They beat the dinosaur by making it fight its own shadow...
Monday, January 29, 2024
It's All True.
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
We Do Not Exist
A not-in-any-way Chapter Approved 40k RPG.
It's hard to remember. You all have partial amnesia.
There was a battle against the forces of Chaos. Back when Chaos meant something--specifically when it meant the
enemy might suddenly get another 2000 points to spend on its army because it rolled well on some d1000 table
someone wrote after coming home trashed from a Napalm Death gig in Surrey--when zoats still roamed the universe,
when squats ran the forges, before every space marine chapter had its own codex 90 novels and a fanfic, when mixed
forces of DIY mercenaries and monsters battled in basements far outside the dominion of the great Workshop.
Anyway: Chaos came for you all equally--marine and eldar, squat and ork, man and astroman. There was a great battle, there were few survivors.
You are one of the handful. You have to get home. You have to warn them. You have no ship.
Your only allies are weird jerks.
-Agility/Dexterity score is 12+d6
-Pick one
+2 to Weapon/Melee Skill and +1 Ballistic/Missile Skill
+2 to Ballistic/Missile Skill and +1 Weapon/Melee Skill
-Ranged or melee, your sneak attacks do double damage
-Pick four items
Armoured bodyglove
Chameleoline Cloak
Night Cloak
Crossbow (and 20 bolts)
Needle pistol (and two 6-round clips)
Needle rifle (and two 6-round clips)
Add +1 to Ballistic/Missile Skill
+1 Weapon/Melee Skill
+1 to Pilot skill
Make sneak attacks multiply by one more factor (x2 becomes X3, x3 becomes x4 etc)
+1 to Agility
-Pick five reliable psi powers
Detect Chaos (Chaos includes psi-powers)
Invisibility to Chaos (as Invisibility to Undead)
Attract Chaos (as Attract Undead)
Remove Fear
Cause Fear
Charm Person
Comprehend Languages
Incapacitate (as Sleep)
Astropaths are always vaguely aware of chaotic or psi energy in the vicinity.
LEVEL UP: Add +1 to any of the 3 skills (Weapon, Ballistic, Pilot) or add a psi power.
-Willpower score is 12+d6
-Your skill allows you to heal d4 hp+your level without a medkit
or double normal hp+level with one
-Pick three:
2 points in any of the ability scores
Fellowship is 12+d6
Bless once per day (as the spell)
Inquisitor power armor
+1 Str
+1 Toughness
(stats can’t go over 20)
Add +1 to any of the 3 skills (Weapon, Ballistic, Pilot)
add one to Fellowship, or to Willpower.
Eldar Pirate
-Agility/Dexterity score is 12+d6
-Perception score is 12+d6
-Add 5 points in any of the ability scores (Eldar can have Dex up to 20)
-Pilot Skill +4
LEVEL UP: Add +1 to any of the 3 skills (Weapon, Ballistic, Pilot)
2d4 points of equipment.
Eldar Harlequin
-Agility/Dexterity score is 14+d6
-Technical Ability is d4+d4+d6
-Pick one
Trouper: +2 to Weapon/Melee Skill plus Harlequin’s Kiss (-2 to hit vs armor, silent, d12 damage)
Death Jester: +2 to Ballistic/Missile Skill plus Shrieker Cannon (reload after each shot,
target takes d12 and, if dead, wanders d10’ in a random direction and then explodes for d10 to everyone in 10’)
Shadow Seer: +1 to Weapon/Melee Skill or Ballistic/Missile Skill plus
choose one reliable psi power from any of the ones here. Seers are always
vaguely aware of chaotic or psi energy in the vicinity.
-Pick five:
-Functioning pivot belt (leap up to twice Str in feet, get out of melee combat free)
-Dex +1 (Eldar can have Dex up to 20)
-Functioning Harlequin’s Mask (Willpower test vs 10 not to flee from close combat)
-Harlequin’s kiss (see above)
-Web gun
-Power Fist
-4 grenades
-Shuriken pistol
-(Shadow seer only) Another reliable psi power
LEVEL UP: Add +1 to any of the 3 skills (Weapon, Ballistic, Pilot)
Agility or Seers can add a psi power.
Eldar Warlock
-Willpower 12+d6 (Eldar can have Dex up to 20)
-Choose four reliable psi powers from any of the ones here
-Eldar Witchblade: d10+(Willpower bonus) hp damage
-Warlocks are always vaguely aware of chaotic or psi energy in the vicinity.
LEVEL UP: Add +1 to any of the 3 skills (Weapon, Ballistic, Pilot) or a psi power.
Hive Gang Member
-Perception score is 12+d6
-Pick one
Brat Gang: 12+d6 Equipment/Scavenging 12+d6 Fellowship
Scavvy Gang: 12+d6 Equipment/Scavenging 12+d6 Technical Ability
Psyker Gang: see Psyker Renegade instead
Mutant Gang: see Mutant Renegade instead
Other Gangs: Add 4 points in any of the ability scores
-Pick one
Add 4 points in any of the ability scores
Add 3 points in any of the ability scores and take Pilot Skill +2
Add 3 points in any of the ability scores and a motorcycle
-Gang members have d4 friends in the Apocryphal Sector. Mark them off as you meet them.
LEVEL UP: Add +1 to any of the 3 skills (Weapon, Ballistic, Pilot)
to any ability score (each can only be upgraded once).
-Technical Ability is 12+d6
-Equipment/Scavenging score is 12+d6
-Mechanicus can fix broken stuff given time, including patching armor at a rate of
restoring d4 of the armor’s hp per day.
-Pick three
Close combat mechadendrite: Make a second melee attack per round
Weapon mount mechadendrite: Make a second shooting attack per round with
chosen weapon
Utility mechadendrite: +2 to climbing, lifting and any other noncombat task
that’d be aided by having another arm
Hover: You float d6 inches off the grounda any given time
Enhancement implant: Add +2 to any ability score except Fellowship or
Equipment/Scavenging score. This may be taken more than once
(Enhancements can take scores up to 20).
Feedback screech: Everyone in hearing distance must save or be only able to
defend next round—doable once every 10 minutes
Controlled electroshort: Everyone in 10’ must save or be only able to defend
next round—doable once every 10 minutes.
Add +1 to any of the 3 skills (Weapon, Ballistic, Pilot) or +1 to Technical Ability
Mutant Renegade
(Mutants can have stats up to 20)
-Fellowship / Charisma is d6+2d4
-Roll d100 for Obvious Mutation on the table at the end of this doc
if it confers only a +1 to a stat, add +1 in any of the ability scores
if it confers no benefit, add 2 points in any of the ability scores
if it confers only a hindrance, add 4 points in any of the ability scores
-Roll d100 for 2nd Obvious Mutation
if you want it, take it
if not, roll on the Benefit Table and take that result instead
if you want it and it confers no benefit roll on the Benefit Table and take that result as well
-Roll d100 for 3rd Obvious Mutation
if you want it, take it
if not, roll on the Benefit Table and take that result instead
if you want it and it confers no benefit roll on the Benefit Table and take that result as well
-Roll d100 for 4th Obvious Mutation
if you want it, take it
if not, roll on the Benefit Table and take that result instead
if you want it and it confers no benefit roll on the Benefit Table and take that result as well
-Roll d100 for 5th Obvious Mutation
if you want it, take it
if not, roll on the Benefit Table and take that result instead
if you want it and it confers no benefit roll on the Benefit Table and take that result as well
-Roll d100 for 6th Obvious Mutation
if you want it, take it
if not, roll on the Benefit Table and take that result instead
if you want it and it confers no benefit roll on the Benefit Table and take that result as well
Mutant Renegade Benefit Table
1 +2 Equipment / Scavenging due to life on the run
2 +1 Strength due to mutation
3 +1 Intelligence due to mutation
4 +1 Agility / Dexterity due to mutation
5 +1 Toughness / Constitution due to mutation
6 +1 Perception due to mutation
7 Pilot Skill +2 due to life on the run
8 Blood substitution: blood is made of something that does d4 damage to
anyone near when wounded
9 Mutant can only survive on something not considered food (GM’s choice)
10 The mutant is rubbery and can contort its body +1 AC, +1 Agl/Dex, and can
fit through narrow openings
11 Chamelon skin (as if wearing chameleoline)
12 Stinging touch, anyone touching the mutant is stung as if by a jellyfish, save or
be unable to do anything but defend next round
In exchange for -1 in any ability score you can be a member of a mutant gang and
have d4 friends in the Apocryphal Sector. Mark them off as you meet them.
LEVEL UP: Add +1 to any of the 3 skills (Weapon, Ballistic, Pilot) or roll as if 6th Obvious Mutation above.
-Pilot Skill +2
-Add 1 point in any of the ability scores
-Lidless Stare—If the navigator uses this ability, everyone must save or suffers
1d10+ the Navigator’s Willpower bonus in Sanity Point damage. Anyone taking
damage from this power is also Stunned for 1 round as they are ripped with agony.
Like any psi power, its unreliable after once per day.
-Pick 3 reliable psi powers:
Detect Chaos (Chaos includes psi-powers)
Invisibility to Chaos (as Invisibility to Undead)
Attract Chaos (as Attract Undead)
Cause Fear
Incapacitate (as Sleep)
Silence 15’ Radius
Force of Forbidment
Find the Path
Lose the Path
Navigators are always vaguely aware of chaotic or psi energy in the vicinity.
LEVEL UP: Add +1 to any of the 3 skills (Weapon, Ballistic, Pilot) or +add a psi power.
(Orks can have Str and Toughness up to 20)
-Toughness/Constitution is 12+d6
Pick four:
+d4 in any of the ability scores
+2 Equipment / Scavenging
Pilot Skill + 2 and +1 Technical Ability
+2 Willpower
Use any psi power but not reliably
+2 Strength
Any weapon owned by the ork at start of play will never jam, though rolling a 1 does
have fumble effects.
LEVEL UP: Add +1 to any of the 3 skills (Weapon, Ballistic, Pilot) or +1 Toughness.
Psyker Renegade
-Add 2 points in any of the ability scores
-Pick 4 reliable psi-powers:
Cure Light Wounds
Cause Light Wounds
Detect Chaos (Chaos includes psi-powers)
Invisibility to Chaos (as Invisibility to Undead)
Attract Chaos (as Attract Undead)
Remove Fear
Cause Fear
Charm Person
Comprehend Languages
Incapacitate (as Sleep)
Charm Person
Target (as Faerie Fire)
Hold Portal
Telekinetic thrust (as Magic Missile)
Psykers are always vaguely aware of chaotic or psi energy in the vicinity.
In exchange for -1 in any ability score you can be a member of a psyker gang and
have d4 friends in the Apocryphal Sector. Mark them off as you meet them.
LEVEL UP: Add +1 to any of the 3 skills (Weapon, Ballistic, Pilot) or +1 to Technical Ability or add a Psi Power.
Rogue Trader
-Perception score is 12+d6
-Equipment / Scavenging is 12+d6
-Pilot Skill +2
-Add 5 points in any of the ability scores
LEVEL UP: Add +1 to any of the 3 skills (Weapon, Ballistic, Pilot) or +1 to Perception.
Sisters of Battle
-Toughness / Constitution score is 12+d6
-+2 to Weapon/Melee Skill and +1 Ballistic/Missile Skill
+2 to Ballistic/Missile Skill and +1 Weapon/Melee Skill
-Sororitas Power Armor (power armor can take a stat up to 20 max):
+1 Str
+1 Toughness
+1 Dex
-Pick two:
Chainsword or chainaxe
Heavy flamer
Jump Pack
Bolt pistol
Add +1 to any of the 3 skills (Weapon, Ballistic, Pilot)
+1 to Toughness/Constitution or Willpower.
Space Marine
-Toughness / Constitution score is 14+d6
-Strength score is 14+d6
-Intelligence is d6+2d4
-Fel/Cha is d6+2d4
-Space Marine Power Armor (power armor can take a stat up to 20) :
+2 Str
+2 Toughness
Pick two:
Chainsword or Chainaxe
4 Grenades
Jump Pack
Magnet boots
Power Fist
+1 Ballistic Skill
+1 Weapon Skill
Add +1 to any of the 3 skills (Weapon, Ballistic, Pilot)
+1 to Toughness/Constitution or Strength.
Squats can have Toughness / Constitution scores up to 20
-Toughness / Constitution score is 12+d6
-Technical Ability is 12+d6
Pick three:
-Motorcycle and Agl/Dex+1
-Hoverboard and Agl/Dex+1
-Equipment/Scavenging score is 12+d6
-Add 2 points in any of the ability scores
-Pilot Skill + 2 and Int +1
Add +1 to any of the 3 skills (Weapon, Ballistic, Pilot)
+1 to Toughness/Constitution or Technical Ability.
Void Scum —this includes all random mercenaries, scavengers, space pirates, criminals etc
-Equipment/Scavenging score is 12+d6
-Add 6 points in any of the ability scores
Pick one:
-Pilot Skill + 2 and +1 Int
-Add 2 points in any ability scores
-Add 2 points to Ballistic Skill and/or Shooting Skill
-Void scum have d4 contacts in the Apocryphal Sector. Mark them off as you meet them.
LEVEL UP: Add +1 to any of the 3 skills (Weapon, Ballistic, Pilot) or +1 to any of the 9 ability scores (works once each).
Starting Equipment is bought with Starting Equipment Credits
(again equal to Equipment / Scavenging score)
After that, all equipment is on a beg/borrow/steal system, so be careful.
There's not much out here.
Descriptions and Starting Prices:
At the start, doubling the amount of ammunition for a weapon you already have costs 5
Laser weapons
Laspistol damage: d6 damage, usable in close combat, includes clip with 2d10 charges, cost 5
Lasgun: d8 damage, includes clip with 2d10 charges, cost 5
Baleful eye laser: cybernetic eye, an extra attack for d6 damage,
usable in close combat, never runs out of ammo, cost 12
Jokaero digital weapons: an extra attack for d8 damage, usable in close combat, never runs out
of ammo, cost 15
Bolt pistol: d6 damage, usable in close combat, includes clip with 2d10 shells, cost 5
Shuriken pistol: d8 damage, usable in close combat, includes clip with 2d6 shuriken, costs 10
Needle pistol: d10 damage to unarmored targets only, usable in close combat, includes clip
with 2d6 needles, costs 10
Needle rifle: d12+Dex bonus to damage to unarmored targets only, long range, reload each
round, includes two 6-round clips, costs 15
Shotgun: d8 damage, +2 to hit, includes 2d10 shells, cost 5
Web Gun: Str check vs 15 to escape, failure indicates d4 damage, can be used in close combat, cost 7
Bolter: d8 damage, can hit up to 4 targets per round but -1 per target aimed at, includes 2d12
shells, costs 10
Shrieker Cannon: reload after each shot, target takes d12 and, if dead, wanders d10’ in a random
direction and then explodes for d10 to everyone in 10’ —not normally available
Flame weapons
Flamer: d6 damage, no to-hit roll, everyone within a cone must test vs a 15 or take damage,
includes 3 clips with 6 shots each, costs 10
Heavy flamer: d10 damage, no to-hit roll, everyone within a cone must test vs a 15 or take
damage, you can’t move in the same round you fire, includes 3 clips with 3 shots each, costs 10
Primitive missile weapons
Bola costs 1
Bow: d6 damage, 20 arrows, useless against hi-tech armor, costs 2
Crossbow: d6 damage, 20 bolts, useless against hi-tech armor, costs 2
Anti-plant 20’ diameter, costs 2
Smoke 20’ diameter, costs 3
Smoke and mirrors (like smoke but blocks infra-red and electronic detection) 20’ diameter, costs 4
Shrapnel 40’ diameter, d6 damage, costs 4
Hallucinogen 10’ diameter, as Confusion spell at 5th level, costs 4
Krak 5’ diameter, d12 damage, costs 5
Plasma 20’ diameter, d10, costs 5
Radiation 30’ diameter, Toughness check vs 15 or take d8, costs 4
Melee Weapons
Knife: d4 + Str bonus, useless against hi-tech armor, costs 1
Sword or axe: d6 + Str bonus, useless against hi-tech armor, costs 2
Two handed melee-weapon: d8 + Str bonus, useless against hi-tech armor, costs 4
Monosword: d10 + Str bonus, costs 6
Chainsword or chainaxe: d12 + Str bonus, loud, costs 10
Power fist: d8 + doubles Strength Bonus, costs 10
Harlequin’s Kiss -2 to hit vs armor, silent, d12 damage, not normally available
Eldar Witchblade: d10+(Willpower bonus) hp damage, not normally available
Shield +1 AC, costs 1
Leather armor +2 AC, costs 2
Flak armor or chainmail +3 AC, costs 3
Hi-tech armor
Armored bodyglove +3 AC, 10 hit points, costs 5
Carapace or mesh +5 AC, 15 hit points, costs 7
Extra hi-tech armor, per piece, +1 AC up to 19 AC total max (incl Dex bonus), costs 3
Powered armor, +7 AC, 20 hit points, no penalty to Dexterity, costs 12
(Special Imperium powered armor that some PCs start with has other properties
but those aren’t normally available)
Other gear
Cool, purely-cosmetic cosmetic mutation of choice costs 1
Regular 21st century stuff smaller than a breadbox costs 1
Night vision goggles costs 2
Telescopic scope (+1 to hit if you take a round to aim) costs 2
Gas mask costs 2
Grapnel costs 3
Void suit (spacesuit) costs 5
Medkit heals d4hp in a round, can be used once per victim per fight.
If a target is below 0 it will save them if it can bring them above zero in the round
immediately after they went below 0, costs 5
Night Cloak (baffles electronic detection) costs 5
Multikey (+5 to Tech test to open electronic doors) costs 6
Magnetic boots cost 6
Disguise prosthetics cost 6
Jump pack costs 10
Poison (1 dose does d10 hp if armor is penetrated) costs 10
Chameleoline cloak costs 10
Scanner implant (detects moving heat signatures within 30’) costs 10
Demolition charge does d20hp in a 20’ radius after 5 rounds of set-up and a
successful Technology Skill test, costs 10
Prosthetic replacement (for lost body parts) costs 12
Upgrade bionics (artificial +1 to any given ability score) costs 12
Obvious Mutations
1, Extra head (+1 Int, will, per)
2, Extra arm (+1 WS and +1 Dex or +1 Str)
3, Second torso, head, arms (as 1 and 2 above)
4, Spider legs (+2 Climb)
5, Extra leg
6, Shrunken head
7, Massive head (+1 Wil)
8, Lobsterlike claw hand (+1 attack in melee for d4)
9, Massive mouth
10, Massive eye
11, Extra pair of arms (+2 WS and +1 Dex or +1 Str)
12, Face in chest
13, Headless
12, Armless
13, Legless
14, Eye instead of mouth
15, Mouth instead of eye
16, Mouth instead of ear
17, Mouth instead of hand
18, Covered in eyes (+4 Per)
19, Clawlike fingers (+1 attack in melee for d4)
20, Prehensile tail (+2 Dex)
21, Scorpionlike tail (+1 attack in melee for save or take d8 poison)
22, Fangs (+1 attack in melee for save for d4)
23, No eyes
24, Snake tail instead of legs
25, Batlike wings (fly round you make a successful Toughness test vs a 10)
25, Hole through chest
26, Cavity in chest from which smaller creatures spill
27, Froglike legs (Leap Str x 2 in feet)
28, Cat eyes
29, Goat eyes
30, Goat horns (+1 attack in melee for d4)
31, Goat face
32, Goat legs
33, Snake head for hand (+1 attack in melee for d4)
34, Asymmetrical body
35, Rotting body
36, Intestines hanging out
37, 5 foot-tongue
38, Tentacles (+1 Dex, +1 to grapple attempts)
39, Crow head
40, Covered in spines
41, Skull head
42, Heads for arms (+2 Int, will, per)
43, Just a head with 4 tiny legs
44, Gazelle horns (+1 attack in melee for d4)
45, Gaunt, starved appearance
46, Cavities throughout body
47, Covered in boils
48, Tusks
49, Translucent skin
50, Crawling with maggots
51, Covered in ooze
52, Giant foetus with umbilical cord
53, Lower body is a giant hand
54, Massive chest cavity lined with teeth (+1 attack in melee for d4)
55, Insect head
56, Insect legs
57, Mantis arm (+1 attack in melee for d4)
58, Fly wings (fly round you make a successful Toughness test vs a 10)
59, Insect eyes
60, Insect mouth
61, Arms so long they drag
62, Mandibles (+1 attack in melee for d4)
63, Joints up and down extremities (+2 dex)
64, Serpent head
65, Membranes between arms, legs and torso like a bat
66, Left or right half only
67, Eyestalks
68, Eye on tip of tongue
69, Crawls on all fours (-4 dex)
70, Hunchback
71, No mouth
72, No visible features (senses unaffected)
73, Scales (+1 AC)
74, Mane of fingers
75, Webbed fingers
76, Cyclops
77, Half size
78, Leech mouth
79, Leech head
80, Patterned skin
81, Covered in mouths
82, Mouth full of tentacles (+1 to grapple attempts)
83, Crablike carapace (+2 AC)
84, Birdclaw feet (+1 attack in melee for d4)
85, Mantalike head
86, Wolf head (+1 attack in melee for d4)
87, Multiple animal heads (+1 attack in melee for d6)
88, Tail with head on it
89, Tail with animal head on it (+1 attack in melee for d4)
90, Wolf heads for hand (+1 attack in melee for d4)
91, Bat face (+1 Per)
92, Stag head ( (+1 attack in melee for d4)
93, Claw-tipped probes for arms (+1 attack in melee for d4)
94, Upper body only, drags organs behind (-4 dex)
95, Tentacles from head (+1 to grapple attempts)
96, Obese beyond conception (-4 dex)
97, Mouth across stomach
98, Arms for legs
99, Crab head
00, GM’s Choice
Scavenging Table: (this is for during adventures not character creation) d100
1-2 Laspistol with d6 shots or just d6 shots
3-4 Lasgun with d6 shots or 3d6 shots
5-6 Jokaero digital weapon
7-8 Bolt pistol with 2d4 bolts ot just 2d4 bolts
9-10 Shuriken pistol with 2d4 shuriken or just 3d6 shuriken
11-12 Needle pistol with d8 needles or just d20 needles
13-14 Needle rifle w/d8 needles or just d20needles
15-16 Shotgun with d10 shells or just d20 shells
17-18 Web gun with d6 shots or just d10 shots
19-20 Bolter with d12 ammo or just d20 ammo
21-22 Flamer with d6 shots or just d12 shots
23-24 Heavy flamer with d6 shots or just d10 shots
25 Bola or net
26 Bow or d6 arrows
27 Crossbow or d4 bolts
28-29 Anti-plant grenade
30-31 Smoke Grenade
32 Smoke and mirrors Grenade
33-34 Shrapnel Grenade
35-36 Hallucinogen grenade
37-38 Krak grenade
39-40 Plasma Grenade
41-42 Radiation Grenade
43 Knife or crowbar
44 Sword or axe
45 Two-handed melee weapon or nutrient paste
46-47 Monosword
48-49 Chainsword or chainaxe
50-51 Power fist
52-53 Shield or leather armor
54-55 Flak armor or chainmail
56-57 Armored bodyglove
58-59 Carapace or mesh armor
59-60 Extra hi-tech armor, d4 pieces
61-62 Night vision goggles
63-64 Telescopic sight
65-66 Gas mask
67-68 Grapnel
69-70 Void suit
71-72 Medkit or repair kit
73-74 Night cloak
75-76 Multikey
77-78 Magnetic Boots
79-80 Jump Pack
81-82 Poison
83-84 Chameleoline Cloak
85-86 Demolition Charge
87-88 Displacer Grenade (moves you d12 clock direction d6 tabletop inches,
you’re disoriented in the next round)
89 Vortex Grenade (12’ diameter nothingness, persists, changes each round:
1-moves d6 in a random direction, 2-grows by an inch, 3-splits in two,
4-triples in size then disappears leaving a crater)
90 Rad suit
91-00 Roll two more times