Monday, June 1, 2020

The Cops Shot A Demon City Contributor In The Face & I Just Got Out Of County

So first, journalist Linda Tirado, who wrote on the upcoming Demon City, lost an eye in Minneapolis:
So starting now all proceeds from the next Cube World (Odd Jobs in Small Baronies) that just came out...
...will go to her because, really, when you can only see out of one eye every little bit helps--and I feel fine leaving it to her discretion whether to in turn pass the money on to someone else.

A lot of people have asked about me since they know I'm in downtown LA--and thank you for that--this map pretty much says it all:
But I got it all on tape so might as well use it.
Peaceful protest (this was friday before there was a curfew order):

Aaaand here come the cops:

This guy was popping off at everyone.
Rubber bullet picked up on my street

I gave the video to the LA County public defender in case anyone gets charged with more than a "citation" or tries to get their mountain bike back and they say it was "seized as evidence".

Anyway blah see you soon.