-Let my readers be apprised that even such highbrow and literary-establishment semi-acceptable reading as Donald Barthelme contains RPGable ideas such as "We have rots, blights and rusts capable of attacking his alphabet."
-Let my pal in NYC have the time and inclination to run his Oriental Adventures game, and let it be like this Takato Yamamoto drawing:
-Let character generation, taking care of John's kid, and all such non-oni-killing-related business not take too terribly long so we have lots of time to play.
-Let someone produce or let there already be--despite the technical difficulties involved due to the number of undercuts required and the number of pieces it needs to be cast in--an awesome miniature of a hydra. Let it be not all simplified like the D&D minis Fen Hydra, let it not look like a bunch of alligators sewn together like the Ral Partha Huge Hydra, and let it not look like a bunch of alligators with beaks sewn together like the Dark Elves War Hydra.
(Oh fuck, wish came true--from Reaper:

....also from Reaper:

...and this thing is a "Hybrid Hydra" for something called Urban War Koralon, but it looks like it'd work perfectly well for anarchist Warhammer 40k...)

-Except not the fumes.
-Let someone put together a miniatures database that's nearly comprehensive and contains every mini yet produced. Let the internet realize that, come on, if it can't do that then what is it good for?
-Let Caroline Pierce not hit traffic and arrive on time for the spooky-tower-exploring adventure I plan on running monday night before getting on the plane to New York.
-Let me remember where that adventure left off last time she drove down from Vegas.
-Let there be enough stuff left in that tower to keep them busy for an evening.
-Let me be able to cannibalize the unused stuff in the other dungeon I'm running suimultaneously if there isn't.
-Let my players always advance at a rate precisely tuned to the speed at which I tire of whatever monsters are appropriate to their level.
-Let me one day think of a scene in an adventure awesome enough to justify using the following image as a visual aid:

-Let Mandy finish her Creepy Enchanted Forest soon because all the weird pictures she's been grabbing off the internet to use for it are so cool--especially the Ivan Bilibin ones--that it's making me anxious to play kind of like the way you'd get a game for Christmas and stare at the cover for months until one of your friends decides to play with you.
If you're going to run an enchanted forest, Bilibin is absolutely the way to go.
That's a loverly Marilith.
And now I need to unleash a beholder on my players that sounds like Levi Stubbs performing Audrey II.
Love Bilibin - Looove him. Awesome stuff.
How long are you in New York? If you come to the Compleat Strategist on Saturday, please go into the back room and say hi. I'll be running my nigh final Mutants & Masterminds adventure.
I almost have one of your wishes.
I live about 15 minutes of Texas driving from Reaper's production facilities/warehouse and it's pretty awesome. They have a great little storefront (rows and rows of minis, well organized) that's open to the public and painting classes on Saturdays.
It's mostly handy for stopping by day-of-the-game to pick up a new baddie that will make a surprise debut unpainted that evening, or if you really need something odd (Werebear STAT) and don't want to wait.
>>Let someone put together a miniatures database that's nearly comprehensive and contains every mini yet produced. Let the internet realize that, come on, if it can't do that then what is it good for?<<
Well, at least the old stuff databased:
And the plastic pre-painted ones sort of are here:
And some of the better manufacter websites are good. It sure would be nice to see one handy db with everything, though!
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