Alone Against the City
A Solo Demon City hack.
Generally *solo* Demon City can fully function with the Mythic GM Emulator
using dice or drawing twice as a "d100" but that doesn...
At Last .... The Cube World
(Ha, and why it's good none of the players read my blog.)
(Northern Continent Detail by Zak S.)
I had been intending to run Zak Smith's Cube World settin...
I'm Zak, I live in Los Angeles. Most of the people I know here are women I know from being a porn "actor"--so they're porn stars and strippers. So that's who I play Dungeons & Dragons with.
Eh, just kinda silly at that point, no? : p
That interview with Caroline was really neat. 25 years as a gamer and she even played in an Arduin campaign! Mighty cool...
Your pc he so strong.
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