Saturday, May 27, 2017

All Disturbing Animals

This is the list of horror-game-appropriate animals for Demon City. If you see anything missing, inconsistent, or that you think should be fleshed out more, let me know. No, I didn't include hippose, the most dangerous animal in Africa. Yes, what was on purpose.

Note that "Calm Check" is how much seeing the animal in the wild freaks people out.

And remember: in real life animals are our friends and we are far more dangerous to them than they are to us--except for ones from Australian who can fuck right off.


Animals can become menacing in many ways—as familiars to witches (see pg XXX), as drone slaves (see pg XXX) to necromancers or demons (see pg xxx), as revenants (see pg xxx) come back from the dead—and its also possible that they could simply decide on their own they’ve had enough and begin to kill us all.

Statistics for some horror-friendly animals are listed here: All animals have Cash and Knowledge at 0—Appeal scores indicate how likely the average naive observer is to approach the animal. Insects, rats and other vermin attacking in groups together are covered under “Swarms” (see pg XXX). Supernaturally intelligent or controlled animals which are not normally dangerous like birds or housecats will generally attack a target’s eyes first.

Calm: 2
Agility: 4
Toughness: 6
Perception: 2
Appeal: 0

Calm Check: 4/5 if attacking

Notes: Amphibious, bite grapples & inflicts damage simultaneously, can’t open their mouths if held closed.

Calm: 1
Agility: 4
Toughness: 0
Perception: 6
Appeal: 0

Calm Check: 2/4 if attacking

Notes: Echolocation, Flying

Calm: 2
Agility: 4
Toughness: 8
Perception: 6
Appeal: 1

Calm Check: 4/5 if attacking

Notes: Bite or “hug” inflicts damage and grapples simultaneously

Boar/Wild Pig
Calm: 2
Agility: 2
Toughness: 5
Perception: 4
Appeal: 0

Calm Check: 1/4 if attacking

Calm: 1
Agility: 5
Toughness: 2
Perception: 6
Appeal: 4

Calm Check: 3 only if attacking

Calm: 1
Agility: 5
Toughness: 0
Perception: 6
Appeal: 3

Calm Check: 2 only if attacking

Calm: 2
Agility: 5
Toughness: 0
Perception: 3
Appeal: 4

Calm Check: 1 only if attacking

Notes: When hidden, requires a Perception Check against a 6 to find

Calm: 2
Agility: 6
Toughness: 4
Perception: 6
Appeal: 3

Calm Check: 3/4 if attacking

Notes: Can run 40 mph over sprint distances

Calm: 2
Agility: 4
Toughness: 2
Perception: 6
Appeal: 2

Calm Check: 1/3 if attacking

Calm: 3
Agility: 3
Toughness: 0
Perception: 2
Appeal: 4

Calm Check: 2 only if attacking

Notes: Flying

Crow/Raven/other small birds
Calm: 1
Agility: 7
Toughness: 0
Perception: 6
Appeal: 1

Calm Check: 2 only if attacking

Notes: Flying

Calm: 3
Agility: 3
Toughness: 0-2
Perception: 6
Appeal: 3

Calm Check: 2 only if attacking

Calm: 1
Agility: 7
Toughness: 1
Perception: 7
Appeal: 4

Calm Check: 2 only if attacking

Notes: Flying

Electric Eel
Calm: 2
Agility: 6
Toughness: 0
Perception: 3
Appeal: 3

Calm Check: 2/3 if attacking

Notes: Aquatic, tts only attack is a painful shock—failing a Toughness check vs a 0 causes damage as an ordinary attack.

Calm: 3
Agility: 2
Toughness: 9
Perception: 4
Appeal: 4

Calm Check: 0/5 only if attacking

Notes: Trample attack is made at Agility 1 but causes Massive Damage

Calm: 1
Agility: 5
Toughness: 1
Perception: 6
Appeal: 4

Calm Check: 2 only if attacking

Calm: 2
Agility: 5
Toughness: 0
Perception: 6
Appeal: 2

Calm Check: 1 only if attacking

Notes: Some are amphibious, the only ones that can effectively attack humans are poison arrow frogs, which range from mildly to immensely toxic (like the tiny Golden Poison Frog)—Intensity 1-10. 

Calm: 3
Agility: 2
Toughness: 1
Perception: 3
Appeal: 2

Calm Check: 2 only if attacking

Calm: 2
Agility: 6
Toughness: 7
Perception: 5
Appeal: 1

Calm Check: 0/4 only if attacking

Notes: Climbing, opposable thumb

Calm: 0
Agility: 3
Toughness: 0
Perception: 6
Appeal: 4

Calm Check: 1 only if attacking

Notes: Lagomorphs ordinarily have no effective attack against humans. Hares can run up to 30mph for short distances.

Calm: 1
Agility: 4
Toughness: 7
Perception: 5
Appeal: 4

Calm Check: 4 only if attacking

Notes: Can run up to 25-30 mph

Calm: 2
Agility: 4
Toughness: 4
Perception: 6
Appeal: 1

Calm Check: 3/4 if attacking

Calm: 0
Agility: 1 (land) 7 (flying)
Toughness: 0
Perception: 6
Appeal: 0-3

Calm Check: 0-1

Notes: Some amphibious or aquatic or amphibious, some fly. Most have no effective attack alone, except venomous ones (including bees, wasps, harvester ants, caterpillars and spiders) which can vary wildly, from Intensity 1-10. The most dangerous ones are spiders, including Brazilian Wandering Spiders and Australia’s Northern Funnel Web.

Calm: 3
Agility: 5
Toughness: 6
Perception: 6
Appeal: 2

Calm Check: 4/5 if attacking

Notes: Can climb trees

Calm: 2
Agility: 1
Toughness: 0
Perception: 1
Appeal: 0

Calm Check: 0/3 if attacking

Notes: Aquatic. Jellyfish stings range from harmless in some species to intensity 10 toxicity. They have no other effective attack alone. Australia’s Box Jellyfish is toxicity 10 as are tiny Irukandji Jellyfish—no bigger than a thumbnail. The massive (8 ft diameter) and eerie Lion’s Mane Jellyfish has an Intensity 1 toxin.

Komodo dragon
Calm: 2
Agility: 2
Toughness: 4
Perception: 1
Appeal: 2

Calm Check: 3/4 if attacking

Notes: Komodo dragon’s mildly toxic bites cause the victim to make a Toughness check vs intensity 1 or lose a point of Toughness, however this toxin alone can never bring an adult below 0.

Calm: 5
Agility: 0
Toughness: 0
Perception: 1
Appeal: 0

Calm Check: 0/3 if on the character

Notes: Some are amphibious, normally have no way of attacking humans, though leeches can spread infections.

Calm: 1
Agility: 6
Toughness: 0
Perception: 6
Appeal: 4

Calm Check: 2 only if attacking

Notes: Climbing, semi-opposable thumb allows some ability to manipulate objects

Calm: 4
Agility: 5
Toughness: 7
Perception: 6
Appeal: 2

Calm Check: 4/5 if attacking

Calm: 1
Agility: 7
Toughness: 1
Perception: 4
Appeal: 4

Calm Check: 4 if attacking

Notes: Climbing, opposable thumb

Calm: 4
Agility: 6
Toughness: 0-4
Perception: 3
Appeal: 4

Calm Check: 3 for giant squid only, 4 if attacking

Notes: Aquatic, eject obscuring ink clouds (Perception vs 2 to find your way through), chameleonlike coloration (5 to find a hidden octopus), the only ones with an effective attack against humans are the blue ringed octopus (Poison intensity 7 or suffer total paralysis for 1-10 hours and die within 1-10 minutes if not given cpr) and, possibly, the giant squid.

Calm: 1
Agility: 7
Toughness: 1
Perception: 7
Appeal: 4

Calm Check: 0, 2 if attacking

Notes: Flying, night vision

Calm: 1
Agility: 1
Toughness: 0
Perception: 2
Appeal: 5

Calm Check: 0 only if attacking

Notes: No effective attack against humans unless their face is already very close to beak or claws

Calm: 1
Agility: 4
Toughness: 0
Perception: 3
Appeal: 0

Calm Check: 4 if recognized

Notes: Aquatic. Piranha are only dangerous in Swarms.

Calm: 3
Agility: 4
Toughness: 0
Perception: 6
Appeal: 2

Calm Check: 1/4 if attacking

Notes: Climbing

Calm: 0
Agility: 4
Toughness: 0
Perception: 4
Appeal: 0

Calm Check: 2/4 if attacking

Notes: Climbing, sometimes disease-carrying

Calm: 1
Agility: 4
Toughness: 7
Perception: 5
Appeal: 3

Calm Check: 4 if attacking

Calm: 3
Agility: 3
Toughness: 8
Perception: 2
Appeal: 2

Calm Check: 1/4 if attacking

Calm: 2
Agility: 4
Toughness: 7
Perception: 3
Appeal: 0

Calm Check: 4/5 if attacking

Notes: aquatic

Calm: 2
Agility: 6
Toughness: 1-3
Perception: 4
Appeal: 0

Calm Check: 3/4 if attacking

Note: amphibious, the largest pythons are technically capable of killing an adult human but in practice it’s incredibly rare, in most cases the constrictor is frightening and perhaps an impediment but not a real danger.

Calm: 2
Agility: 6
Toughness: 0-1
Perception: 4
Appeal: 0

Calm Check: 3/4 if attacking

Notes: Amphibious, snake venoms vary wildly in toxicity by species as well as amount of venom delivered per bite—Intensity 1-10. Intensity 10 snakes mostly come from Australia including the Inland Taipan, the Dubois Sea Snake (widely distributed there and in Southeast Asia), and the excitingly-named Eastern Brown Snake.

Calm: 3
Agility: 3
Toughness: 1
Perception: 3
Appeal: 2

Calm Check: 0/3 if attacked

Notes: Aquatic. Most stings are merely painful, but if the victim fails a Toughness check vs 0, the embedded spine can cause a standard damage.


Calm: 2
Agility: 2
Toughness: 0
Perception: 2
Appeal: 4

Calm Check: 1 only if attacked

Notes: Flying, floating, swans usually have no way of hurt adult humans.

Calm: 2
Agility: 5
Toughness: 7
Perception: 6
Appeal: 2

Calm Check: 4/5 if attacking

Calm: 4
Agility: 0
Toughness: 1
Perception: 1
Appeal: 1

Calm Check: 2 only if attacking

Notes: Amphibious, shell can provides protection equal to Toughness 1-4 against incidental damage, they’re normally harmless, other than snapping turtles, which can bite off a finger—treat as an Agility 3 standard attack that’s never fatal.

Calm: 2
Agility: 2
Toughness: 1
Perception: 4
Appeal: 0

Calm Check: 3 only if attacking

Notes: Flying, harmless normally

Calm: 2
Agility: 4
Toughness: 4
Perception: 6
Appeal: 1

Calm Check: 3/4 if attacking

Calm: 2
Agility: 4
Toughness: 3
Perception: 6
Appeal: 0

Calm Check: 2/4 if attacking

Notes: Climbing


  1. Maybe you missed crustaceans like crabs, lobsters and shrimps?

    1. nah i left them out because they're not scary

    2. Also... Under insects you put spiders, beetles, centipedes and the like?

    3. horse shoe crabs are gross, but not...sinister?

      idk. I'm having a hard time picturing it.

      Insects include all that stuff bc they have the same stats.

    4. Ok. I think the list is complete than... Just one more question.

      Abyssal fishies can go under shark?

    5. which are you thinking of? the ones i can think of aren't shark-level dangerous, just ugly

    6. though i did add some poisonous fish and scorpions

    7. I thought viperfish and anglerfish... Now I remembered piranha too.

  2. Flightless birds like rhea, cassowary or ostrich.
    Baboons/mandrills (though chimp is close enough)

    1. Flightless birds are, like hippos, rl scary but not movie scary. At least so far.

      Baboons and Mandrils probably need their own stats between chimp and gorilla...

    2. Flightless bird just seems like a good baseline animal to have stat wise; like fast, unpredictable , has knife legs but potentially not as solid as a wolf or jaguar.
      also chimps are a lot stronger than your average monkey, like stronger than most people.
      Also did you ever read about that famous chimp that flipped out one day and ate a ladys face and the E.R staff were offered counselling because the injuries were so horrific?

    3. I agree with scrap princess... Simians are a lot stronger than any monkey. Mandrill is the largest monkey and weight only 70 lbs yet chimps weight 110 lbs. In truth, all simians weight over 100 lbs.

      We simians are giants in the animal world although we don't realize this sometimes.

    4. Yeah I should make chimps stronger.

      I'm going with 2 Toughness though (human strength). They're stronger by body weight, but weigh less

  3. Bulls can inspire unnerving imagery, and Bisons are supposedly horror beasts in eastern european folklore.

    1. I can't change your mind, but I'm confident that some movie/series/book will eventually show you that you're missing out on the horror potential of bovines

  4. I read somewhere that a male swan can really hurt you, breaking bones even by hitting with their wings...

  5. I read somewhere that a male swan can really hurt you, breaking bones even by hitting with their wings...

    1. I looked that up after this post but they can't. There has been drownings though where a sawn has knocked someone out of boat and prevented them from getting to shore

  6. I figured you'd say that about whales in general , but sperm whales look weird as shit to me so I said that type in particular. Consider as a baseline "super big underwater creature" then
