On this day I thank you, Bleak Emperor of This World, for all that you have done to aid me in my cause. With your blessing and in your name, we shall reap and we shall ruin, we shall sodomize the palaces of the proud and ensure that there is naught but badness and that which is bad on this frail Sphere, forever and into the infinite eternity, Hail Satan. Amen.

*Crude Effigy of the Gleaming One courtesy Jun Maekawa
Beedo???? How could you?!?!?!?
- Ark
Hail Statan!
lets party
That origami portrayal of His Unholy Majesty is pretty sweet.
Muhahaha. Glad to be of service.
I knew this porn shtick was just an elaborate ruse to promote Satanism. Why didn't I listen to the haters? Now I'm doomed.
But since my soul is already enslaved, can I have IHIWMA back now?
It's a pleasure for me, being one of the 666 lost souls. }:-]>
Man ... how do you sodomize a palace?
Palace Sodomization works best when you're dealing with those towers from the Little Mermaid.
origami is suddenly something i have an interest in
Huh. There was me thinking what a nice, grown up thing this OSR business was partly because it had a tent big enough to include D&DWPS. Looks like I just wasn't paying attention.
I love what you do. Snake-books was genius. Also your Gravity's Rainbow illos. Looking forward to Vornheim. Miss IHIWMA. Maybe it would've been better to tell you all that a year ago, but you maintained such sangfroid about it all that I just read the F monsters and was happy you were writing them.
veriword: goodsith. Zak, what are you doing to the internets?
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