format and as a PDF.
I've had the PDF for some time now, and I'm really hap...
Check out this fashionable fellow.
I was looking at the *Tunnels & Trolls* stuff on the ebays and stumbled
across this guy. I love his visor, though I think it would be better if it
was p...
"Ark Against Time" Submitted for DunDraCon #48
[image: A colorful thing seems to be made of several elongated pods]
(Ark of Time)
*GM: Matt MorrisonType: RPGSystem: D&D/Arduin GrimoireEdition: 5...
I'm Zak, I live in Los Angeles. Most of the people I know here are women I know from being a porn "actor"--so they're porn stars and strippers. So that's who I play Dungeons & Dragons with.
If you keep this up, you may manage to forever alter the popular perception of gamers as hopeless dweebs, who can't get laid.
Dammit, Zak!
That's hilarious.
Damn. Just...damn.
Sooo different from the people i used to game with!
That's pretty awesome.
Next time my wife and I are watching one of her movies I'll have to bring up this little factoid. Might kill the mood though!
Thanks for sharing!
Tiefling, or Elf. Girls will be girls...
What is a Tiefling?
It's like an elf. With horns.
hi Zak, there's some talk that your players are getting paid to play D&D, is this true? there was a post on one of the girls' twitter accounts that seemed to indicate this, at least according to one redditor...
Yesterday we did.
We taped the first episode of what will no doubt be the longest running reality-tv series about porn chicks, models and strippers playing D&D ever.
Thanks for being honest about that, Zak. I do love yer blog.
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