1. Vice has a tech sub-blog called Motherboard
2. Motherboard has a (science) fiction section called Terraform
3. I have a short story that just went up there today
4. Skip the introduction.
5. They pay alright, as people who give you money for fiction go.
6. This story is totally fucked up.
7. I hope you like it.
Out of game. Kind of.
I don't care about Fun. I'm not competing in the Funlympics because it's a
participation trophy and if your table isn't having Fun
That was a very sad story
Good read. I prefer when a dystopia looks like a utopia to some of the people in it.
It has the same feeling as a really good Heavy Metal story. Haven't read that in years.
How much fiction have you written anyway? I was only aware of your non fiction and D&D stuff. I'm impressed by how successfully your visual aesthetic came through in the prose.
I've written a lot more than I've published. Like about 3 novels worth, not counting any RPG stuff
That's what I guessed from the story- will we be seeing any more?
Couldn't find it. Because vice has a strange site that constantly refers me to my native language. And the search is broken.
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