Tuesday, December 31, 2024

The Trial of Tor Gunnar Magnuson

 So when last we saw our heroes they had rolled on the Carousing Table and all had gone sideways.

I actually made a diagram to keep it all straight

So this time, I set things up to deal with the consequences:

Olaf, halfling cleric of the Black Grip shows up with a skeleton arm, a replacement for an arm he got torn off a few sessions ago, he is hanging with, Bleezy aka Cargin, the sea-elf wizard—who is hungover. They’re in the sumptuous apartments of Arvikk, a humble dealer in silks who they rescued from some toad demons a while back.

A servant comes in and tells Arvikk they their pal has been hauled into the courthouse.

Tor the barbarian starts the session hauled into the Port Gobelins courthouse, charged with arson. 

The good news is: he has a witness in his defense—Bob the Ranger!

The bad news: he’s a pig.

The magistrate asks Tor who his attorney will be—he can name anyone in the city. He names himself!


Horg the half-orc wakes up in bed next to…the court wizard!

The court wizard thanks Horg for a wonderful evening but says “Look, sugar, I gotta go, I am expected to testify agains that rapscallion Tor who burned down the entire port district!”

Horg casts Charm, the court wizard rolls a 3 and so they get back in bed--thus missing out on opening arguments


Glutenberg the half-elf and Oni-Baba the witch are in yet another inn, having both been absent last session.

Oni-Baba decides to go buy some armor. But….the door to room is locked from the outside.


Tor’s opening argument is powerful: he speaks of the Magnuson family’s long history of…something? I forgot, but he rolled well. A dissenting NPC cries “I lost my home and all my children were burned alive!” but nobody listens.


I call up Christoff, who has a cold, and put him on speaker.

“Hey Christoff, you’re a pig. But you’re the only witness at Tor’s trial for arson. What do you do?”

“Can I talk?”

“Um, no.”

Then I squeeze the pig toy

“Is the witch who turned me into a pig there?”

“Uh…(roll roll)…yes!”

“Ok, I’m going to hop off the stand and go over to the witch and try to, like, charm her.”

“Roll Charisma”


“The witch looks into your piggy eyes and feels sympathy for your plight! All eyes fall on the witch!”


Meanwhile back in the bedroom, the court wizard, under the influence of Charm, reveals that he framed Tor because he (the wizard) is secretly colluding with the chaos hordes outside the city gates preparing to overtake Port Gobelins and burning the Port District clears the way for the raiders to enter.


Glutenberg and Oni-Baba discover they’re just one of dozens of folk locked in their rooms by chaos cultists who are preparing for their fellows to invade. Fighting begins in the streets!


Eventually most of the other party members make their way to the courthouse. Olaf secretly gives Tor a potion granting him 18 Charisma. Tor’s doing great up there, lifting up witnesses and impressing the entire crowd with his strength.

Suspicion then is thrown on the witch!

The witch throws suspicion on the Court Wizard!

Bleezy says fuck it man! and casts Dispel Magic on the Court Wizard, revealing him to be a creepy goat-headed cultist!

Horg is really mad at Bleezy because this also ruins her Charm hold over him which she was gonna use to manipulate him into…something…

This dramatic moment was captured here:

Several other members of the courtroom rabble reveal themselves to also be creepy chaos cultists.

They start just killing citizens.

A general melee begins


After getting past the initial wave of chaos warriors, the players are finally all together and have a big argument about what to do.

Save Port Gobelins?

Run back into the dungeon?

Become exporters of fine silks?

Steal a ship?

Which ship?

Eventually Tor get sick of all this talk, runs up to one of the chaos warriors’ ships and goes “Who do I have to kill to take over this ship?”

He still has an 18 Charisma so the chaos rabble goes: “That guy!”

They have a fight using the Red & Pleasant Land duelling rules, Tor takes a wound to the leg but the other guy gets both his arms cut off.

The chaos warriors cheer their sexy new captain “TOR! TOR! TOR!”

Where to sail?

Given an ocean’s worth of options, the party sets sail for Nephilidia, the continent of aquatic vampires.

No accounting for taste I guess.


Simon Tsevelev said...

I can easily see Jack Vance writing this.

remial said...

if I were the player who got turned into a pig, I would squeak the pig for all my dialogue. even when I got turned back into a human

Regina Hart said...

"Several other members of the courtroom rabble reveal themselves to also be creepy chaos cultists." Precisely my experience last time I was on jury duty.

Alister Fa said...

Love the mini of the boat! 😄

Zak Sabbath said...

its a birdhouse

remial said...

correction, it WAS a birdhouse, now it is a pirate ship

ElifeLau said...

I love the boat too ! And the illustration on the page "Nephilidia". All the page !

Alister Fa said...

Ah yes I see that now.

ts21 said...

Isn’t there an old saying about “who steals a ship steals a sheep”?

krillinfan said...

the piratebirdhouseship is the best mini i have ever seen. not close.

mekhawretch said...

I would also be ready to kill for that boat.

Dauvois Jules said...

Great idea using those polysterene box filler for terrain, they are full of relief and holes that make good layout and terrain.

Zak Sabbath said...

Guys its like twelve bucks at any craft store.

Zak Sabbath said...

@dauvois jules

Even better hack is a thinned coat of grey paint and it sinks into the cracks and looks like dungeon stone -or- sci fi scrap. I just haven't gotten around to it.

Blake said...

Nephilidia sounds like an awesome land to explore.

Riquez said...

Thats a lot of NPCs in the courtroom! (btw, love the Punk pink/Black Nephilidia)

Michael Cobden said...

Im a huge fan of using trash as terrain. Its what I did before I knew what DnD was, and its still my favorite way to play. Also, I am super excited to learn more about Nephilidia.

Mike Lee said...

Lord Nyvengeth gets around

Christopher said...

This sounds like a lot of hilarious fun.

unclefes said...

"The witch looks into your piggy eyes and feels sympathy for your plight!" And that, children, is how I met you-know-who.

coral wave said...

thanks for making me laugh... I needed it

Blake said...

This was fun to read! I'm curious to see what will happen once in Nephilidia

Fatal_Theory said...

Very interested in the aquatic vampire idea! Looking forward to the next entry!

Adrian the Bard said...

zak: "i have some knicknacks". also zak: pimped up birdhouse and polystirene courtroom with 40 (WTF) minis. My expectations: shattered. i need me some minis goddamnit

Zak Sabbath said...

@adrian the bard

The courtroom is just packing material from some random Amazon purchase, the birdhouse i picked up on a trip to the craft store for 12$ while i was buying something else and almost all my minis are from when Reaper donated them for I Hit It With My Axe.

Adrian the Bard said...

no ofc the main thing is the minis, polystirene and birdhouses do come cheap and easy. i was surprised by the amount of them that's all.

Adrian the Bard said...

i can imagine also thath the birdhouse was plain in origin, the paintjob is yours right?

Zak Sabbath said...

@adrian the bard

It was plain but the paintjob is courtesy of a friend who needed something to do with her hands while at my house for 2 weeks on account of being scared that her house was haunted, her cat was possessed, and that a demon had approached her at a bar.