Thursday, November 10, 2011

Some work in progress...

(I was going to write "hard at work" but after you've been in a few porn movies you just can't use that phrase ever again ever. Anyway you guys have fun with it. Here are some pictures for a big dungeon painting I'm working on...(click to enlarge but parts are blurry since I'm not using a scanner)These are details form this picture--none of this stuff is finished yet...

Here's me hard at wor...I mean working h...forget it.That's obviously a set and not our apartment, actually me working usually looks more like thisAaaaaaaand here's a couple overland maps I made...


Thomas M. said...

Frick, those look amazing. Here's hoping that dungeon painting is available as a print at some point.

Unknown said...

Amazing stuff. Love the art. I think it will help to inspire some people. I know it gets my mind in gear.

J Blanchard said...

I would play the hell out of that dungeon.

Your more abstract mapping style has been helping our group look at the game in a new way. I ran a Vorhnheim game the other day and the players got a kick out of the map of Eshrigal's house. They responded to it a lot differently than the straightforward representational maps that I normally use. They were more worried about the ooze thing and the toys in her daughter's room than they were about about line of fire, attacks of opportunity or cover. Keep up the good work!

Zak Sabbath said...

@j b

Thanks! but that sounds like it was down to how you ran rather than how I mapped it--a map's just a thing the DM looks at, after all

James said...

I'll second Thomas M.'s wish for a Print. :)

phf said...

All looking great per usual, though i gotta say I hate Blogger's new light table "feature".

Jeremy Duncan said...

All that with a Micron .005 and some acrylics?

Zak Sabbath said...

several dozen pigma micron .005s

Jeremy Duncan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J Blanchard said...

@ Zak

True. Art goes a long way in setting a mood, though.

Anonymous said...

What kind of DSLR are you using with the Alien bees?

Zak Sabbath said...


Anonymous said...

Looks like your shooting stills. Nevermind.

Daren C said...

I dig it. A poster would really tie a game room together.

Blair said...

I love the picture where it looks like Zak is pointedly ignoring a vagina to work on a dungeon map

Jesse said...

3rding prints. I don't know if/how you sell your art but I might buy some of these if I could. The lizard with the crown, the red windows and key, and especially the blue-snaked medusa - love it.

James said...

I'd want a giant print of the whole thing!

Logan said...

Great art! I love all the details!

@Zak: How long did you take on the big one? Days? Weeks?

patch101 said...

love. would buy.

Seth S. said...

That's really fantastic, something I would love to try myself at some point.

Matthew Miller said...

That dungeon is stunning.

I, too, would be interested in a full-size print.

crowking said...

if you ever do a world of Vornheim, you gotta make a big ass map of it such as what this guy did with Westerose.

Ofcous, done in your own style.

Josh said...

Jeez, no one mentioned the first picture!?! Sooo going be to stealing the giant head monster. Zak, any hints on how you "see" it moving around? It blind ? Deaf? Dumb? Does it tromp around on elephantine legs, grabbing and eating anything it touches, while screaming "'Ia! Shub-Niggurath! The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young!” ???

Inspiring stuff, keep up the good (and twisted) work…

Seth S. said...

Is the dungeon all one piece or perhaps several things fitted together?

Zak Sabbath said...
