These 2 tables are attached to no specific critical hit mechanic--many of the crit charts that already exist are very good and I presume if you want to play a game where combat takes a roll or two longer you can go do it. They're fun.
These are for any game, including standard D&D and D&Dlike play: roll to hit, roll damage, eventually someone dies. The purpose of the tables is purely verbal: all GMs fall into the trap of describing the same injuries over and over (I know I'm always describing axes going into shoulderblades) and this is meant to lay out the possibilities a little better in the moment. This does not evenly distribute injuries--a body part appears as many times as it has interesting synonyms.
I don't even recommend you roll on them--just keep them handy to look at and let the options seep in while you play. When people die or take massive injuries, pick a kind of trauma and a body part and make a really metal sentence out of it--occasionally throwing in "You pulverize his sternum with your morningstar and cave in his breastbone" instead of "...aaand that one's dead" can work wonders.
Ideally, also, this should be a Vornheim-style split-column table, with the numbers on the left and both columns printed next to each other so you can roll once and read across or mix and match. But I don't know how to get blogger to do that.
Injury description
(Slashing injuries)
1 Split
2 Slice
3 Divide
4 Cut
5 Cleave
6 Lacerate
7 Carve
8 Chop
9 Bisect
10 Slash
11 Sever
12 Rend
13 Rip
14 Open up
15 Shear
16 Lop off
17 Dice
18 Mutilate
19 Remove
20 Take off
21 Sunder
22 Hack
23 Eviscerate
(Blunt weapon injuries)
24 Grind
25 Mash
26 Smash
27 Bash
28 Mangle
29 Bludgeon
30 Smack
31 Whack
32 Crack
33 Pound
34 Break
35 Shatter
36 Fracture
37 Pulverize
38 Flatten
39 Batter
40 Traumatize
41 Macerate
42 Tenderize
43 Pulp
44 Cave in
45 Burst
46 Crush
(Piercing weapon injuries)
47 Stab
48 Lance
49 Jab
50 Thrust through
51 Perforate
52 Butcher
53 Punch through
54 Run through
55 Impale
56 Skewer
57 Pierce
58 Poke
59 Penetrate
60 Puncture
(Flame injuries)
61 Boil
62 Char
63 Scorch
64 Set alight
65 Toast
66 Barbecue
67 Broil
68 Cremate
69 Roast
70 Cook
71 Burn
72 Incinerate
73 Singe
74 Melt
(Bite injuries)
75 Masticate
76 Eat
77 Gnaw
78 Devour
79 Gnash
80 Bite
81 Swallow
82 Chew
(General destruction)
83 Ruin
84 Ravage
85 Eradicate
86 Wreck
87 Liquidate
88 Trash
89 Collapse
90 Liquify
91 Undo
92 Demolish
93 Devastate
94 Obliterate
95 Deconstruct
96 Cave In
97 Annihilate
98 Destroy
99 Dismantle
00 End
Body part description
1 Teeth
2 Eye
3 Intestine
4 Spleen
5 Innards
6 Thorax
7 Thoracic vertebrae
8 Spinal vertebrae
9 Skull
10 Zygomatic arch
11Temporal lobe
12 Brain
13 Rib cage
14 Scapula
15 Bowels
16 Tongue
17 Spine
18 Spinal cord
19 Skin
20 Scalp
21 Stomach
22 Chest
23 Torso
24 Fingers
25 Thumb
26 Coccyx
27 Gut
28 Sternum
29 Breastbone
30 Ribs
31 1st rib, 2nd rib etc
32 Liver
33 Neck
34 Kidney
35 Clavicle
36 Pancreas
37 Intestines
38 Lung
39 Heart
40 Ear
41 Braincase
42 Thigh
43 Bicep
44 Deltoid muscle
45 Ankle
46 Nose
47 Aorta
48 Pelvis
49 Crotch
50 Hipbones
51 Jawbone
52 Hand
53 Carpal bones
54 Foot
55 Leg
56 Lips
57 Arm
58 Wrist
59 Metacarpals
60 Mouth
61 Face
62 Groin
63 Forehead
64 Forearm
65 Toes
66 Claw
67 Tail(bone)
68 Wing
69 Shoulder
70 Entrails
71 Jaw
72 Entire body
73 Cheek
74 Base of the skull
75 Elbow
76 Knee
77 Kneecap
78 Upper arm
79 Voicebox
80 Achilles tendon
81 Haunch
82 Backbone
83 Head
84 Limbs
85 Paw
86 Abdomen
87 Vertebrae
88 Solar plexus
89 Belly
90 Between the eyes
91 Hip
92 Breast
93 Ass
94 Throat
95 Collarbone
96 Trunk
97 Trachea
98 Jugular
99 Adam’s apple
00 Cranium
Fight On! #16 (which has Seven Gates & Fifty Dog-Faced Men)
A Dog-Faced Man
A Dungeon I made, Seven Gates & Fifty Dog-Faced Men, is in Fight On! #16
Fight On! #16 HERE
Here's some unused art for the people who wan...
what, no augerd teste?
I went ahead and made a Last Gasp generator for this.
excellent! thanks!
This should print out on one page for those that prefer having it at the table in front of them.
Ah--thank you so much, Elias!
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