So I'm doing Satine's annual ChariD20 event on Sunday coming up.
I'll be at Keith Baker's table.
The character I play and voice I use on the livestream will be determined by vote by you people, here are the choices:
Stereotypical disturbingly-comfortable-with-ultraviolence-Cockney guy (my go-to NPC voice).
Shady drunk German guy (my go-to PC).
-Basically Rust from True Detective but not from the south (me irl).
-Basically Joan Rivers (my last Charid20 PC) (also me irl).
Fight On! number 16 is out.
The new issue of *Fight On!* has been out for a bit. You can get copies via
drivethru or lulu.
I haven't finished reading my copy, but I'd like to reco...
As a slightly drunk german guy my sympathies are with no. 2.
Can we vote against one? I wanna vote against Joan Rivers, so if somebody picks that scratch theirs off.
Rust. But muster your best southern accent...
there are no southerners in D&D
never ever do southern accents in D&D
Stereotypical disturbingly-comfortable-with-ultraviolence-Cockney guy
What about stereotypical proud-of-glass-windows-Scottish guy? I liked him in I Hit I With My Axe.
Definitely Rust. Everything is spirals and patterns. Bonus points for the character actually being paranoid.
Rust. Wish I could write in "Slightly Canadian accent, a deranged Gobo Fraggle."
voting for the return of joan rivers
though that dude who played the villain from tank girl was a strong contender
I love that drawing of the shady drunk German dungeon slacker, and I vote for him based on that alone.
that is Baron Blixa von Apfelsaft if Barovia and Barovania, 11th level thief
by me
So far the votes on Google + have Rust solidly in the lead
I'll throw my 2 cents in and echo the majority and say Rust. But since you won't do a Southern accent, what about a stereotypical Canadian one, eh?
although canadian accents in D&D are not as hack as southern accents, they still aren't ones that are remotely on-continent so i save them for Wolverine in FASERIP
Oh. Joan Rivers. Definitely.
How about the personality and affect of John Waters at a young Republicans convention with three gin and tonics already under his belt?
How about the personality and affect of John Waters at a young Republicans convention with three gin and tonics already under his belt?
too late we already shot
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