Exotic animals, competing factions, controlled substances, murder-for-hire, mutilation...the DM who asked me to write her a Tiger King-themed adventure didn't know what she was getting into.
It ran to ten or eleven pages including old-school D&D-style stats (she requested Lamentations of the Flame Princess, so they're technically that), a full-color illustrated dungeon map and the island sketch above.
How to get it:
Email me ( zakzsmith at hawtmayle dawt calm ) if you have Venmo and let me know you want it.
If you don't have Venmo:
I'm processing credit cards through a specially-set-up OnlyFans, which is usually a porn site, because usual online payment methods aren't very adult-industry-people friendly.
1. Subscribe to my profile, it's free and has no porn on it so relax. You can cancel right after.
2. Send a tip for $5.
3. I will get a message, and within 24-hours I'll send you a message and you can say how you want the PDF sent to you.
EDIT and NOTE: The first week of sales for this were a benefit.
Fight On! number 16 is out.
The new issue of *Fight On!* has been out for a bit. You can get copies via
drivethru or lulu.
I haven't finished reading my copy, but I'd like to reco...
@erased anon
No anonymous comments. Use a persistent, accountable identity.
@erased anon
Yes, the no anonymous comments rule is relatively new: I began it last year when Mandy's harassment campaign began.
@Erased anon
Use an -accountable and persistent identity- , not an anonymous or brand-new pseudonym.
If I provide you with anything, then I need to be able to name the person I provided it to, extract a guarantee that you will admit you confirm you received it and spread that fact throughout your social media channels.
In other words: you need to be accountable. If you lie the public needs to be able to find you and inflict consequences on your for having lied.
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