(help finish this table and contribute to the just-get-me-through-that-first-room random dungeon generator explained yesterday)
1-No encounter per-se but the entrance the PCs came in through becomes unusable. Because the inhabitant is a crazy sadist.
2-No encounter per-se but the entrance the PCs came in through becomes unusable. Because of natural cave-in or decay.
3-No encounter per-se but the entrance the PCs came in through becomes unusable. Because ____
4-No encounter per-se but the entrance the PCs came in through becomes unusable. Because_____
5-No encounter per-se but the entrance the PCs came in through becomes unusable. Because________
6-A complex device (not necessarily dangerous). Because this is where they store it.
7-A complex device (not necessarily dangerous). Because it is important to the workings of the dungeon.
8-A complex device (not necessarily dangerous). Because this room has been forgotten.
9-A complex device (not necessarily dangerous). Because_____
10-d4 soldier-type monsters. Because they're performing a routine security sweep of this room.
11-d4 soldier-type monsters. Because they're undead and you've awakened them by entering this place.
12-d4 soldier-type monsters. Because ______
13-d4 soldier-type monsters. Because _____
14-d4 soldier-type monsters. Because _______
15-d4+1 soldier-type monsters. Because they're guarding what's past this room.
16-d4+1 soldier-type monsters. Because ____
17-d4+1 soldier-type monsters. Because _______
18-d4+1 soldier-type monsters. Because ________
19-3d6 soldier-type monsters. Because they live in this room.
20-3d6 soldier-type monsters. Because ________
21-A brute-type monster. Because it wandered in here looking for food.
22-A brute-type monster. Because the inhabitants keep it here as a "guard dog".
23-A brute-type monster. Because_____
24-A brute-type monster. Because _____
25-A brute-type monster. Because_____
26-A brute-type monster. Because_____
27-A brute-type monster. Because _______
28-A brute-type monster. Because ______
29-A brute-type monster. Because______
30-A brute-type monster. Because ________
31-A schemer-type monster. Because it heard the PCs come in and is investigating.
32-A schemer-type monster. Because it has an offer for the PCs.
33-A schemer-type monster. Because ______
34-A schemer-type monster. Because ______
35-A schemer-type monster. Because _______
36-A schemer-type monster. Because ______
37-A wizard. Because s/he's lost.
38-A wizard. Because of a magical accident.
39-A wizard. Because she wants to steal something from the PCs an use it as a spell component.
40-A wizard. Because _________
41-A wizard. Because ________
42-d6 vermin-type monsters (or a swarm). Because this area is gross and forgotten.
43-d6 vermin-type monsters (or a swarm). Because this area is a garbage dump.
44-d6 vermin-type monsters (or a swarm). Because this is a high-traffic area but the inhabitants aren't very clean.
45-d6 vermin-type monsters (or a swarm). Because ________
46-d6 vermin-type monsters (or a swarm). Because ________
47-d6 vermin-type monsters (or a swarm). Because _______
48-d6 vermin-type monsters (or a swarm). Because_________
49-d6 vermin-type monsters (or a swarm). Because _______
50-d6 vermin-type monsters (or a swarm). Because ______
51-d6 vermin-type monsters (or a swarm). Because ______
52-A weird-type monster. Because the inhabitants keep it here as a guard.
53-A weird-type monster. Because it smells food.
54-A weird-type monster. Because it was accidentally summoned and escaped.
55-A weird-type monster. Because ______
56-A weird-type monster. Because _______
57-A weird-type monster. Because ______
58-A weird-type monster. Because _______
59-A weird-type monster. Because ________
60-d4 automatic guardian-type monsters. Because there is something of value here.
61-d4 automatic guardian-type monsters. Because there was once something of value here.
62-d4 automatic guardian-type monsters. Because _______
63-d4 automatic guardian-type monsters. Because ________
64-A party not unlike the PCs. Because they are trying to loot this dungeon.
65-A party not unlike the PCs. Because they were prisoners and are escaping.
66-A party not unlike the PCs. Because ________
67-A party not unlike the PCs. Because _______
68-A party not unlike the PCs. Because _________
69-An apparently harmless NPC. Because s/he's lost.
70-An apparently harmless NPC. Because s/he is secretly a dangerous doppleganger/thief/demon.
71-An apparently harmless NPC. Because __________
72-An apparently harmless NPC. Because ________
73-An apparently harmless NPC. Because ______
*74-An injured creature. Because one of the nearby traps hurt it.
*75-An injured creature. Because it was just in a fight with something fearsome in a nearby room.
*76-An injured creature. Because _________
*77-An injured creature. Because ________
*78-An injured creature. Because _________
79-The whole room is a trap. Because the architect was a crazy sadist.
80-The whole room is a trap. Because the inhabitant is a crazy sadist.
81-The whole room is a trap. Because it was the only way the inhabitants could think of to guard against large numbers of foes invading simultaneously.
82-The whole room is a trap. Because _________
83-The whole room is a trap. Because ________
84-The whole room is a puzzle. Because the architects were trying to allow only certain kinds of people/creatures in.
85-The whole room is a puzzle. Because the architects were, by human standards, insane.
86-The whole room is a puzzle. Because the the behavior of the room play some role in a bizarre religious ritual.
87-The whole room is a puzzle. Because _________
88-The whole room is a puzzle. Because _________
*89-A confrontation between two creatures or kinds of creatures. Because there is a war going on down here.
*90-A confrontation between two creatures or kinds of creatures. Because one party was trying to steal from the other.
*91-A confrontation between two creatures or kinds of creatures. Because these two factions both live down here and their truce is uneasy.
*92-A confrontation between two creatures or kinds of creatures. Because _______
*93-A confrontation between two creatures or kinds of creatures. Because _______
*94-Creature(s) in a room which has a bizarre physical layout. Because of a recent natural or magical disaster.
*95-Creature(s) in a room which has a bizarre physical layout. Because the inhabitants here are weird and like it that way.
*96-Creature(s) in a room which has a bizarre physical layout. Because the architect was possessed of an intelligence unimaginable to humans.
*97-Creature(s) in a room which has a bizarre physical layout. Because________
*98-Creature(s) in a room which has a bizarre physical layout. Because______
*99-Creature(s) in a room which has a bizarre physical layout. Because______
*00-Creature(s) in a room which has a bizarre physical layout. Because________
*For these results, roll a result from 10-69 on this table to determine creature type: 1d6 for the first digit, 1d10 for the second digit.
In the end, there will, of course, be separate tables for "random brute type monsters", "random weird-type monsters" "random puzzle rooms" etc. supplementing this table.
The rest of this table is to be filled in by Gygaxian democracy. Please do chip in and leave a comment with a rationale for an encounter or two or three in the comments.
Out of game. Kind of.
I don't care about Fun. I'm not competing in the Funlympics because it's a
participation trophy and if your table isn't having Fun
3-No encounter per-se but the entrance the PCs came in through becomes unusable. Because The entrance was actually a one way entrance into a pocket plane
45-d6 vermin-type monsters (or a swarm). Because it's incubation season and the party is looking like a perfect nest.
62-d4 automatic guardian-type monsters. Because this room served as a sort of production plant for them.
71-An apparently harmless NPC. Because last night was one hell of a bender.
4-No encounter per-se but the entrance the PCs came in through becomes unusable. Because the architects didn't want intruders to get out with, or from, whatever they left here.
87-The whole room is a puzzle. Because the architects had a highly useful mechanism here, that got smashed apart and needs to be put back together in just the right way.
*92-A confrontation between two creatures or kinds of creatures. Because the weaker creature is the slave of the stronger, and the stronger creature is not happy.
9-A complex device (not necessarily dangerous). Because the entity that created it wants to see how the party engage with it as a way to gauge how much fun they are going to be.
66- A party not unlike the PCs. Because they were trying to loot this dungeon. The main difference is that this party is dead and half-devoured.
5-No encounter per-se but the entrance the PCs came in through becomes unusable. Because the room has been flooded, if this result is re-rolled the water has progressed to any adjacent rooms where the door isn't closed.
*97-Creature(s) in a room which has a bizarre physical layout. Because the creatures formed it through their secretions and excretions.
20-3d6 soldier-type monsters. Because they were just on their way out to do some (D4):
(2)hunting or raiding
(4)killing of PCs, whom they were informed were visiting.
25-A brute-type monster. Because it's an illusion created by the inhabitants to scare away trespassers.
30-A brute-type monster. Because it has some aversion to whatever weather is outside and is waiting it out in here.
35-A schemer-type monster. Because it wants something from within but can't get it by itself.
40-A wizard. Because she was investigating something deeper in the compound and lost her companions somehow.
*00-Creature(s) in a room which has a bizarre physical layout. Because the creatures have re-arranged everything for some ritual or superstition.
*76-An injured creature. Because it's being healed by the inhabitants.
87-The whole room is a puzzle. Because the orcs that built the place got tired of being slaughtered.
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