I had a hard time visualizing how this thing moves until a friend remarked that it reminded him of the chain chomps from Mario and I was like "Oh, yeah."
Alone Against the City
A Solo Demon City hack.
Generally *solo* Demon City can fully function with the Mythic GM Emulator
using dice or drawing twice as a "d100" but that doesn...
Assistive Technologies Thrill
Hello Screenwriters
First word, not a religious term. Openers are difficult. Physical
distractions mediate. Like you can’t say something to yourself first....
At Last .... The Cube World
(Ha, and why it's good none of the players read my blog.)
(Northern Continent Detail by Zak S.)
I had been intending to run Zak Smith's Cube World settin...
I'm Zak, I live in Los Angeles. Most of the people I know here are women I know from being a porn "actor"--so they're porn stars and strippers. So that's who I play Dungeons & Dragons with.
It wasn't using its stupid head anyhow!
Natural enemies: Zebraptors.
(Un)Natural enemies: Dagger Hare.
Often found traveling with Blunderbusauruses.
I had a hard time visualizing how this thing moves until a friend remarked that it reminded him of the chain chomps from Mario and I was like "Oh, yeah."
I like pretending that the brain is in the spiked ball.
I like it. It's what would happen if you applied Encounter Critical or Gamma World reasoning to Pokemon.
Is it wrong of me to think it's cute :)
This could be a pokemon without any changes I think.
Also is there a place to buy that shirt? Am I just missing the obvious link?
I'm just dropping in to remind you to tell us some Tera Patrick stories sometime...
totally unrelated, but I thought you'd get a kick out of this:
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