I have no idea what Warhammer Fantasy RP adventure the underlying relationship chart here was stolen from (I'm sure someone in the comments will), but it's mine now.

This took an hour.
I didn't bother hunting down personalities for the dead people. I figure they're dead, y'know?
So, is this all you'll prep for a session, or are you just adding this bunch of npcs to an existing game?
This is a very early sketch of a location. If the PCs end up in Vrokk before I add more detail (unlikely) I have only this to go on.
More likely is I start here and slowly add detail at my leisure until such time as the PCs end up pointed toward vrokk.
I, for one, respect Thragg's authority.
Filling the role of Someone In The Comments, I think you're talking about the Power Behind The Throne module from The Enemy Within Campaign. That table blew my fourteen-year-old mind and completely changed my perception of what An Adventure could be.
Is your Vornheim font an actual electronic font that could be used in, e.g., Photoshop or Word, or that all cut and paste as well? I remember you had posted an image of the font a ways back before the book (as black on white and white on black or something), but wasn't sure if it was more technical than that.
if you find that post and check the comments you'll see someone made it a font and posted a link i don't know if it's still up
Yeah, the post was:
and the Megaupload link from Andreas still works: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QL7E6V4P
I checked it out in Illustrator the font works. Cool stuff. I just watched "Helvetica" again the other night so I've fonts on the brain.
"I didn't bother hunting down personalities for the dead people. I figure they're dead, y'know? "
And that is what your players will figure as well. I assume they'll be wrong. :D
No offense, I think I'd be against using a Vornheim font myself. It'd project an air of "awesome" that I doubt I could supply.
@ Pere Ubu: I completely agree, and I was more wondering from the technical side of things. It's good to know that if I made my font I could have it electronified for $10.
But you know, home-made Vornheim greeting cards would have some appeal this time of year.
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