Sunday, October 7, 2012

Acceptance Speech, Orc-Fightin' Girl, Etc

So I was at the Indiecade festival all day explaining what this book I wrote had to do with games all day long.


1. The thing I hear most at Indiecade is "Vornheim? Oh yeah, your acceptance speech was funny.".

2. Dear 8-Year-Old Girl Who Wanted To Learn About Dungeons And Dragons...

...Mandy tells me you won initiative, rolled a 20 your first time, then defeated two orcs and tied them up and then asked Mandy if they had stuff you could take. Your instincts are impeccable.

3. Dear World-Building Panel, sorry I didn't make it, I thought I was supposed to be on you at 10 PM.

4. Dear All The People I Met Today Who Want To Buy A Copy of Vornheim--click on the picture over there on the right. If they're sold out, try here or here or your friendly local game store.


  1. Hahahah! Best speech, my friend. I was like 'Oh god he's a write-off...' but then it all just came together into excellence. Love it.

  2. There is something really viscerally satisfying about seeing a little kid get into the hobby. Maybe that is just the sound of my biological clock ticking.

  3. Very nice Zak, very nice indeed.

    Congrats next generationer! I love hearing about and seeing kids excited about the hobby. Kudos to Mandy for ushering her in.

    Now, I wouldn't mention this if it didn't strike me so, and I know some will think it sounds wrong (and I will have it duly noted that I rarely ever make mention of how attractive she is) but those have to be two of the most amazing pictures of Mandy I have ever seen.

    Over all cool level on this post is out of the park!

  4. I recall, some few years ago, the 3 year old child of the couple whose house we gamed at climbing up on the dining room chair when I excused myself from DMing for a personal break.

    Leaning on the table, looking out at the surrounding players, she cried out
    "Dance PC's Dance!"

    And I knew my work in training the next generation was not in vain.
