So, yeah.
It's going to be great. I get to make the urban adventure book that I keep wishing already existed. Nothing to wade through, no thickets of worldbuildy prose, just wall-to-wall useful DM stuff. A total Swiss Army Knife for running cities in D&D.
I'm very excited, mostly because I can't wait to use it myself. And draw the pictures.
Out of game. Kind of.
I don't care about Fun. I'm not competing in the Funlympics because it's a
participation trophy and if your table isn't having Fun
Are you going to be doing all of the artwork?
I think a lot of people will get a lot of use out of it too, given how often pcs end up in cities...
Awesome stuff, congrats!
I assume from the blurb about putting it on your table this will be available as a hard copy?
I'm looking forward to this... This could be the first OSR stuff I'm actually buying in printed and not pdf format!
Just to be sure about format, we're talking about a book, paper & everything, right? Not a pdf bundle? Anyhow, I'm in. Sounds great.
Took a few friends to your exhibition the other day, Zak; as predicted, Dyson Disk was my favorite but the multi-page wall mural was pretty insane.
Oh hell-the-fuck-yes. And illustrations too.
Today is a good day.
Pretty damn cool. I would love to get a hold of this if only for the art. I'm certain I could a play for the city material somewhere on my homebrew world (or one of its parallels).
For me, though I love physical books, I find PDFs to be a surprisingly useful format.
Vornheim is a kickass name for a city, but The Vornheim City Kit sounds less like an awesome RPG supplement and more like something for model railroaders.
Maybe just title it Vornheim and use a subtitle to flesh out the full purpose behind the product? That's just my opinion, though, so good luck regardless!
Guaranteed sale, right here.
I love books! Being a bit of a ludite I do not really care for PDFs. I shall purchase your wares good sir.
I know I'm offering my congrats 11 hours after posting, which is forever in internet time, but I offer them nonetheless. Can't wait to see this product! Literally can't wait, because I'm running a city adventure in a week or two that's the kick-off of a new campaign and I've been stealing ideas from your blog about cities for a while now.
Very, very cool!
I am *VERY* eager to see this.
"I get to make the urban adventure book that I keep wishing already existed."
And I get to buy the urban adventure book that I've always wished existed and soon will! ;)
Very cool. Congratulations. A must have for winter next year.
Awesome partnership, as I posted on Jim's blog. My most desired purchase is a Carcosa adventure written by Zak and playtested with the girls. (For later consideration.)
The Vornheim city kit in hardcover will be a purchase for old SirAllen.
I was thinking I would probably buy this until I got to this line:
"And draw the pictures."
And now I know that I will buy it.
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