Nobody wants this to be a Daily Gamer Drama Blog but jesus:
So it's Wednesday, and on Saturday I first posted about wow we had three people in the RPG world cancelled in the same week and surprise all of them were people who'd harassed me, and that I'd warned people about.
And I thought, well, that's enough of that, better post about hobgoblins or something before....oh fuck and here's another.
We can no longer do a D12 table, because that's 13:
1. Oliver Darkshire (DMsguild author--pissed of fellow members of LGBTQIA+ community by publishing a D&D book about queer villains)
2. Luke Crane (Burning Wheel, Head of Community at Kickstarter)
3. Brandon Dixon (Swordsfall)
4. Adam Koebel (Dungeon World/ Streamer)
5. PH Lee (Bliss Stage, Hot Guys Making Out, storygamer)
6. Ben Chong (various "games about relationships, storygamer)
7. Sean Patrick Fannon (Savage Rifts)
8. BlackHatMatt (RPGnet moderator)
9. Tyler Carpenter (Battletech, storygamer)
10. The folks at Green Ronin (who either committed sexual misconduct or handled it poorly)
11. Shoe Skogen (my ex's friend, outed as an alleged abuser after being made an OSR discord mod as a reward for harassing me)
12. Elizabeth Sampat (storygamer, ex-girlfriend and enabler of Gamergate-related sucide Alec Holowk
13. Jared Cassady aka AuraTwilight aka Paimon Prowler (runs the OSR Discord)
At the current rate of four per week, literally all of the people who attacked me will be cancelled by the end of 2021. I believe in you.
EDIT: April 6, less than a month later--Olivia Hill and Filamena Young have been cancelled.