Insomniac like me?
Live in the Eastern Hemisphere?
I'm doing a little experiment--please post if you're up and at leisure.
Fight On! number 16 is out.
The new issue of *Fight On!* has been out for a bit. You can get copies via
drivethru or lulu.
I haven't finished reading my copy, but I'd like to reco...
I'm awake (I live in Singapore so not insomniac, just at work)...
Try this: Get a few little kids with Mandy, and you will never suffer insomnia again. You will be able to sleep everywhere, even if you are standing, and with open eyes.
that's disgusting
who wants to DM a skype or Google + video chat game right now?
i'm awake, but i'm afraid my brain isn't.
and i'm really hoping the rest of me follows shortly...
Does it count as "eastern hemisphere" if yes but part of why I'm awake is that I was in Fiji last week & still jetlagged?
Having kids is what makes me turn down this awesome offer, I will need to function in too few hours.
- Tavis
Me saying i'll dm is maybe an "offer".
me asking one of y'all to dm is a humble request.
Would love to but I don't think work would like that!
@Zak: spur of the moment game, eh? Awesome idea. Unfortunately like Nick I'm on the other side of the world (Philippines) and at work.
What game are you talking about anyways?
at 1 in the morning i'm pretty flexible
I am awake - I live in the same time zone as Moscow and it's 11:12 a.m. as I write this.
Are you talking about a regular thing though, or just now?
Don't know what time is it now, but I'm in even for a solo game!
right now i'm talking about right now
maybe later i'll talk about all the time
P.S.: I'm Nicolò Maioli on Google+
Like yourself I'm interested in playing right now but not in DMing.
I'm awake, it is 5:15 pm here in Kyoto.
I'm up for a game anytime with a little head's up.
Do you trust me to roll my own dice?
If we can get at least one other player and 1 dm (not me, i'm painting--but i can paint n play simultaneously) I'm in.
I can DM
add Nicolò Maioli on Google plus if you have it, let's see if we can do this.
@il male
i believe i started a "hangout" and invited you. got it?
I don't have google plus, anyone have an invite?
I'm up for playing.
email me, zakzsmith at hot mayle dawt calm, and i'll send you an invite
I will be on G+ from hereon!
I am awake. I work night shift and am fucking off on my rss feed on my boss' time. 3:30 am here. Only 2 and 1/2 more hours to go.
I'm awake; it is now 11:30 AM here in Israel.
add Nicolò Maioli on Google plus if you're in--we're starting.
How do you find the hangout?
Damn, sad I missed this offer. Been out jogging all night, totally would have hit this up but I'm exhausted and require sleep.
Next time, Gadget! Next TIIIIIME!!
i added you--anthony?--look at your google plus page
Hm. Added Nicolo but I can't find the hangout. Zak, your add didn't register on my Google+ account.
Google may be confused... oh well.
email me yr address
Alright, game over.
We killed 3 goblins, escaped some skeletons and I shot a witch in the stomach.
And Il Male is a really fun DM
Wish I would have seen this last night. I added a bunch of you in case this kind of thing pops up again, though.
What an excellent idea.
Sounds like it was good fun.
@wrathofzombie: Labyrinth Lord :D
CRAP!! Missed it! But at least enough of my thesis is done for tomorrow's meet. I WILL be watching this spot, though...
Nice work gentlemen! Especially Zak! You fuckin rule! I hope you guys set a new precedent for the other OSR blogs to follow.
So, playing D&D in google plus. Is there like a chartroom or do they have some real time maps were everybody is moving about.
Sorry for being so naive, but I just don't know. Heck, I've never even used skype.
I was...
How'd it go? Was there any computer bits that were a hassle to do? A postmortem would be cool.
Well, crap, that's what I get for being a month behind on my RSS feed. I'm up till about 4am EST every freakin night. >=(
I was up but engaged in the very important task of reading the new Dresden files novel. Having read the other posts this might get me to try online rpging which I have studiously avoided.
Sorry I missed this...I am on the East Coast, a certified insomniac and love to GM.
That and I'd love to see/hear you guys in action. I have skype.
Perhaps some other time.
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