Monday, April 30, 2018

Demon City Reference Pics (2)


  1. Just wanted to let you know that you were just responsible for my purchasing a copy of Leonora Carrington: Complete Stories. So, thanks for that, and also for providing one of the most interesting web-thingies out there (and I don't even play RPGs).

  2. re: the face thing. maybe it is just a D&D thing, but that sounds like a perfectly sane plan. at least compared to some plans my group has come up with.

    1. “The Royal Summons” opens with a chauffeur having buried a car to grow mushrooms? & then it starts getting weird. Carrington should be on a short list of historical figures to resurrect to play D&D

  3. I just started “The Complete Stories of Leonora Carrington” thanks for giving me yet another reason to buy Demon City.
