Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Reasons Everyone You Know Is Dead Or Insane

Threw together some plot seeds using the first three results that I rolled up on yesterday's horror plot seed generator.

I like this thing....

Fatally curious curator

Dead but still communicates with the living


The exhibits in the museum have been changing. Curators there have felt compelled to move things and can't explain why--a French crucifixion has been moved to the African wing, a cylindrical modern sculpture has been placed in the Renaissance. One has turned up with his lungs all over his arms. (Curator, not sculpture).

In truth, two objects in the collection--two strange sculptures by visionary surrealists (one that's been recently acquired, one that has been in the collection since the 1950s) are at war. They can only act by influencing the humans that spend time with them.

Citizens touched by glimpses of a world beyond our own

Slain by something from Elsewhere

A seemingly blank and meaningless vista which holds strange fascination

The victims of the grisly murders appear at first to be unrelated, but investigation reveals they have all watched thousands of hours of the same television show. The show's script and stage direction is an intricate spell that hollows out their minds from elsewhere, allowing them to take root, and chew the audience apart from the inside, like some appalling mix of Videodrome and The Langoliers


Haunted poet.
Performed a ritual, it went awry
Collection of obscure ingredients

Things went missing: dust from the tomb of king, the bedding of a marriage unconsummated for 45 years, three virtually-identical unrelated, grey-eyed children, a key made of malachite. The poet turned up dead in a pool of lava. All of the things were there. The chalk circle was smeared, as if something had breached it from the inside.

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