Monday, October 21, 2024

Awful Green Things In The Dungeon

After many months of being like Oh man I gotta do that, my friend recently dug up the copy of Awful Green Things From Outer Space that he first played as a child--originally printed in Dragon Magazine in 1979 and with the chits originally glued to little pieces of linoleum or something by some 12 year old of his acquaintance back in the day. 

To be quick:

1. It rules.

2. It is highly D&Dable.

So the basics are this:

-There's a ship (above)

-There's little counters for Player One: Crew members with what a gamer will recognize as different Move, Attack and Health stats who can move around the ship.

-There's little counters for weapons they can pick up (pool cues, knives, stun guns, cans of rocket fuel, etc) which have different characteristics.

-There's little counters for Player Two: Aliens who invade the ship starting in a random location. The aliens start as eggs, then become babies, then become adults--all 3 stages with different stats.

-They fight.

If you are familiar with the Warhammer family of games, you may recognize all these elements from the Warhammer 40k-derived game Space Hulk, where one side plays Genestealers (Alien alien knock-offs) and one side place Terminators (big guys in oversized extra-cool space marine armor).

Space Hulk replaces chits with miniatures (cool improvement) and replaces the map-ripped-from-Dragon-Magazine with a board full of cardboard tunnels you can make yourself (cool improvement), however, unless Space Hulk has been upgraded since I've played it lacks the one super-cool thing that makes Awful Green Things really special and replayable:

Weapons are scattered all over the ship when the aliens invade--and each one has one of a variety of totally random effects. Everything from a blaster to an electric fence can do one of about a dozen things and you don't know which until you use it on an alien.

Some do a ton of damage, some do almost none, some shrink the aliens, some grow the aliens, some make the aliens burst into tiny fragments which then grow--it's scary using weapons but you will lose if you don't experiment with them. It makes for a new experience every time.

There's later editions and an expansion game for Green Things--I don't know if they added "randomly teleports you to another room" or "turns out the lights in the corridor no-one can see" to the weapon effects, but they should.

The D&Dability of this is pretty clear. Imagine a 2-player D&D variant:

You set up a miniature dungeon both players can see.

You place two teams--one 1st level unarmed PCs, one a bunch of monsters.

You scatter treasure boxes all over the ship with magic items with properties unknown until they are used on a foe. You make a d20 table or something.

Roll to see who goes first, then alternate initiative running around until one side is wiped out.




Simon Tsevelev said...

It does sound like fun. Something like this should be in The Stars My Lamentation.

TDW said...

TAG is a blast--the only issue is that it's pretty much always a full-scale slaughter by the Green Things. If the crew is *really* lucky, they'll find a few effective, common area-effect weapons and not take too many losses in the meantime (each crew death makes the Green Thing who caused it grow stronger or have a baby Green Thing). This seldom happens and the crew has to abandon ship, itself a frying pan into the fire situation. Like a lot of games from the era, it didn't particularly design for balance or replayability, hoping theme would make up for that. It does, a couple times. But for D&D, I'd tweak weapons upward and make growth only happen on a successful die roll.

Zak Sabbath said...


Yeah it does seem tilted toward the green things but that's part of the fun of it--the random pulls to see what the weapons do early on are so crucial that they become really exciting.

Mordenkainendogpissbeer said...

Stuff O' Legends from Space Gamer / Fantasy Gamer Magazin March / April 93' is another great Magazine Game - The Game is available on Drive Thru RPG

peggy said...

Things improved visually but there’s nothing new under the sun...

gannaeg said...

A lot of magazines from the 80ies present mini boardgames that can be used in dungeonning (for instance, in « jeux et stratégie» for the french. Must be the same for other countries.

shirleyishmael said...

I love these old games.
I had one when I was young that was a space feudalism Risk type thing.
I do not know if I am remembering it correctly.
It was hard to get people to want to play it.
I am going to have to research it know see if I can find it.

Riquez said...

ohhh... this is one of the Steve Jackson games that used to come in a leaflet size plastic box. I remember it, but never played 'green things'. I had the Car Wars one & got utterly obsessed with it. I was making larger & larger post-apoc roadways to play on, until eventually it was a table sized city block with alleyways.

Dauvois Jules said...

It is DnDable Indeed ! Now I have to somehow fit it intro m'y ongoing campain...

Bu- said...

Looks cool! I do have a soft spot for space hulk, have many happy memories playing it on my friend's dining table.

Adrian the Bard said...

this is actually a great idea for a one shot adventure! i was musing for a while on how to make a kind of "battle royale" adventure that didn't just suck ass. answer had to be this!

Regina Hart said...

And the original is blessedly at the Internet Archive. Man, I loved those insert games.

Riquez said...

Thanks for that @Regina, I have never read Dragon before :-o

Fatal_Theory said...

I will do my best to find this one. Might be fun to diy and have a good time at home. Its nice to see these types of games talked about so they aren't just lost to the sands of time.

ElifeLau said...

and a boxed version has been released by tsr! i love the illustration !

ts21 said...

As @gannaeg said, this was common in the 80’s. Have a look at that, for instance:
This game is a mix between Alien (they did not had the rights but one of the tokens, the red one labelled 5/30 is recongnisable) and the Awful Green Things (the crew is looking for weapons).

krillinfan said...

something like the D&D hack would be fantastic to run the whole "two parties in the same dungeon" trope, especially if there is no chance of anything like cooperation

MattfromTinder said...

I haven't played this one but will have to check it out, any other TSR or Dragon magazine games that you've played and enjoyed? I recall there being a Haunted House game that was particularly fun, but that's the only one that I remember playing. (Besides Dungeon! Of course)