Monday, June 29, 2015

I Got Nominated For A Bunch of Awards So Cam Banks Compared Me To Hitler

Sorry I've been posting light--Mandy's been in the hospital again a lot (they've decided to feed her through her heart, which is strange and dangerous but so far ok).

Anyway, it's nice to wake up to see Red & Pleasant Land and the 5th ed Player's Handbook both got nominated for 4 Ennies each! RPL got noms for Best Adventure, Best Setting, Best Writing and Product of the Year.

Contessa also got nominated for Best Blog, so congratulations to Stacy and the crew.

The Ennies require self-nomination, have a small group of judges, and can overlook small publishers, so this is as much a measure of LotFP and the DIY D&D scene's growth since the year Vornheim lost Best Supplement to a bunch of dungeon tiles as it is of anything else but, still, it's a nice thing. I hope to see more stuff like Deep Carbon Observatory, Yoon-Suin and Slumbering Ursine Dunes up there in the future.

Of course these nominations are not a nice thing for everybody. Like, for example, failed game author and RPG drama club weirdo Cam Banks. Remember, this is twitter, so to get the tweets in chronological order, read up from the bottom:

So, kids, while I'll appreciate it if you vote for Red & Pleasant Land, just be aware that doing it makes you like a Nazi.

Red & Pleasant Land:
Identity. Heritage. Xenophobia.


  1. Enjoy the textbook definition of self-fulfilling prophecy.

  2. well for what it is worth, I think that you are one of the nicer Hitlers out there. better writers as far as Hitlers go too.

  3. Hitler tweets have disappeared?
    @boymonster states comparison was not his intent.

  4. All the drama aside...congrats on the nomination. RaPL is great and worthy of the nomination and win.

  5. Congrats on the nomination. BUT HOLY SHIT THAT THING WITH MANDY'S HEART! So sorry you guys have to deal with that. I've been through a bunch of heart stuff myself (open-heart surgery, artificial valve, aneurysm, and blah); if I can offer any advice or just an ear, feel free to get in touch.

  6. I don't think Hitler ever even played D&D...

  7. Red and Pleasant Land is a cool piece of work. Congratulations on the nomination!

  8. Holy fuck those grapes are sour with unbalanced little seeds at their centre.

    Although on the other hand R&PL is obviously 0% creativity and 100% pandering to everyone's well-voiced desperation for gameable teacups and giant spell-enhancing eggmen with hollow heads, if it wins it won't mean anything.

    What happened to Cam's facade of being everyone's friend and not saying anything bad about anyone especially when it has no basis?

    1. Cam's not everyone's friend, he's a man with a certain kind of sensibility and demeanor:

      -don't make waves
      -don't discuss ideas if it might cause trouble

      He fell in early on (as most people do) with people who shared his sensibilities--Disneyish, lite, pop, avoiding difficult subjects and complicated ideas--and who had a specific conversational style--heavy on Feels and support, light on analysis, details, fact-checks etc.

      In game circles these people vent but often vent with a veneer of game design ("Mechanics shouldn't be clunky!") but fall apart when any real discussion occurs ("Ok, what's clunky mean?""FUCK OFF I HATE YOU")

      This was a kind of indie discussion status quobefore the OSR got any wider recognition--people who happily and uncontroversially repeated platitudes to each other about Good Responsible Games that were rarely tested or questioned and hung out in the same places (physical and online).

      When we came along, asking for a more detailed and useful level of conversation that would actually help make better games, many of Cam's more outspoken friends, fans, and allies starting venting in our direction. They basically manufactured any fact that would back up their arguments and got called on it.

      Cam sided with his friends, but usually does it in a very Cam way: Support your friends unquestioningly, ignore any disagreement, no matter how polite or rational. His game design reflects these narrow horizons.

      But once in a while he gets his blood up and just can't resist the opportunity to shit on the folks who've poisoned the garden of smug.

  9. Congrats! Mandy got hardcore Cyberpunk now?

  10. I wish Mandy and you all the best and hope that she gets better.

    Hitler comparisons. Guess that's the last resort.

  11. there should be a spread for bread called i cant believe its not hitler

  12. I think you deserved getting nominated for Art cover and Interior Art. That's a shame. It seems like ones prefers nice neutral and icy pictures without any soul. Anyway, congratulations for your marvelous work, which is fascinating dozens of french players like me.

  13. Congrats on the nomination! To be honest, I'm not really into your art (can't really put my finger on why, really); however, I appreciate the consistent vision you manage to deliver, and R&PL is definitely worth the wider recognition. Looking forward to reading more astounding works of yours.

    Sorry to hear about Mandy; wishing you guys the best.

  14. Hey Zak, I sincereley hope Mandy gets better and really feel for you guys.

    About the Hitler-comparison – there is a nice idiom about that here in modern-day Germany: It's whipping out the Nazikeule (Nazi-bludgeon). Beat down on any (political or otherwise) opponent with it in lieu of actual arguments. Funny that it happens to you.

    Anyhow, best of luck with both health- and award-issues. And in that order.

    1. It's a good thing you included the translation, because at first I read that as "Nazi-ukelele", bringing a rather different image to mind. Albeit one that does convey about the right level of comical ineffectualness.

  15. (a) Whenever I think of Hitler now, I'm going to think of a beautiful blonde woman eating cake without her hands. So, thanks?
    (b) Vornheim sounds fantastic, but I haven't managed to find a place to buy it. Is it still on sale, perhaps as a pdf?
    (c) Congratulations.

    1. the pdf is available all over --

      We are doing a reprint of the physical edition prett soon

  16. Good luck to Mandy, man. Do not let petty stuff occupy your head.

  17. Am I the only person who doesn't know what that photo is or has to do with RaPL?

    1. It is Charlotte Stokely, our party's wizard. She is eating a red and pleasant land cake

  18. Thank you. Makes so much more sense now.

  19. In other news: congratulations, richly deserved. Red and Pleasant Land is literally the finest and most fever-dream inducing rpg product I have ever read. It's a masterpiece.

  20. Congrats! And ... mmmmm, cake! I'm hoping you guys do for Alice in Wonderland what Ken Hite did for Chthulu

  21. Wishing the best most possible outcome for Mandy. RaPL is getting the recognition it deserves; best RPG product offered to date ever.
