Saturday, March 12, 2011

I Hate Finding Out About Great Artists

Doesn't this Alex Nino guy know I got better things to do than sit around Googling him all day?


  1. Gorgeous art. It looks like something you'd find in Heavy Metal magazine, am I correct?

  2. @mortellan
    Sure that last one's from Heavy Metal or Metal Hurlant, don't know about the rest.

  3. He did a bunch of Conan, but I think most of his US stuff was for stuff like House of Mystery. Like Alcala (who did, like, 90% of the inking on Buscema's Conan pages) he was from the Philippines too. They're both really awesome inking

  4. @mortellan <--- the full story the fourth image is from.

    appeared in heavy metal, may 1978... with a druillet cover, shit. I should track a copy of this down...

  5. I hate finding out about artists currently active...who don't have blogs. Come on, I want to add you to my feed reader so it reminds me that you exist every so often, & I can get inspired by your images!

  6. Don't know much about him beyond his Heavy Metal strips. I used to use that eyeball painting as my blog banner.

  7. Alex Nino's work is amazing. I met his nephew on several occaisions as he too is an artist and works with a friend of mine.

    That first piece is flippin' fantastic.

  8. I've got a comic of Wells' The Time Machine that he illustrated around here that I've had since I was kid.

    His Morlocks are what I think of when I think of The Time Machine.
