Thursday, August 1, 2024

Hell Sent Me Back

I'm back publishing games with Lamentations of the Flame Princess. Details about all that here.

Right now there's an adventure available at Gen Con--In The Night Fortress. It is free at the LotFP table booth 2937.
I've playtested it a few times and I kinda love it, because it has a central problem to solve that can be got past socially, magically, with combat,  with trickery or a bunch of different ways, but is weird enough that it will probably require all three.

Y'know how the tooth-sacrifice door that James wrote in Death Frost Doom was cool because every time you ran it you were like "I wonder how they're gonna get a tooth..."--well this adventure is kind of all that way. Kinda accidentally. It's very much a "Oh how are they gonna do this?"adventure.

I am very happy with it.

Also it has cheetahs. They were fun to paint.

So, yeah, there will also be some new LotFP stuff from me. Big stuff? Yeah.

One more funny piece of news:

Remember Fiona Geist from Dr Weisman's article? The one who said in the audio that she wanted LotFP to go bankrupt and she'd buy it for pennies on the dollar and then had that whole rant about how her co-harasser was a jerk?

Well she just walked up to James and Gen Con and was like "Hi!". 

Not like "I'm so sorry I was in that whole hatemob and then admitted it on tape" just "Hi!".