Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Porn Girls Talking Porn

There's an article with some porn girls talking about why they got into the business--here.
 I can vouch for Stoya, she's an elf druid...

...and Satine, she's an elf wizard.

The one in the middle with the purple eyebrows I don't know, maybe she's lying as part of an elaborate ruse. Seems unlikely.

If you have questions nobody asked in the article, you can ask in the comments and maybe I someone will answer them for you.


  1. Cool article. I have the Machinations of the Space Princess RPG, which has all the art drawn by Satine Phoenix. I remember that a female friend of mine was extremely happy to see a curvy alien woman depicted in page 142. The dude ensnared in the 'Making Traps' section (p.155) made me smile the first time I saw it, there was a really funny quality to it. I hope she'll continue to find projects.

  2. Sad to read about Satine's abusive father.

  3. On the bright side, it gives all the assholes who think in stereotypes they saw on Oprah something to jaw about.

  4. Thanks! Nice to hear the story straight from the source (or as close as you can get). Gee, this might give people the dangerous notion that the problem is actually with attitudes towards women, rather than some artificially contrived scapegoat.

    1. it won't give anyone anything. they will just get old and die thinking the same shit they always thought.
      However, their children and nieces and nephews might come of age in a world where porn stars being smarter than their parents is a cultural given , and that's something i guess

    2. I'll take what I can get!
