Sunday, December 24, 2017

Retropost Sunday: D10 Seasonal Modules Someone Should Write

Roll d10

1 Fuck This Sugarplum Palace

2 Unlimited Access To Every Single House With A Chimney And At Least One Christian Inhabitant For One Night Only

3 The Rat King Was Right The Nutcracker Is A Devouring Menace

4. Biscuits, Ice And New Machines

5 Toyhammer of the Weasel Elves

6 The Bishop of Turkey and His Six To Eight Slaves

7 Inside The Turkey Is A Duck And Inside That Is A Chicken And Inside The Chicken Is The Entrance

8 Your Grandmother's House Is Basically Wolf-Themed

9 The Reward For Your Year Of Sloth And Sin Is This Reeking Anthracite

10 Black Metal Frost Giants Of The Hatemountain Demand Toys


  1. 10 reminds me - distubingly - of the fire elementals in Tim Powers' Anubis Gates. "AHHH! AHHHH! SHOW ME THE SWISS CLOCKWORK VILLAGE! GIVE IT TO ME! AAAAHHHHH!"

  2. Does Zak celebrate Christmas? He probably celebrates something dark and very pagan instead. Festivus, of course.

    The Airing of Grievances is an especially lengthy process.

    Number three has potential, in a 'Dungeonland' or 'The Land Beyond the Magic Mirror' sort of way.

  3. I'm all over number ten now; considering it "road project #11"...
