Saturday, April 9, 2011

Late At Night, After 6 drinks, 2 Stripclubs... lapdance*, and an hour of youtubing, we made this...


Apologies to both Sifl and Olly**. Though not Cifal, he can go fuck himself.
*Mandy's sister'd never had one so Mandy was forced to accompany her to the booth for moral support.

**Sifl and who? Oh, you haven't lived...


mordicai said...


Justin said...


Loquacious said...

I need to cause mayhem like this...

Trey said...

Does that make Raggi Precious Roy?

Nate L. said...

Yo Zak it's a really good book, thanks for writing it. Take my money it's totally worth it. Favorite chart: Random Aristocrat Chart, since players seem to meet just loads of them in cities. And the random tavern chart. And the random shop-keep chart. Heck they're all great. Favorite new mechanic: the Fortunes. Most memorable monster: the demon that splits in half and then splits you in half and tries to merge with your halves. That's so gross, my players would freak if something like that happened.

Really, a super kickass piece of work.

Adamantyr said...

So that's Mandy's sister... I see hotness runs in the family.

Bought my copy of Vornheim... good pricing, and a fun read! Hope the hardcover doesn't take too long to arrive.

Paul said...

Ha! I've been enjoying the city book; excellent work.

The link to Mandy's sister's Twitter feed needs fixin'.

Mandy said...

Honestly, all I had to drink were a couple of Shirley Temples. The other two however...

Mandy said...!/SarahMorbid

Tom Lando said...

Hold on, was that an open invitation to come to LA and join your game I heard?

Anonymous said...

One of those strip joints didn't happen to be Jumbos?

Zak Sabbath said...



C'nor (Outermost_Toe) said...

Completely unrelated (Other than that it's related to something you made in the form of Gigacrawler), but somewhat important question: Can you check your spam filter? I think that the reason my comment about the alterations needed to play as an ALICE unit vanished is that blogger thought it was spam for some reason. (Yeah, that was a while ago. I just figured this out now.)

Adam Dickstein said...

As usual, I found this post incredibly fascinating.

Sara or Sarah?

As I said, incredibly fascinating.

Mandy said...


da1barker said...

I just ordered! I can't wait to get it. :D thanks man!

Adam Dickstein said...

Thanks Mandy, I like my dreams to have the correct spelling and grammar if possible.

The video is pretty darn funny by the way. And you look, both of you, fantastic as always.


The Cramp said...

Mordicai, including being Nightmare creatures that stalk the dark, eating bums who sleep in the park?

Zak, This will be the first new RPG book I have bought in ages.

Anonymous said...

I love Sifl and Olly.

CaseyMWBL said...

I want Shirley Temples like that.

Samwise7 said...

Haha, both videos were hilarious. :)

Reverend Dak said...

I WANT THIS BOOK. I'm going to try and find it in Germany when I'm there in a couple weeks, but I'm wondering if there will be any physical copies available in the US, er, Los Angeles, anytime soon. I like supporting game shops, and... I really wnat this fucking book. and, where can I find you, ZAK S, to have you sign it, or rub something (or whatever) on it?

I think LA is ripe for an old-school D&D/ OSR mini-convention. or something.