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Dealing with the plumber and rolling Gia Jordan's character today--real post later.
Fight On! number 16 is out.
The new issue of *Fight On!* has been out for a bit. You can get copies via
drivethru or lulu.
I haven't finished reading my copy, but I'd like to reco...
I did NOT see it coming & I can imagine the visceral glee you had as the DM when it was sprung on them. Also, the Players were cracking me up with quotes, from "BOOOORING, I want to kill the king!" to my favorite--
"He turned into like, four kings, she just happened to..."
"I wanna light him on FIRE."
"She set the correct king on fire."
That is good old fashioned DUNGEON DELVING. I don't know if it is editorial, or if Justine is just clicking with the group or what, but it has really come together.
"...and I haven't had anything to eat, and I'm on my period."
Words never heard at my gaming table. :) I love it!
Damn. It keeps getting better!
I like that you can see the girls are more and more into it!
And well done with the "mole" twist. Simply awesome!
Well done with entrusting a plot twist to a new player, and well done by the new player for dropping it at just the right moment. In my own group, we've got a player who likes to come in with new characters with 'dark secrets' that everybody at the table ends up knowing after the first ten minutes of play, so it's good to see that other gamers have better impulse control then we do.
I'm hoping I haven't missed the discussion, but I'd like to see more about how you decide the best way to integrate a new player into your existing group. When I do it, I tend to fall afoul of one of two extremes:
1. Spending too much attention, both rules-wise and story-wise, on the newbie, boring and irritating the veteran players, or
2. Leaving the newbie hanging in the wind assuming the other players will step in to help out, only to find out that they'd rather focus on their own stuff.
(The latter got particularly weird in a session of d20 Star Wars I ran once, where I nearly gang-raped the newbie, who had just started dating one of the veterans. The relationship didn't last, and I don't think that experience helped.)
Again, nicely done. Definitely enjoying the second season.
Ditto to a lot of things that have been said already:
Ditto, the editing is so much better now;
Ditto; the backward-goblins were nice, very faery-tale instead of Tolkien;
Ditto, that was a great way of working the new player in;
Ditto, KK's bloodlust cracks me up;
Ditto, Justine, although quieter, seems much happier to be playing than Sasha did and was excellent doing her reveal;
And, of course, ditto to what everyone is thinking but not saying: the new house-rule shoudl be that Justine never, ever gets to wear pants (and I'll stop there before I get creepy).
I love how inventive and imaginative new players are. It seems like the less rules players know, the more fun they have.
I also loved the upside down, back to front goblin kingdom. A very simple idea on paper, but in play it adds a ton of fun. Good stuff.
I've really enjoyed these last two episodes. They show the girls really engaging with the peculiars of the adventure and location, rather than just hitting things with their axes.
Also I laughed at the obvious disappointment with the denizens of the harem. Better luck next time girls!
Ha! So, you planted the seed that Justine Jolie was an half-orc months ago. I had a moment where I wondered, "did I miss something?" when she was talking about taking off her mask. I Then realized that I had been fooled, same as your players. Right the fuck on.
I really love KK's drawings.
I very much liked this episode. To me, this episode in particular really showed how engaged and into the adventure your players were. Satine's expressions at around 4:30 were a perfect example of example of it.
this is the first episode i've gone back to and watched over again, simply because i enjoyed it that much.
it was pretty cool, i caught some things i didn't notice the first time through (justine's little "where the hell is she?" about the medusa in particular).
funny, when I see Justine Jolie, I turn part way to stone...
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